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  1. UPDATE 04/24/2019: The official Draft for the SEC Instructor is published along with a poll to determine which sprites should be commissioned! Both uniforms will eventually find their way into the role if everything goes according to plan, worst case scenario we will have to choose one or another. That's where the poll comes in! UPDATE 04/29/2019: The first iteration of the PR is up! Shout our to @AffectedArc07 as well as @Christasmurf and Mocha for their assistance! This is a vague post with not ALL the details inserted because this is all on the phone. Feel free to ask questions or assert opposing opinions! So we were having a discussion on discord in reference to the new wave of security officers joining the department without any guidance. Over the course of the discussion the idea of a Field Training Officer job came to light. . . In a time where the population influx is ALOT more than 8 officers can handle there is a need for a job where the job holder goes into the job knowing his responsibility is to train the newer officers coming into the department. Here are a couple footnotes brought up to help establish a foundation for the job. Criteria: 24-50 hours time as SEC ((or less depending on how this discussion goes) Job Name can either be Instructor, Drill sergeant, or FTO ((names suggested by discord)) Now many folks out there might be asking “Why is this needed? Why should I waste coding resources and time to make a job, a new premise ID, as well as new premade access? Why is Furasian on forums? Why isn’t the head of security doing this?” The reasoning behind this is that the job title helps new security officers designate who they can turn to in order to learn to ropes. The job holder also goes into the job understanding he/she also inherits the responsibility to guide and train sec officers on how to be robust and remain within the legal boundaries of space law at the same time. This also helps relieve a burden on the Head of Security’s shoulders so he/she can focus on the commanding responsibilities rather than balancing both teaching and commanding. Not to mention it’s less intimidating to turn towards someone of similar rank rather than your boss to tell them that you don’t know how to do your job in some aspects. Security officers are under great scrutiny and their walking targets for antagonists. To have a officer prepare them will help increase the retention rate and help establish a new wave of security mains. This also establishes a new layer of responsibility. NewSec won’t be able to just simply say “I didn’t know” everytime they step on their meat. I’ll try over the course of the week to test this idea out. In game I’ll try to get a custom job name of FTO and dedicate my time to training new officers to determine if this idea would have a significant impact. Please go into this idea with a open mind! I know everyone here has had a shitcurity moment where they wished someone who knew what they were doing had stepped in and educated the officer. OFFICIAL DRAFT *Icon here* SEC INSTRUCTOR Difficulty: Very Hard Guides: Guide to Security, Space Law, Standard Operating Procedure, Riot Control Access: Security, Brig Timers, Maintenance, Warden Sec Instructor is the field training officer of the Security Department. They consist of veteran SEC Officers who have walked the beat many shifts and survived the worst. With similar duties as a SEC Officer, it is their duty to shape up new recruits so they can be the next generation of veteran SEC Officers. TEACHING THE ROOKIES You are a instructor above all. While you carry a baton and a badge you should be more focused on making sure the rookies don't get themselves killed. They will look up to you, be sure to set a good example for them to follow. You are expected to be able to teach officers how to maintain all duties from patrol to perma brigging procedures to even some head of security responsibilities should your head request the guidance. While you might not end up taking over these roles over the course of the shift you should at least have knowledge of the roles. The Security Instructor is not required to report SOP Violations to IA Investigators and instead direct such reports to the Head of Security for corrective action. They still have the option to refer to Internal Affairs, should the officer show no remorse for his violation or no hope of improving. Old Green You are a officer among officers, you carry no rank over the Warden, Head of Security, or individual Officers unless stated otherwise by the Head of Security, Acting Head of Security, or Captain. Should the Warden or Head of Security go MIA/KIA, you are the third in line to be Acting Head of Security. As Stated before, the Head of Security or Captain, can give you command authority, but this is at their discretion. CODE GREEN PROCEDURES 1. Training new Security Officers takes priority. Security Instructors should take the initiative to identify and train new officers. 