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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2019 in all areas

  1. Rather than having a sickness symbol on people with cardiac faliure or arrest can we get a unique med hud icon for people in these states. Ideally a seperate one for each.
    1 point
  2. If he didn't tear every shirt off because biceps.
    1 point
  3. Do note wiz has basically no objective and they usually charge the station and die in 5 min. And i mean, if you want to do a gimmick and ignore your objective you already can, as long as you keep away from hijack only things. No one's gonna enforce that you try to green text.
    1 point
  4. This sounds nice and all, but the server culture is distinctively different, too. It also makes things incredibly administratively grey. If you have no objective, this inherently means that you can do just about anything. Some players will definitely use this to do actions like releasing the singularity literally every single time they get antag or carpet bombing the entire station. Other people will do as above---and yet other people may run silly little gimmicks, too. I kinda doubt most players and staff would be too keen on allowing people to do whatever whenever. Putting such a rule in place then puts the player in the very strange area of "what do I do then?" This also, administratively, puts extra scrutiny on "why did you do X"--likewise, it becomes very difficult to judge what someone is really going for. Did they just murder those 5 people to set up for the most epic and hilarious IC joke while also making a definitive point? Are they trying to roleplay out some scenario or situation and they had to kill those 5 to do it? Orrrr do they just like killing people and did it because they can? Situations like this invariably invite favoritism, with those who individual admins deem to be "good" at roleplay can get away with a lot more than those they do not. Given that we're aiming to be medium RP, objectiveless antags are really awkward, and trend towards "do whatves man"; I'm not sure how well it'd work here; it'd either lead to antags just doing...well, whatever the heck they wanted...orrr it'd result in situations where antags did even less for fear of getting bwoinked (an oversimplified version of what plays out on Bay). It's an unfortunate problem with no good solution. While allowing antags to do whatever leads to some pretty hilarious situations, interesting roleplay adventures, and great gimmicks....I'm not sure it'd be great here. Having a designated time, once or twice a month of "Syndicate Slaughter Day" where antags can do whatever on those days may be a way to alleviate this to a degree, without going full chaos, but who knows.
    1 point
  5. Im impressed but also just.... What Great work
    1 point
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