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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2019 in all areas

  1. Was he a hero or villian. You decide. Someome offered him immediate counseling with a crowbar...then thr corpse was delivered to security to be detained...and possibly questioned. I'm unsure.
    4 points
  2. I was thanking admins for the announcement before realizing they were scapegoating him. ? Here's Hero NPC Pun Pun protecting the station after being teleported in by a wormhole
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Sorry if I was a bit weird in the title introduction but this is all fairly new to me still. For the short amount of time that I"ve been here I have absolutely loved it, the game is definetely different from others I"ve played and it has not disappointed so far. Hopefully everything goes smoothly and hope ya"ll are having as much as I am.
    1 point
  5. This is what happens when you "defeat" a floor cluwne. Do not fart in bibles guys.
    1 point
  6. Hope you have fun spessman, what you're playing as?
    1 point
  7. I miss back in the day when we just immediately blamed Slith for this all the time.
    1 point
  8. I think the correct term you were looking for was "spessmen" ? Anyways, welcome!
    1 point
  9. Feb 26th, 2019: R1f73r is no longer on staff. Mar 13th, 2019: FreeStylaLT has retired from the staff team. Kyet has been elected head admin.
    1 point
  10. Hi. My name is Benjamin. I've been part of the paradise community for about 550 days and over this time I've played for about 1711 hours. That begin 71.29167 full days of my life pretending to be a farty space man. I'd like to lie and say most of this was in medical since when I first got here it was all I played since I wanted to help other players out, but around the 1,000 hour mark I starting to mainly play assistant due to the fact medical stressed me out and I'd much rather just role play with some of the friends I've made in my time here. While I still do play medical from time to time I tend to head to Cryo if I'm not needed after the halfway point. So I'd like to say I have at lest 800-1000 hours of experience with the medical department. This number also counting the concerning amount of time as assistant or other jobs that I've had to do surgery, save low blood slime people, and generally upsetting surgeons by breaking into the operating theaters to save people that they didn't know how to. I think new crit is a kinda bad and my argument is going to fall into "It was fine how it was." That and the "Just let them die and clone them." thing. I've never seen a doctor do this unless it was clear that medical was full of fuck ups and it's generally the only thing they can do. To be fair I did have a single assistant just ask me to kill and clone them in all my time playing. Just one. That and on the other hand if I have a half rotted dead body I'm not going to try to revive it unless it's a vox or a slime. Mostly since I'm not going to spend half and hour fixing every septic limb while making the chems myself since the chemist chose to Make meth/ go SSD/ not know how chemistry works/ just not work and take up a chemist slot/ fuck around in the bar/ ect ect. or put them in a different body mostly since half the server goes to cryo when the admemes use the "Race changing" Viruses and not getting to play the race you want to play as is kinda meh. I know it can lead to some fun "oh fuck I was vox but now is human" RP but it's definitely a last resort thing for me. But I will fight tooth and nail to fix broken limbs, internal bleeding, and other things that cause people to die in the operating room. Mostly since I want plasmeme at some point I know how shitty it is to die 10 mins into the round and watch medical just toss you in the morgue/ not know how to fix you/ gib you with SR/ try to clone you since they can't tell the blue thing is a robot. Dying is not fun. It's frustrating, but dying and staying dead due to the incompetence of others is far far more frustrating. Making death more impactful sounds a lot more like "making it more frustrating to die." When you're the one dying. Sure fun things can come from dying and you're bound to die at some point but you're also bound to die from the stupidity of others antag or not. A good example is a first round janitor tossing a cleaning grenade to clean just as you happen to be running from a giant ass scary spider. Dumb stuff like that happens and I'd much rather not have a mixture of the existing incompetence of medical and the... lets call it controversial new crit system keeping me from being a farty space man. I'd say play more medical before you even think of changing medical. Same thing can be said for races too. Play slime before you even think of changing slime. Since if... lets say I've only ever seen you play three times and each time you where inactive and only an assistant I'm going to have a few harsh words when you try to tell someone who plays mainly medical how medical works. I mean... who are you to tell me how to balance IPC, Medical, Slimes, Plant peoples, ect ect if you don't even play them?
    1 point
  11. From yesterday's cooking contest:
    1 point
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