2. Security Instructors is permitted to carry out arrests under the same conditions as Security Officers, but they should not arrest if a Security Officer can make the arrest instead. 3. The Security Instructor is permitted to carry a taser, a flash, a stunbaton, and a can of pepperspray. 4. Security Instructors are expected to be able to brig in accordance to code green brigging procedures. 5. Security Instructors are not permitted to have weapons drawn during regular patrols. 6. Security Instructors should not conduct searches unless there is a clear and immediate threat or it is during brigging procedures. 7. Lethal Force is not authorized unless there is a clear and immediate threat to the station's integrity or the Officer's life. CODE BLUE PROCEDURES 1. Guidelines 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 are carried over from code green. 2. Should security numbers decline, the Security Instructor may act as a reinforcement and assume all Security Officer Responsibilities. 3. Security Instructors are permitted to carry around any weapons or equipment available in the armory, at the Warden's discretion. 4. Security Instructors are permitted to carry weapons in hand during patrol should they have no equipment space. 5.Security instructors may demand entry into specific departments during regular patrols. 6. Security Instructors are expected to take new Security Officers during patrol. CODE RED PROCEDURES 1. Guidelines 2 3 4 5 and 6 Carry over from Code Blue 2. Security Instructors may arrest like normal Security Officers during code red. 3. Securities Instructors may forcefully relocate crewmembers to their respective departments if necessary. 4. Lethal force is permitted if the target is confirmed to be guilty of Capital Crimes and actively, and aggressively, resists arrest. CHAIN OF COMMAND The Security Instructor works under the Head of Security. During extreme circumstances the Head of Security or the Captain can promote the Security Instructor and give him command responsibilities. Should the Warden and Head of Security die or go missing, the Security Instructor is third in line for Acting Head of Security. POLL ANNOUNCEMENT Hello everyone! Furasian here, I have currently put out a poll to see if we can set a foundation for what the SEC Instructor should look like. Here are two options I've developed based on discussions here... Since we've weeded out the idea of SEC Instructor being a centcomm asset like the NT Rep and Blueshield I've currently taken those two appearance options out until otherwise. I am currently looking at two options, feel free to add more in the discussion! Option 1: 1980s copper- A true sign of a veteran! You've done your time and got some stripes. Now you stand with your fellow officers like the grumpy veteran you are! You smell bribes and loafing around so get those coppers on the streets to write those damn tickets! WHAT?! What do you mean we don't write tickets on this station?! Inspired by the pixel game Beat Cop, the true image of the tough old days, where you had to actually take fingerprints to a machine to get DNA instead of a handheld device. These rookies have it easy compared to the days you were on the street! Despite this vote having the upperhand as of 4/27/2019 Option 2 has been removed from the poll. Leaving only Option 1 to be our viable option Option 2: Drill Instructor- STAND AT ATTENTION! You lead these maggots and turn them into hard core officers! This is a paramilitary organization! If they don't like it they can leave! YOU ARE NO LONGER BLACK, OR YELLOW, OR GREEN, YOU ARE NOW RED! YOU ARE NOW DARK RED! Inspired by well.. Drill instructors. https://www.strawpoll.me/17878229 Vote now! Let your opinion shape this job the way YOU WANT it to be shaped! I've seen a couple discussions about the job along with a couple of ideas on the discord, reminder to post them here on this thread so it's all together in one location instead of being buried in the chaos that is discord THE VOTE WILL CLOSE ON 05/01/2019 (ONE WEEK FROM NOW) 05/04/2019 FINAL TALLY FOR DISCUSSION YAY: 5 NAY: 3
    4 points
