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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi. My name is Benjamin. I've been part of the paradise community for about 550 days and over this time I've played for about 1711 hours. That begin 71.29167 full days of my life pretending to be a farty space man. I'd like to lie and say most of this was in medical since when I first got here it was all I played since I wanted to help other players out, but around the 1,000 hour mark I starting to mainly play assistant due to the fact medical stressed me out and I'd much rather just role play with some of the friends I've made in my time here. While I still do play medical from time to time I tend to head to Cryo if I'm not needed after the halfway point. So I'd like to say I have at lest 800-1000 hours of experience with the medical department. This number also counting the concerning amount of time as assistant or other jobs that I've had to do surgery, save low blood slime people, and generally upsetting surgeons by breaking into the operating theaters to save people that they didn't know how to. I think new crit is a kinda bad and my argument is going to fall into "It was fine how it was." That and the "Just let them die and clone them." thing. I've never seen a doctor do this unless it was clear that medical was full of fuck ups and it's generally the only thing they can do. To be fair I did have a single assistant just ask me to kill and clone them in all my time playing. Just one. That and on the other hand if I have a half rotted dead body I'm not going to try to revive it unless it's a vox or a slime. Mostly since I'm not going to spend half and hour fixing every septic limb while making the chems myself since the chemist chose to Make meth/ go SSD/ not know how chemistry works/ just not work and take up a chemist slot/ fuck around in the bar/ ect ect. or put them in a different body mostly since half the server goes to cryo when the admemes use the "Race changing" Viruses and not getting to play the race you want to play as is kinda meh. I know it can lead to some fun "oh fuck I was vox but now is human" RP but it's definitely a last resort thing for me. But I will fight tooth and nail to fix broken limbs, internal bleeding, and other things that cause people to die in the operating room. Mostly since I want plasmeme at some point I know how shitty it is to die 10 mins into the round and watch medical just toss you in the morgue/ not know how to fix you/ gib you with SR/ try to clone you since they can't tell the blue thing is a robot. Dying is not fun. It's frustrating, but dying and staying dead due to the incompetence of others is far far more frustrating. Making death more impactful sounds a lot more like "making it more frustrating to die." When you're the one dying. Sure fun things can come from dying and you're bound to die at some point but you're also bound to die from the stupidity of others antag or not. A good example is a first round janitor tossing a cleaning grenade to clean just as you happen to be running from a giant ass scary spider. Dumb stuff like that happens and I'd much rather not have a mixture of the existing incompetence of medical and the... lets call it controversial new crit system keeping me from being a farty space man. I'd say play more medical before you even think of changing medical. Same thing can be said for races too. Play slime before you even think of changing slime. Since if... lets say I've only ever seen you play three times and each time you where inactive and only an assistant I'm going to have a few harsh words when you try to tell someone who plays mainly medical how medical works. I mean... who are you to tell me how to balance IPC, Medical, Slimes, Plant peoples, ect ect if you don't even play them?
    1 point
  2. So it is xenos, sec already dead and they say you're all doomed? Overrun the enemy with no weapons other than your nifty viromancer skills - and a bottle of space cleaner! Engineer your biological weapon to contain Necrotizing Fasciis, VEA and a couple of your favourite boost symptoms. Make sure the delivery method is blood only. Then take your virology cleaner bottle, empty it. Do enough culture bottles to fill the cleaner with the veapon virus. Take and wear the biosuit to avoid facehuggers and head to the battle. There, just spray the blood on xenos to infect. Med HUD will show you when they got it. HUD nor the scanner won't tell you their actual health. Scanner can't tell if they were infected, too, but obviously you aren't scanning them. Depending on the stats of your virus, at least with the necrotizing fasciis the xenos will die in couple of minutes. It takes more time compared to your test animals, but that will happen. Since xenos have no means to cure themselves of the virus, those who you are able to infect are doomed. The weakness of this strategy is of course the question whether you are able to flee the xenos while spraying them. Oddly enough, syringe gun loaded with a payload syringe won't deliver the infection so the spray seems to be the best way to do it. (Don't try to persuade the being to take your "healing virus" via injection). Tested this locally so should be valid! Some other facts on space biological warfare: The space cleaner with blood will infect you if you hit the spray yourself. Blood on the floor is not contagious. You could use other spray cans to fill them with your virus and hand them out to the crew, if the command dares and actually will believe your claims about fighting them biologically. However the other cans will only hit the tile you click in, as it is with other reagents too. Too bad you can't infect abductors, spiders, terror spiders, shadowlings or devils, demons and such. I did not test whether xenos will get infected via the other means, that is contact and airborne - in theory, if you had already released healing viruses to the crew that way preventing them to get infected, you could engage in even more total biological warfare by playing with the airborne delivery. If the maximum amount of advanced viruses will again be more than one per mob, there could be even more possibilities to engineer the weapon virus. Currently I think the fasciis will be sufficient as a payload symtom, as we might prefer the other symptoms to boost the overall stats, that way making fasciis, which is already bad, really deadly - speaking of virus against xenos. Bio resistance counters to blood sprays, as well as the other delivery methods, so sadly you couldn't infect a nuke agent. I've had to try it before realizing that nukiesuits have 100 bio resistance.
