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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2019 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone. As you probably know, I was recently elected by our staff team to be a Head of Staff for Paradise. You may not know exactly what a Head of Staff (henceforth: "Headmin") does, or what my plans are in particular. This thread is going to explain those things. First, what does a headmin do? Headmins have a few responsibilities beyond those of a normal Game Admin: Co-ordination and management of all branches of the staff team Handling Admin Complaints Enforcing staff policy and admin guidelines Moderating interpersonal conflicts, as needed Managing certain back-end things, such as our Patreon Voting on the acceptance/rejection of PRs submitted to our Github (IE: changes to the game's code, features, sprites, etc) Representing Paradise to other SS13 servers Handling anything that doesn't get handled by other people, eventually, for whatever reason Like any Paradise headmin, I will be doing these things, as they are inherent to the position. That said, most staff (including me) who run for election as headmin also have a specific platform that they run for election on. My platform was: Transparency Accountability Better Communication I know those sound a bit vague. So, let me give you some concrete examples of what I intend to do. First, let's take PR voting. Yes, headmins vote on PR acceptance. But I plan to do more than simply vote. I consider every PR author that contributes to our codebase to be valuable - part of the team that makes our server awesome. I want to encourage PR authors and grow the number of people who contribute to our codebase. As such, I will be following a set of best practices, designed to ensure PR authors feel valued, and treated fairly. My hope is this will encourage quality contributions over time. I will not be voting against any PR, any author's work, without first explaining exactly why, clearly and directly, on the PR itself. If my issue with the PR is fixable, I will explain how it can be fixed, and give the PR author some time to fix it, or at least respond, before I consider voting against the PR. In essence I want to be sure PR authors know they are getting a fair shake, that they never feel like they're being left in the dark, and they never feel like they need to guess what they need to do in order to get their PRs merged. If I consider a PR idea totally unviable, to the point it cannot be fixed, I will aim to say so as early as possible, so that the author doesn't invest more time into it under the false impression it has good chances of being merged. More generally, when I comment on PRs, I will aim to be very clear about who I'm speaking for, and what I mean. I will also make myself available to any PR author who has questions. While I recognize that this will give PR authors direct feedback they're not used to getting, ultimately I think (and as a PR author myself, I believe I have good reason to think) they will quickly appreciate it and be encouraged by it. I have also be encouraging other headmins and maintainers to follow these best practices. More generally, I want a more constructive, informative atmosphere on our github and I am working with everyone involved, especially the maints and other headmins, to achieve this. As part of this effort, I have already appointed someone to be responsible for helping to moderate Github, and discourage toxic comments there. Second, let's take accountability. I have already promised to put myself up for re-election in 6 months by the staff team, so, if they don't think I'm doing a good job after that time, they can boot me out and get someone else in. Accountability is for everyone, though, not just me. This includes admins, players, and even visitors who don't play here. If someone has an issue with an admin's conduct, they need to explain the issue in our Admin Complaints forum. It is against the rules to discuss bans and other punishments in our discord server, and for the sake of eliminating toxicity, holding admins accountable under our guidelines, and holding players accountable under our Discord rules, I will be enforcing this rule, and pushing admins more generally to do the same. Consider this your forewarning that under my plan, complaining about being banned in our Discord will not be tolerated like it has before. This also applies to in-game LOOC, deadchat, OOC and similar. This is not a new rule - such talk has been against the rules for a long time. What is new is that I will be enforcing the already-written rule, and encouraging all other admins to do so as well. Third, let's talk about better communication. One of the long-standing issues we have as a server, with our elected leadership, multiple branches of staff, etc, has historically been a lack of unified vision for the future of the server. Obviously, this is an enormous topic to tackle, and progress on it is going to require lots of work, and not just by me. It is the sort of thing that will require lots of discussion over a period of time. Still, I am already taking steps to move us in this direction. The first change you may notice is the creation of a #changes-wanted channel on Github. This channel is the new central repository for lists, posted by headmins and maints, of all features/PRs/etc they want implemented for the server. There are many benefits to this, such as helping PR authors choose a PR topic that's more likely to get merged, triggering healthy debate on server direction, etc. Ultimately though, this is just a first step towards what I really want for the server: a more general development roadmap. I know we're a volunteer project, a 2D spaceman game, and we're never going to be as organized/detailed in our future development goals as a professional game company is. Still, I don't think its unrealistic for us to take basic steps, like agreeing a list of long-term goals, trying to make progress towards them, and tracking that progress. This discord channel is the first step in that direction. I hope I've given you a sense of what I'm about as a head of staff. Obviously, the changes I want to make will require that I work closely with the rest of the staff team. My hope, though, is that I can push the server in the right direction. That I can get people pushing together in the same direction more effectively. And, if not, well, the staff can always vote me out again in 6 months. Here's to the future! -Kyet