  2. Step 1: Start round as chaplain Step 2: Find a willing sacrifice. Step 3: Put sacrificed person into the soulshard (That sits around in chaplains locker). It is advised to do this as soon as possible after the murder of the sacrifice (I think there's a time limit for how long after death you can shard someone). Step 4: Produce shade Step 5: Have the shade pull you around Step 6: Enjoy your shade car You will now be pulled around at shade speed, which is basically the speed of light compared to normal running. Noone will be able to hit you with any tazers/disablers/other type of projectiles. Me and a shade had a race with a guy who had the genetic power that allows you to leap half a screen and we managed to keep up. (We were maybe even slightly faster)
    2 points
  3. Whew boy here come the responses I'll try to get everyone I see its a frequent discussion and took the liberty to address that statement here: On top of that I understand that there's a potential for someone to see the job as a way to get more gear. That's where the karma points can come into play. Take the blueshield job for example, with Karma people are more careful to spend karma since its difficult for them to obtain karma through normal gameplay. They typically do some research and make the executive decision to spend karma on that job. With Karma we don't see that many NT Reps, Magistrates, or Blue shields going down that gung'ho "Ignoring duties and fucking around" compared to the Head of Security. While it isn't a fair system, the Karma system does do a effective job at making sure non qualified people dont get the job. BUT IT ISNT PERFECT I KNOW. YOU GET SOME SHITTER MAGISTRATES, NT REPS, AND BLUESHIELDS EVERY NOW AND AGAIN, BUT IT ISN'T AS FREQUENT AS A SHITTER HOS OR SEC OFFICER OR WARDEN. Field Training Officer sounds like the best title for the job in my personal opinion, but that's for whoever is coding / deciding whether or not this job is a good idea to decide! Nerd. Aaah wall of text! But yeah this pretty much also highlights some key elements where a Field Training Officer is crucial for SEC function. For example when a officer decides to arrest Kiachi for Vandalism. The entire incident can be prevented if the Field Training Officer is with that newsec to tell him "Don't arrest for Vandalism charges. We don't do that on this station" The goal of this job is primarily for people who are going into SEC who understand that their job is to be the training officer for newsec. In order to ensure the job holder is going into the job understanding that we have two options: Karma Job - Which would probably be preferred by many Karma holders due to the lack of Karma Jobs. However this would potentially restrict access to the majority. Time Lock - Kind of like how HOS is except with a EVEN LONGER time lock. I personally believe it'd take 20 hours alone to understand the Security Job enough to teach. That's 10 consistent shifts *If they survive the entire shift* Maybe you could convince a HOP for a job name change! The Criteria for local badass is you must carry a bottle of whiskey in your bag. The whiskey is your uniform
    2 points
  4. So would it be a no go for the alternative title "Local Badass?"
    2 points
  5. "Security Sergeant" sounds better or something or "Field Training Officer"
    2 points
  6. I've seen it abused but I'd rather Security get their own morgue for EOCs or other dangerous personnel who the entire station would be better off dead with a DNR tag on them. It is kind of baffling how many security will drag vampires, changelings and occasional shadowling to the cremator, completely bypass the access restrictions to it (the door and cremator button itself requiring Chaplain access to use.) and not even blink an eye about permanently removing them from the round, but these same players raise hell in saltchat (and presumably ahelps) if an antag kills them and takes steps to prevent their own eventual revival. IMO Cremator should only be used when there is an actual threat that the subject can self revive, or Security has confirmed that co-conspirators will attempt to revive them (thus Security admitting they are incapable of containing the threat.) Idealling, with a signed and Stamped Death Warrant from the Magistrate and/or Captain (which can easily be prepared in advanced if Security already knows such a threat exists on the station), or at the very least a fax sent to CC to get approval A more desirable solution would be coding in new methods of containing such threats alive and in the brig that don't involve bucklecuffing them a roller bed with an anesthetic tank forced onto them. Allowing antags to continue existing in the round, RP or seek out an escape if they would like to continue pursuing their objectives.
    2 points
  7. @TullyBBurnalot thoughts, Mr SoP/Spacelaw etc? Seems pretty easy to throw in. This is too accurate.
