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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2019 in all areas

  1. Maybe an ERP day? On second thought, maybe not. Too much Extended Role Play might make for a very boring day.
    4 points
  2. Back to blue for me and back to zero for all of you >:C
    3 points
  3. Name: Jean REGULIER Age: 29 Gender: Male Race: Caucasian. Place of birth: Mourmellon-le-Grand, Champagne, France, Earth Height: 185 cm Blood Type: A+ Hair: Light brown Eyes: Steel blue Body markings: None. Religious beliefs: Christian, Space Protestant General Occupational Role(s): Medical Doctor, all Medical roles Security Officer, all Security roles Appreance Jean's appreance is vivid, and his posture is notably good - apart from his English, which is, well, you have to bear with it. Happen you to note him aboard the Cyberiad, it is almost certain he is smiling, even during those situtions in which space has happened the most. * * * Mugshot: Art by @Norstead Biography On Jean's papers you find out that he has quite a record for his age. On the other hand, there are only the work and degree records, not much else on ink. Work records doesn't tell much about a person as themselves - they just caricature them to wear uniforms, out of which you have to guess what is moving inside their head by why they have liked that and that kind of work. Well, concerning Jean, the grey, bulk, NanoTransen-marked crew record folder you are now holding on your hands does draw Jean in a number of different jobs. Opening it, you see four smaller folders inside it, sorted by date issued. The first one is an university degree. Text is French Common by language: Jean had attended the theological faculty of the university of Paris, by years 2552-2554, achieving the degree of licence on Space Protestant theology. You notice, though, that the university seal on the degree certificate looks bit odd... printed? However, rumors say that Jean could, if initiaded, talk about all the cool grammar issues of ancient Latin, Greek and Hebrew, along with space Protestant theology, until the poor boy to initiate that gets a violent SSD attack. So for your cortical health, better not to be asking him the details of his theological studies. The next document - few papers on a plastic sheet - states: Legion d'Etrangere d'Espace. So Jean was a legionnaire. If you check his appreance another time, he is not only a smiling being, he does have a certain posture aswell. That's what you get with full five-year contract with the kepi-blanc. Yes, they use those even in space marine service, if the caporal-chef is up for it; attached to their EVA head gear. If the chef's not, then only the standard-issue green beret is required, in all circumstancies. Sure it was here, where Jean learned the habit to call all his superiors "chef", for the annoyance of those Galactic Common speakers who are not so into the art of making food. Jean's final rank in the Legion was the caporal-chef. So says the 'carte d'identite militaire' as attached. The service record adds that he had specialist training aswell. Namely, on transmissions of cavalry branch units, both basic and tactical. "Well that does explain the relative lack of robust, as we are talking here of an ex-legionnaire claimed?", you note to self when reading that. Signals are for nerds. Nerds are for signals. Apparently his service went well, anyway. Off Jean got in 2559. A visible remainder of this phase in Jean's life, besides his firm appreance and chef-talk as mentioned, is his apparent fondness of beret-style headwear. Then there is the passport. Oui! Standard issue of Space France, dated to 2557, all good-looking and not-suspicious. Something you note, though, is that the passport is the only actual identifaction document Jean's papers do provide, apart from that military ID. No information on family, relatives, no medical records apart of those by NAS Trurl -based officials, nothing to give away where Jean is actually from and where he had spent his youth, before the legionnaire service. The passport states Jean birth as "France". Jean's NanoTransen mugshot does explicate it as Mourmellon-le-Grand in Champagne. As Jean's favourite philophical quota puts it - "Somebody does piss on you, too" (it was a graffiti above an urinal somewhere back in Earth) - who knows, which parts of all the stories are just nice and honking bullshit? Fourth small folder, and the last one not issued by NAS Trurl-based NT officials, are two papers in one light-blue vouche. The vouche looks like quite new; it carries the traditional UN symbol and the heading "SOLGOV". The first paper inside there is again a military service record. This time it is from the SolGov Solar Rapid Deployment Force. It states Jean as a junior combat medical officer, with a rank of lieutenant 2nd class. The date Jean got that promotion is just one month before the date of the service was terminated. The another paper may explain this: it is medical doctor's degree, namely a licence on doctoring. Jean was studying medical science at a SolGov-funded program on Earth, this time in Finland, which trained junior medical officers to military units stationed to outer Solar space. Apparently Jean was not satisfied on the terms of SolGov military service, as he had exit the Force before really being in the service. So here we come to the last record to mention: Crew Record, NanoTransen, Epsilon Eridani Sector. Namely, the catalog of this crew record folder as whole. Guess the SolGov officials was not that happy of Jean leaving the medical officer service so quick, guess there is something not so honky on Jean's personal life, guess there is something behind his uncertain origins - now he is here, in this sector, behind Space Jesus' back, anytime ready to be assigned aboard the main Nanotransen scientific asset on the area, the NSS Cyberiad. In the crew record catalogue you can find a number of shift assigment orders from hands of few Cyberiad Heads of Personnel. That indicates that Jean has been working quite nerdlike since he had arrived to the sector. Not that long ago, you note, too. According to these, all offices of the Medical and Security department had been held by Jean for several times. Even he managed to survive the Gateway! Well, only one serious assigment this says, could be just luck... and oh, what is this fancy-coloured paper with smileys on it? "NAS Trurl G7: Crew Welfare Command Assigment, Employee: 'Le Honk'..." oh, there is a stamp of SECRET visible on the edge, better not to be issued with this!" Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: - Ze French-way broken Galactic common Jean speaks has the frequent ze-sounds from the back of mouth, contrary to the German style of the cutting "Z" from the teeth. Imagine an all-drunk French gentleman saying "send", zsend. Yet, if you try Jean with the French Common, that may lead you to some questions concerning his said background. All around you could still say, that at least he acts like a French, loves the French like a French, and eat baguette, nutella and couscous royale just like a French. - Jean has picked up a habit of smoking Robust during his service in the Cyberiad. Doesn't it tell bit of him being jealous of those hard-robust dudes Jean has met (and the obvious results of those meetings)? - Happy to be friendly for everyone, Jean especially loves to do his work in co-operation with others. The favourite Cyberiad-based war story he recites by the bar-desk of the "Harmbaton", concerns one of his first assigments of Detective, having a Vox mime called Voidling as his companion. It is hard to decide, which part of that story is the most exaggeriting one: Jean not being a nerd, but robust, a mime being a Vox and a member of the Security, or the uncertain but big number of Syndicate space punks the dynamic duo were to reveal for the greater praise of Nanotransen?
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. I simultaneously want to baton you and want you to go on.
    1 point
  6. HE LOOKS LIKE WHITE DEATH! Aside from that you are madly creative, I am about as creative as offbrand cereal boxes so mad respect.
    1 point
  7. I'd be all for this, personally. I'd also all be for a HRP day where it's the opposite and things are tightened. As we're MRP, we appeal to both crowds.
    1 point
  8. So, 20 minutes into the shift, fastmos throws a floor tile at me and breaks a bone. I go into surgery, as one would. I wake up and the surgeon proudly proclaims that he IMPROVED my hands. By replacing them with monkey arms. I demand my own hands back, as this wasn't even a hand operation, and he refuses. So I text Internal affairs and the CMO. The surgeon still refuses, but now claims that I actually consented to this operation. I deny that and the surgeon gets fired. So far, normal medical misshap, one might think. Except this is where things really start. The CMO puts my old hands back. Except by now, they have rotted. I die during surgery, still unconscious, from massive infection. She tries to drag my body to the defib to bring me back, except at that moment, WORMHOLES open and my body falls through and to engineering. Eventually, someone discovery my rotting body. I'm brought to medbay and cloned. Except something goes wrong during the cloning process. I wake up naked, brain damaged and... blind. No worries, says the CMO, just some oculine. The oculine doesn't help. Must be genetic then! Nope, resetting my genes does nothing either. Wait, where my eyes always a dark red? No, they used to be blue... Turns out, I was cloned without eyes. So I'm brought to surgery, where monkey's eyes are removed. Except... the monkey's eyes can't be put into my sockets. Because, even though I don't have eyse, there is no room for eyes in my eyes. Turns out that's the wrong way to do that surgery. Second time, the surgeon slips and breaks my skull. Also, I'm losing a lot of blood. The shuttle is called.Finally, third attempt, the new eyes go in. Skull still broken, I'm dragged out and into the tubes. Back for another surgery. This time without anesthetic, so the surgeon slips four times. Blood loss is adding up again, so I'm now dizzy and getting brain damage. But the shuttle is here now, so enough surgery for today. Total time spent on this odyssey of surgery: over 90 minutes. For a tile to the chest. This may have been the most SS13 shift of all shifts ever.
    1 point
  9. "And in addition, most gimmicks are so destructive that they require hijack to do, anyways." Come on, there are a lot of fun gimmicks that are not that destructive.
    1 point
  10. I'm sure I've met some of you guys already, I come from TG and I prefer the longer shift style play so looks like I'll be staying put for awhile. You might recognize some of my characters and their Descriptions here All Unathi at the moment. Hope to see you all in game, don't be afraid to say hi! Firnen Bjartskular: Science and Medical Eraukon Faust: Service but mostly Bartender Saphira Bjartskular: Law Glaedr Bjartskular: Engineering and Atmos Cuaroc: Assistant (Really likes oddjobs)
    1 point
  11. All parties are at fault in this regard. Antags, security, and even victims who are afraid to allow themselves to be vulnerable lead to the predictable behavior we regularly see. Too much wordless killing/tasing. Too much "Halp maint" immediately when trouble pops up. All who exhibit this behavior are at fault. I've allowed myself to be vulnerable as sec. It sometimes gets me wordlessly killed, it also sometimes allows me and antags to experience a situation that those who don't allow themselves to be vulnerable will never experience. I know its impossible to get everyone to do this, but if more people did it, things would be more interesting.