    1 point
  3. Beepsky just needs to have an option to react hostile to anyone without valid records attached to their identity. If you don't have a security file then it's safe to assume you don't belong on a secret state of the art research station. also HoS and CMO should have hardcopy backups of round start records in their office.
    1 point
  4. Greetings, Dr. Z! A complementary box of the finest chocolates our Bluespace RnD Department teleported from the chocolate factories of Sweet Tooth Inc. has been sent to your desk, courtesy of being the only person to actually give enough of a shit to ask me how I am. Keep on keepin' on, darlin'. Anyway, life here's quite a way's better than what you call life over there; we're not really stuck somewhere that keeps being contested by a bunch of terrorist organizations, and frankly, we've got a way, way bigger budget for staff vetting, on-site security, station defensive measures and Bluespace shielding, meaning that it's actually pretty safe to work around here; Taco Tuesdays notwithstanding. Pay's kinda shit, but I assume that's because my disciplinary folder is now the size of a medium-sized cabinet. Apart from that, most of my job involves sitting in front of multiple monitors and making sure communication lines are open. So, the usual, running routine maintenance checks on the Klapaucius, answering faxes and direct-link emergency messages, making sure we don't get impersonated by Changelings, yadayadayada. Really, the only negative of working on the Trurl is that the dress code is fucking terrible. You think I like dressing up like some tacticool edgelord? As for the ERT Applications, those don't technically ever close, we just don't accept anyone unless we need folks to fill in for casualties; our ERT forces are expansive as it is, and we can effectively dedicate a team to each of our installations if required. So really, if you want a good shot at getting in, wait until the Cyberiad goes through an emergency that requires an ERT being called and then hope one of the bastards dies off so you can take their spot. That's how a good quarter of our ERT force got the job anyway.
    1 point
  5. Hello, Toodles! Glad to know you haven't been thrown out an airlock yet (again). Unfortunately, company policy forbids the Clown from holding a position with the slightest amount of responsibility while we're looking, and by sending this message, you made me look. Sorry about that, now we can't plausibly deny we had any knowledge of this. As compensation, we'll send over a couple of foam force DONK Machineguns over to your last registered extant address (sorry, but the Clown Planet doesn't exist anymore, just let it go); hopefully this will help with the crippling lack of Clown Captains. First off, we have filtered air scrubbers. Those things are literally everywhere (as per OSHA Safety Regulation 1235512.123144). Secondly, have you not noticed the multitude of "No Smoking" signs we have splattered all over everywhere remotely related to plasma research? Have you been ignoring the "No Smoking" signs? Oh boy, this again. Well, dearest Mister Warden, before we were forced to surreptitiously bury that part of company history underneath a multitude of layers of legal paperwork and a non-insignificant number of bodies, the NSS Cyberiad was once given the denomination of NCS Cyberiad, short for NanoTrasen Commercial Station. See, this was before we realized that Epsilon Eridani was a tad bit more dangerous than initially estimated, and we were forced to change the official classification (since we legally can't plop down commercial facilities anywhere that technically holds a Standard Threat Level of 5 or above. Epsilon Eridani sits at a nice 9). However, just because we changed the classification doesn't mean we need to change any of the on-site protocols in regards to who we technically allow on the station as long as it's on Code Green, and hey, all we had to do was fund further Security forces and we were all set! And trust me, regardless of how much shit they may steal, or how much of an annoyance they may be, they pay out the ass to be on the station to begin with. Net profit is the name of the game!
    1 point
  6. Hi all, As some of you may be aware, a few days ago 6 people were banned for metagaming, including two mentors. More bans may follow as we continue to investigate. Needless to say I'm incredibly disappointed, especially with the two mentors we placed our trust in. Not only does this completely violate the letter and spirit of the rules, but is a personal insult to have our trust violated by people who claimed they wanted to help new players by mentoring them. Taking advantage of our trust and their positions to supposedly help the community is incredibly low. This occured on a private discord server, whose owners seem quite upset that someone would reveal that it's being used to metagame. I've seen terms like "metagrudge" and "witchhunt", being thrown around at the people they suspect revealed them, as well as people being put in "quarantine" to avoid further leaks. This is pretty blatent admission to me that they have no issue with said metagaming - just it being revealed. . We will have absolutely no tolerance for that at all, and I personally find it pathetic that they think that those who were "undermining integrity of server" were those who revealed it, not those who metagamed in the first place. The evidence provided to us was concrete, and I have no reason to doubt its authenticity - especially seeing as there have been admissions of guilt from some of the parties. However, if people wish to dispute that they were breaking the rules, they're more than free to appeal. We've acted on the information we are given, but are happy to discuss such things. I'd also like to take this chance to remind you we take allegations like this seriously. If you suspect something like this is going on without proof, please let an admin know - we won't be banning anyone for unfounded allegations, but tipping us off means we can look into it with the many tools we have. As long as you're not clearly using this to attack people you dislike, then it's ok to be wrong here.
    1 point
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