    2 points
  8. I'll add my points: - Security Instructor could be a karma role, similar pricing to either the Nanotrasen Representative (30 karma) or the Magistrate (45 karma). - They'd have a small office somewhere in/around Brig, with a locker and other such furniture like a desk, filing cabinet, Camera Monitor console, maybe a fax machine, that kind of thing. - Their Standard Operating Procedure would be somewhere along the lines of allowing them to arrest/process in code green/blue in order to show a recruit the procedure and other such proceedings in Brig. Code red would allow them to do it based on how effectively the actual officers are working, similar to the Detective. - They would be a Central Command VIP, similar to the Nanotrasen Representative, Magistrate and Blueshield. As such, they would outrank all other Security staff but would not have authority to overrule many orders and proceedings, much like how the NT Rep functions within the Command staff. They would act as an adviser/direct trainer for Security staff up to and including the HoS. This would give people who are in the process of transitioning from Officer to Warden to Head someone to look to for guidance and support, as the HoS role can be a difficult one to grasp. - Their equipment would include an Officer's beret, a spare Navy Uniform, white gloves and armour, as well as a full Security belt and HUDglasses, with a headset that can only connect to Security communications. (Command too if you want them under the protection of the Blueshield, similar to the NT Rep and Magistrate). - They would have access to the labour camp, processing, cells, Detective's office and the firing range. That way they can teach new officers a list of different things, from analysing evidence, to processing procedure, to combat practice. They would not have access to the armoury, pod pilot bay or HoS office as they would only need access to teach very specific things about those jobs, which can be provided by the staff member requiring the guidance. (Bridge access could additionally be granted should they be under the Blueshield's protection). Along with the Instructor, a Cadet role could also be added. - Cadets would have basic equipment: A flash, handcuffs, armour, headset and HUDglasses. (Given on spawn). - Stunbatons/weapons can be given to Cadets based on station threat circumstances and training, at the discretion of the Warden/HoS/Captain. - In order to advance to Security Officer and Detective, you must first have a Security playtime of somewhere between 3-4 hours, making new players have to go through the Cadet system in order to advance. This would give them about two full shifts of learning time so they can properly grasp their duties and Space Law before diving right into the deep end. - Cadets can be buddied up with Security Officers, Detectives, Pod Pilots, Wardens or the HoS based on the discretion of the Instructor, or failing that, the HoS/Captain. - This also gives opportunity for mid-round Security transfers in the form of the Cadets, which have less access to equipment but can still help out with arrests by pairing up. - Access would be similar to the Detective, with no access to the main Security Officer lockers or the firing range. Map changes could require additional doors/moving of the vendors/clothing lockers for access, or instead they could just ask for access to use these facilities. That's my addition. Hope this helps in any way.
    2 points
  9. Nanotrasen Records: Mariya Lichzand-Sankinov U.S.S.P Records: Mariya 'Vladimirovna' Sankinov / Mария Bладимировна Cанкинова Age: 27 Gender: Female Race: Human; Space Russian Blood type: A+ General Occupational Role(s): (Security) - Warden (Internal Affairs) - Internal Affairs Agent/Magistrate (Command) - Nanotrasen Representative (Engineering) - Station Engineer Biography: Mariya was born on September the 25th, 2536 aboard Rostov Station-01 which lay deep within U.S.S.P space. She was the youngest of her family as she already had two older brothers, an older sister and an older half-brother all in the same household with her. Boris was only six years older than her, Misha and Tanya were the oldest - being twins. Her half brother Alexi Sedev was from her mother’s previous marriage. Her mother, Mihaela Sankinov, was a housewife who had emigrated from Sol-Gov under strange circumstances with the death of her first husband Ivan Sedev - a prominent member of the Space Russian mafia that operated within Transolar Federation space. Her father, Vladimir Sankinov, was a statesman in the Supreme Soviet, and ex-labor union representative. Mariya’s family life was strained even in its early years. By the age of three her father had shipped off to planet Moscow-1917 near permanently, being appointed as the head of the Ministry of the Interior and becoming a minister in the Soviet Politburo. The children would come to only know their mother, their father already having been known as a stern, quick to anger man who spent more time at work in his office than at home. She was noted as being rather quiet girl during her early life, keeping much to herself and her mother. At the age of seven she began violin lessons - paid for by her father who spent most of his time off station. She began to find solace in singing and music, soon learning to play the