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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2019 in all areas

  1. He is the worst enemy of any lazy cook or bartender and he's prepared to report even the smallest of health code violations! Enter: Health Inspector! His areas of access would be Bar, kitchen (and maybe botany not sure about that one). His job description? Enforce some basic hygienic standards. No food lying all over the floor and those blood stains on the kitchen floor better be cleaned up soon. Also the person you call for checking food left in random hallways for drugs. Job specific traitor item would be a box of hyper active mouses that he can let loose to let them eat the entire kitchens storage (Or a lot of wires) Now regarding any comparisons with the internal affairs agent, I think the health inspector job would be different enough to not overlap. Especially because the internal affairs agent is busy enough arguing with the heads about proper hiring/demotion procedures that he really doesn't have the time to check on food related service roles all the time. I know the idea is still in its early stages so I would love some feedback on how to turn this into a paradise worthy job.
    4 points
  2. lmao thats hilarious - have health inspectors inspect medbay too and give them the authority to shut it down until its cleaned if there's blood all over the floor (that would be all the time though so rip)
    2 points
  3. Make it so zip ties come in "bundles" that are just stacks of zip ties. So one inventory space of zip ties can be like 5 zip ties. This makes zip ties an effective tool for detaining multiple people at the downside of being quicker to escape from than handcuffs and being non reusable.
    1 point
  4. Fun non destructive gimmicks: Steal the armory Free prisoners from perma Release annoying viruses Open 10 priority clown slots Lube / freeze as much of the station as possible ??? Fun destructive gimmicks Cover the station in max stat'ed Kudzu Hotwire the engine into the grid and shock stuff Throw a gorillion combustible lemons Release killer tomatoes Create horrific disposal traps Inject plasma into lightbulbs, cigars, cells Mislabel horrific poisons as medicine Boobytrap random containers with mousetrap grenades Give people horrific brain trauma / mutations Gas the bar with horrific grenades(see above) Release deadly viruses Flamethrower Create an army of emagged borgs by force borging random people. Seize command of the station using a golem army Emag medibots Make floorbots that place plasma or uranium tiles Build a ton of uranium stuff in general; airlocks and statues. Do atmos wizardry and get the brig or bridge flooded with superheated CO2 or oxygen. Release lots of giant spiders Poison food and drinks
    1 point
  5. Take the identity of one of the heads. Steal the Nuke and the nuke disk. Seek fame as a thief by stealing lots of grand theft objects stealthly, but taunt sec by leaving a note, or a graffiti. If this don't get them to pay attention announce your thefts on comms. Subvert the Ai with some interesting, but not too disruptive laws. Produce some pda messages leading to confusion among command, or framing people for crimes if the RD is reading the logs. Steal a fax machine and convince CC to send some bullshit ERT, like paranormal or janitorial. Or send caps some bullshit CC comms to fuck up with him. I once saw a cap convinced to assfax CC and getting gibbed by an antag with a fax machine. (he luckly was an IPC so he got brough back and demoted). The possibilities are endless.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Sounds more fitting aye. I've changed the idea so it needs spaceacillin now. 15u of vaccine (1 bottle) now require 15u of spaceacillin. This is mostly due to the missing interaction between the crew and the virologist at the moment. This will force them to seek out a "willing" test subject or they can't release more complex viruses. It's also a debuff for antag virologists due to the fact they will have to experiment on themselves first and have the cure prepared. But all in all I'd say it'll make a few nice stories out of this. Local virologist experimented on himself. Forgot to bring a cure. Infects local crew with the greytide virus
    1 point
  8. would be nice though to have a role that provides oversight over service departments, without being too micromanaging etc. HoP doesn't get into it usually because of lines or traitorism, and IAA are usually either disinterested as well, or dont understand how to enforce SOP, or no one cares what IAA say
    1 point
  9. Given that ants have been added, this would actually be a cool addition. Far too many times has the HOP been too busy/stuck in their office to actually enforce any sort of law on Service. So, I’m all for some kind of role that does that!
    1 point
  10. Oi, I've seen other admins do that to stop them! Curse this Patreon thing!
    1 point
  11. Give Service a Head, but without Head authority, like what the Quartermaster is to Cargo. Give Service... The Health Inspector. This hero to the station spawns with: (1) clipboard (1) reagent scanner (1) health inspector's stamp (1) fashionable suit, worn on spawn. Check food for drugs. Walk around the Kitchen with Harm intent and obstruct the chef. Hold the authority to fire Bartenders, Chefs and Botanists. Ensure that the Botanists are growing FOOD (not nothing but food, but at least SOME food). Form a love/hate relationship with the chef. Have blood feuds over whether or not the chef should cook 'healthy' food. HoP is still your boss.
    1 point
  12. Who had the brilliant idea to change the hotkeys for blob. There you are, first time playing blob for fucking months, and nothing works. You go to the wiki, nope, still the same hotkeys, except they don't work. You scroll through the changelog, it's not on the first page. You come back, oh, wait, you're already dead. Isn't that fucking genius. The entire point of hotkeys is that you get them in your muscle memory so you're faster. If you've played blob a dozen times, you don't just change the fucking hotkeys. I mean, imagine if they just took out what Control+C or something does in windows. How utterly that would throw everyone off for ages. What an absolutely fantastic way to murder a rare antag that you only get to play a few times a year for no reason whatsoever.
    0 points
  13. Just for the record, we're in the negatives now boyos. -3
    0 points
  14. 0 points
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