    1 point
  12. Coming back to this with the updated PR of New Crit. I like the idea way it functions from medbay's side, having played as a doctor a few times now and having defibs actually work the way they did before is a major plus. Unfortantely their doesn't appear to be much of differance in staring at a blackscreen white white edges, Versus being conscious, staring at people mutely due to oxyloss meaning you can't speak, and collapsing repeatedly, helplessly due to shock/cardiac issues. Atleast, when it comes to patient care in medbay. I want to say for these changes to function well with the rest of the server's interacting systems, 3 things need to be considered. 1:Time spent in medbay. While giving medical something neat to do is nice and all, and making the medical system more indepth is awesome, I think we need to take in consideration how long we want people to be in medicals care. Each round is 2 hours, and how long do we want the average spacemans to be undergoing treatment? 2: How the new system affects combat within SS13. I honestly can't even begin to describe how much the new system really affects this. Antags are more or less unable to kill someone quietly, within a small time frame due to new crit. Whether you live or die, is now entirely RNG based as well, based on how fast you get treatment, before shock/cardiac issues kick in. 3 Medbay as an actual map. It's... way to small, honestly. the OR's are usually busy with new Crit, and theres not nearly enough room to treat the amount of people coming in, since you have to spend more time treating them. I really think the treatment area needs to be bigger, and maybe add a 3rd Operating room? 3b: This ties in with the map size, but more doctors slots would probably also help, considering how swamped medical is now with fixing people.
    1 point
  13. Since there hasn't been much discussion on the updated new crit, i'll give my two cents. I'm liking the updated new crit a lot. It's still very manageable to treat with the right tools, and still possible to stabilize people without. It even gave a slight buff to vampires as their Rejuvenate+ can now heal them out of hardcrit with no complications. Most of my complaints were with people not understanding the system rather than the system itself. Seems a lot of complaints are still centered around it being impossible for people to fully kill someone with brute alone. There might need to be a sort of "Ground Execution" system that can be done on people at -100 or lower so antags/spiders can actually finish off their victims rather than wait 2 minutes for them to suffocate. That or have ~300 points of brute+burn cause instant death.
    1 point
  14. Add a way to quickly and easily change which body part youre targeting by pressing F to pull up a radial that will let you choose which body part to target, this will make targeting much smoother and quicker. Edit: F not R
    1 point
  15. Basically someone held from behind in a killgrab should be immune to falling over from stuns (they can't act in this state anyways) or crit, allowing the person to effectively use them to block tasers, disablers, and bullets until the person grabbed has expired or until they've been released. Additionally the person performing the grab should be able to shoot over the person. This lends another layer/option for antagonists who can effectively grab people and use them as bodyshields, threatening people chasing them (if they can pull it off) to back down and retaliating if they don't. It also encourages people not to blindly rush in like idiots when those oh-so-rare hostage situations crop up. It'd be balanced by the fact that getting one of these grabs on someone is actually pretty damn difficult in the first place, and that your mobility is limited while holding a person in this manner (making it really only ideal for maintenance corridors where you can't be flanked from the sides).
    1 point
  16. The problem here is the lack of distinction between Kidan and these mothbeasts. In the PR the closing comment best summed it up with two key points: (1) it is little more than a resprite and (2) there is no subspecies system within the game currently. The problem is that it is little more than a resprite and it does not make sense. For me two additional gameplay problems appear: (A) Why should a moth receive less brute damage? This makes no sense - if anything, moths (like vox) should receive more brute damage. (B) Why should the sharp modifier be applied to the attacks of a moth? Intuitively, some of the burn negatives should be carried over too, which isn't the case for Kidan in general. Not to mention the "flying in zero G provided atmos" would be borderline impossible to implement due to various pressures and so on and so on. If such a mothbeast were to become a thing - even sharing Kidan heritage and the :4 language, perhaps the wings should be purely aesthetic - at least until a reasonable method of implementation is suggested. I like other species, but this one seems bogus. If it was watered down to be a visual overhaul with some transplants of brute weakness/ fire weakness which already exist I can see it working and being a good Karma sink whilst retaining the :4 language then why not, but I see little reason effort should be thrown this way and don't understand how this would be a good idea. Must be instant killed by pest spray and suffer reverse magnititis to all lights at all times.
    1 point
  17. The question is: Is that really the thing that paradise needs? I mean, I get the problem, but it will not work, people will ignore it, or try to justify self-antagging. And if it will work, some assistants still will be greytiding. Assistants are supposed to learn and help, so: What I'd love to see, is additional titles "Medbay assistant", "Engineering assistant", etc. That would give assistant department radio and BASIC access. Maybe that would make new people want to learn certain jobs for example by joining as "Security Assistant" and helping IAA/Lawyer handle prisonners imprisonment time etc. Give them just basic access, so they have to get someone's more experienced help, if they are new, they won't know what to do anyway.
    1 point
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