piano, violin and mandolin by the age of ten. Mariya’s shyness ended when she got to her later teen years. At nineteen she was arrested due to protesting in connection to an illegal labor union known for local protests and labor disruption. She was released due to her ‘records being lost’ by Rostov Station’s People’s Guard. She was known in local circles as a labor agitator, writing anti-Soviet articles for newspapers that avoided Soviet censors. Articles commonly included criticism of Soviet law - something that she was in higher education for due to her father's demands. These were not circulated widely but remained as a jumping point for her activities. At twenty years old it all changed for her. Rostov Station was raided by an unknown force of armed men with advanced technology in bright red hardsuits. The large residential and trading station was rocked by explosions which were thought to be accidents at first. When the alarm went out hysteria ensued - civilians making mad dashes towards the hangar bays which were already overcrowded. The station was not meant to ever support as many people as it had. Most of her family would make it off the station alive - barring her oldest brother Misha, who refused to evacuate, and her mother, who went missing hours before the blasts. While evacuating, Mariya suffered a head injury as nearly five inches of shrapnel were lodged into her head and into the temporal lobe of her brain. The same exact blast claimed her brother Boris’ arm. Her medical records in the U.S.S.P note her death on the surgery table before being resuscitated. She suffered permanent hearing loss due to damage to her auditory cortex, and speech impairment - possibly due to damage to the broca area of her brain, which was later picked up by Nanotrasen medical exams. Included in her U.S.S.P medical records are minor references to throat surgeries in an attempt to understand the reason for her pained speech - unknowingly damaging her vocal cords before knowledge of her damaged broca area was discovered. Mariya spent her time on a iceworld named Ural-1424 for nearly five years as she recovered and adapted. During this time she worked as a miner while her brother Boris, who was injured in the Rostov disaster as well, worked as a overseer due to his missing arm making him unable to work physical labor jobs for the time. Boris was selected by a U.S.S.P lottery for a foreign visa after being on the planet for almost four years. He was permitted to work for Nanotrasen or other ‘state approved’ foreign corporations - while Mariya’s entry was declined due to her impairment. After nearly five years of being stuck on Ural, believing that would be the rest of her life, she was chosen for a experimental implant surgery on planet Moscow-1917. Unbeknownst to her at the time, Boris had enrolled her in the program. Mariya had a U.S.S.P “C.И” implant installed in her temple, which successfully brought back her hearing. The implants purpose was to stimulate the auditory area of her brain and act as a proper receptor to aid in processing sound, while also being E.M.P proof. While the experiment was a success, the use of the device in daily life turned into a mild annoyance. Loud noises were incredibly loud to her, and her hearing was vastly improved in some aspects, able to sometimes hear a pin drop. The implant was made more for military purposes rather than a true hearing aid - but the near full restoration of hearing was too good to be true. After a few months on Moscow, and many applications later, Mariya was finally issued a Soviet visa and permitted to work for Nanotrasen alongside her brother. Despite struggling with becoming certified for security due to her speech issue, she managed to pass most of her certifications within the year or so she has so far spent working for the company. Qualifications: U.S.S.P - Honorary Bachelor's in Soviet Law (R E V O K E D) Nanotrasen - Security Qualification Nanotrasen - Law Qualification Nanotrasen - Administrative/Command Certification Nanotrasen - Basic Engineering Certificate of Fitness Employment Records: - Age 17. Enrolled in Rostov Station University. Declared major as ‘Soviet Law’. Excused from mandatory Soviet employment. - Age 20. Became a miner on Ural-1424 after displacement. Five years of service. - Age 25. Obtained worker VISA, became miner at Nanotrasen. Continuing employment presently. Security Records: U.S.S.P - (( / / C L A S S I F I E D - U.S.S.P \ \ )) - Arrested, Age 19. Illegal Trade Union Membership, Illegal Trade Union Protest, Rioting. Escaped detainment. Charges dropped. (( / / E N D \ \ )) - WANTED, Age 27. Illegal Operation of a Trade Union, Undermining the Integrity of the State, Treachery. Awaiting Sentence - 10 years rehabilitation. Nanotrasen - - Age 26. Minor incident with U.S.S.P co-worker. - Age 26. Attempt to start trade union in violation of contract. - Age 27. Public Intoxication aboard N.R.S Unity. Medical Records: U.S.S.P - - Age 1. Ear canal surgery. Corrected potential hearing loss. - Age 20. Brain & head injury. Damage to the Auditory Cortex and minor damage to the frontal lobe. Died on operating table - resuscitated. Minor mental trauma, difficulty speaking and permanent deafness. - Age 25. Soviet experimental implant installed. Implant restored hearing. - Age 25. Throat surgery