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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2019 in all areas

  1. ###INPUT AUTHORIZATION### ###USERNAME:### ComoJayDog ###PASSWORD:### ******************************************************************************* ###PROCESSING...### ###AUTHORIZATION GRANTED. WELCOME, COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER ROBERT D. JENKINS### ###AWAITING INPUT### ### ### ### ###run announce_cyb.exe### ###WARNING: UNAUTHORIZED ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE PUNISHABLE BY DISCIPLINARY ACTION. DO YOU WISH TO PROCEED?### ###Y### ###CONFIRMED. PLEASE INPUT MESSAGE### Hail Cyberiad, this is the Trurl here, Comms Officer Jenkins speaking. Following the disastrous attempts at improving workplace morale via the use of mutated teddy bears animated with the latest in Bluespace technology (apologies, Captain Samuels, you'll be well remembered), the NanoTrasen Board of Directors has opted for a more... subtle method of appearing marketable approachable, and to improve general crew morale, along with... whatever "Workplace Inter-Cooperation and Teamwork Doubleplusgood" is. Pretty sure that last one's not a word. In following with company tradition of not really wanting to waste a lot of money in things deemed "Class-3 Non-Essential Company Initiatives", they dumped the job onto me, and I frankly can't be bothered either, so when they told me to come up with something, I, being the well-beloved and attentive curator of the Cyberiad's airwaves that I am, decided to, I dunno, open a direct mailbox thing? Ask me shit and I'll spill company secrets because I'm bored. Just don't ask me anything about the non-existent Deathsquads, I'm not allowed to talk about those anymore. End communication.
    1 point
  2. To be completely fair that is also completely true. What i'm Getting at is that we need a fun dead role to play during extended rounds which isnt the australian inquisition
    1 point
  3. When Admins Spawn Terror spiders for the fifty thousandth time in an extended round
    1 point
  4. To give even more context from the cultist perspective: The slippery cult sacrifice target was the pod pilot, who was AFK in their pod until security raided the engineering outpost base. After a lot of yelling over medcomms, we were joined souls out of security's hands and went full-on war. The target was finally out of their pod and heading to medical, so in response, cult went all out and killed pretty much all of security in medbay with a single attack... with the exception of the target who ran away. Now that security is dead, we've got a handful of people trying to capture the target, one or two people reviving dead cultists with resurrection runes, and the latter half getting new converts with no resistance. The sacrifice target manages to get into a gygax and starts gunning down every single cultist they find, until I destroy it with EMPs and get killed. Target gets a second gygax, again gets destroyed by EMPs and manages to run to the labor outpost with a borg. During all of this, the cult is continuing to convert non-stop and the round has been voted to continue because of the chaos. We chase the target down to the labour outpost, but the borg is on the shuttle console, forcing me to go around. Borg shoves the target into the locker and runs out into the asteroid, also killing the target via space, luckily a corpse can't run anymore. After a short bit of hide and seek, the borg gets EMP'd and the body gets grabbed and teleported back to station for Tribute. If there were any non-cult left on the station, they were holed up in the brig, helpless as the Cult casually summoned in the captain's office to their victory.
    1 point
  5. I can kind of explain what was going on as of being the chaplain that round. I had my weapon stolen, I couldn't respond to cult in resonable time, I was completely unarmed. The entirety of medbay was cult. We didn't know cult existed until it was too late. Cult couldn't summon because sacrifice target was a slippery motherfucker. Entire crew either killed or converted. Chaplain died trying to eat tomatoes which turned out to be acid tomatoes. Security dun fucked up. The round was a glorious mess.
    1 point
  6. A few hours ago before this post, we had a nice Cult vs. Xeno+Terror queen vs. Station round. And while regular crew were being captured by xeno one after another, some guys at engineering set up a nice little robotics lab and produced durands at industrial scale. Our hive would be wiped out by them if not terror queen (or princess or whatever) who came from nowhere and helped us. Anyway, it was nice little chaotic shift, and it inspired me to draw a little durand sketch. Peace.
    1 point
  7. I think you meant to say, when ghosts incessantly beg for Terror Spiders on extended for the fifty thousandth time. ?
    0 points
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