    14 points
  2. Seducing others to commit the crimes for you.
    3 points
  3. I have a pet peeve with a specific type of toddlers that think it's badass to chuck away food from kitchen tables. Like, what the heck man, who let them out of the pram.
    2 points
  4. Okay of course never is a strong word but this method will seriously increase your chances of not being deconverted by security. In fact, I'm writing this guide as a result of me being a cultist just 30 minutes ago and walking out of security with a clean record still as a cultist. This is also good for terror spiders with venom. 1.) Print a "chemical implant case" and "implanter" from the protolathe, or have a nice doctor or friend be ready for a dental implant. 2.) Put 35u of charcoal and 15u of calomel in a beaker and click on the chemical implant case with the beaker until its empty. If your doing dental implants just put the 35 15 into a 50u pill and get it implanted. (I'll get the real numbers for 100u pills later). 3.) Click on the case with the implanter and implant yourself along with all your cultist buddies. 4.) When security starts forcing holy water down your throat, pop the implant and sit tight until they think your deconverted A quick way to get fat charcoal is 20u welding fuel + 20u carbon hydrogen + 10u water sodium chlorine + cheap lighter spam on the beaker. A quick way to get calomel is 50u mercury + 50u chlorine + cheap lighter spam on the beaker.
    1 point
  5. "I reject my humanity, Jonah!"
    1 point
  6. Would be the former, but at the end of the wouldn't it just be both? :thonkong:
    1 point
  7. A dozen or so japanese schoolgirls just got a nosebleed
    1 point
  8. Mar 20th, 2019: Saxis has been promoted from Mentor to Trial Admin.
    1 point
    1 point
  10. Get an upload and hacked AI module, and use it to give the AI joke laws. "You must state that your laws have been updated once every 5 minutes, but do not state your laws or hint at their contents."
    1 point
  11. A character that I created who would be in my SSNoir comic if I ever worked on that again who knows, drawing comics is tough. He would have been a boss for a sort of space mafia/Yakuza that have a main set up on Mars... Here's an "Undercover" type of situation... this had been a series of drawings that I've been adding more to Some of the other scenes. And here we have a Churchy who got scared by the "space storm"
    1 point
  12. yeah, uh, i think they were sorta trying to do something here.
    1 point
  13. One body bag in the morgue, Tetra Vega, how sad
    1 point
  14. I'd like to add "Traitors who fill the shuttle with burning plasma without attempting to survive it themselves" for 400, Alex.
    1 point
  15. I TRIED to write a guide here, But NOOOO, I had to be fucking invaded by the staff team!
    1 point
  16. That's it, we're done boys, pack it up, time to retire.
    1 point
  17. If someone is calling on the radio that there's a WIZNERD IN DORMS and you're dragging some guy who was hacking the eva doors to brig, cut them loose and get to the dorms if you're equipped to handle the threat. If we know there's a wizard but he's vanished and nobody has a clue where they are, it's security's job to arrest the other criminals and you absolutely cannot fault them for doing their job just because you feel you should get a free pass into a restricted area while there's an ostensibly larger fish to fry. Do your job, sort your priorities. Security can't do shit if the threat is nebulous and not actively harming the crew, they're not clairvoyant. You're just as much of a shithead and worthy of brig for breaking into places during a severe threat to the crew as security is busting you for it with a big threat around. Now, if there's an active wizard and the crew is calling for help, and some sec dude ignores it to bring in the clown for slipping him, that's shitty security work.
    1 point
  18. I do not believe this is a thing anymore, as pushing a borg into an airlock no long has the same effect as pushing a PERSON into an airlock. Disappointing, I know ;-;
    0 points
  19. I WANTED to make a guide, But... It turned into a shitshow
    0 points
  20. 0 points
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