failure. Attempts to help speech issues failed. Deemed incurable - speech impairment permanent. (( / / C L A S S I F I E D - U.S.S.P \ \ )) Subject’s ‘Auditory Cortex Implant’ is a version of a experimental hearing enhancement implant. Subject reports cases of auditory sensitivity to loud noises. Project in development - implant appears to be E.M.P proof and work partially as intended. Implant fails to heighten sense of hearing as planned - experiments ongoing. (( / / E N D \ \ )) Nanotrasen - - Age 26. Mariya Sankinov is to enter speech therapy in attempts to correct her speaking. The patient shows symptoms of Symptoms mimic that of spasmodic dysphonia and damage to her vocal cords. Damage to broca part of the brain is believed to be the cause of her speech - overlooked by U.S.S.P. Possible corrective surgery planned in the future. Family Records: Boris 'Vladimirovich' Sankinov - Nanotrasen Employee, 5th year working for the company. Administrative, Captaincy, Medical and Security certifications. Ex-Red Army, U.S.S.P Bachelors of Medicine. Tanya 'Vladimirovna' Sankinov - U.S.S.P Teacher aboard Moscow Station-1917. Vladimir 'Kirillovich' Sankinov - Member of the U.S.S.P Supreme Soviet and Minister of the Interior aboard Moscow Station-1917. Misha 'Vladimirovich' Sankinov - D E C E A S E D Engineering Union Representative on Rostov Station, ex-Red Army. Pronounced dead after Rostov Station attack. Body recovered, buried in Kuban-128’s Red Army Cemetery. *Mihaela Maria Sankinov (Formally Mihaela Maria Sedev) - D E C E A S E D Sol-Gov defector. No U.S.S.P job history. Pronounced dead after Rostov Station attack. Body not recovered. (( / / C L A S S I F I E D - SYNDICATE \ \ )) Operative Mihaela Sankinov injured but retrieved in Rostov Station attack. Ex-Federation agent, U.S.S.P double agent. Secret plant within the U.S.S.P by the Syndicate in partnership with Shellguard Munitions. Undercover operation partial success. Station destroyed - NT relations harmed mildly and anti-Federation activities resumed by U.S.S.P. Operation did not make the Union cut affiliations with Nanotrasen as planned. Agent Retired. Alive but location unknown. (( / / E N D \ \ )) *Alexi Sedev - Ex-Red Army warrant officer. Sent to ‘re-education’ for six years under court martial charges. Second Chief of the ‘Committee for State Security’ - K.G.B. (( / / C L A S S I F I E D - U.S.S.P \ \ )) Member of the 'National Collectivist' wing of the U.S.S.P Communist Party. Openly anti-Xeno, violent towards other species and foreign born citizens. Warnings issued about radicalization - pardoned by First Chief of the KGB. (( / / E N D \ \ )) * - Sedev Family Personal Photo (Nanotrasen enlistment records): Warden - Mariya Lichzand-Sankinov Illustrated in 'CorporateSecurity.nt' for the month of April, 2563 "A pale woman who stands at about 5'9" with black hair put back into a messy bun and blue piercing eyes. She sports a highly visible cross around her neck, leaving it over top of her clothing. There appears to be a pair of small metallic implants in her right temple. Anyone with medical knowledge or an understanding of Neo-Russkiya may notice the technology is U.S.S.P related - most likely being a hearing aid of sorts by the abbreviation "C.N" engraved in one of the metal disks. A keen eye might notice the hair along the right side of her head appears to be slightly missing in a few small lines - a few scars being visible if her hair is pulled back enough. Her neck appears to have some similar marks on a much smaller scale around the center of it. There's a gold wedding band on her left ring finger that is composed of Cyrillic knotwork and winding wings on the other side. Atop of the ring is a small ruby gemstone." Commendations: Reprimands: Other Notes: - Mariya refuses to use her full name on all formal documentation unless required. She despises being called ‘Vladimirovna’ - translating to ‘Daughter of Vladimir’. Her Nanotrasen records were altered upon request to remove her middle name from her records. - Mariya is a Sol-Gov citizen due to her previous marriage. Despite the divorce Mariya has maintained her Sol-Gov citizenship. - Mariya is currently married to Tahtechghzthbis 'Lich' Lichzandtzwichslich and thus hyphenated her last name. (She wouldn't be able to say that mouth-full of a last name otherwise)
    1 point
  10. This has been a bit consistent for a few years now, where Security, specifically new ones to the server for some reason goes and takes the bodies of dead vampire to be cremated in the chapel. This behavior, from what I gather, seems to come from some other servers that does have vampires, but their mechanics are a bit different where they are able to revive after a short while after being killed (while ours do not). Not only is cremating the body of a vampire crappy to the vampire player, but it also removes all chance for the vampire to be properly "processed", meaning that if later evidence is found that a vampire didn't kill a person/isn't found to be powered, the vampire in question is pretty much hosed as they have no way of being revived. My suggestion is adding a part to Space Law with disallowing the usage of the cremator on non-changelings, standard EoCs (as in traitor and vampire), and (along with probably tying in the gibber in) pointing out it's usage in terms of changelings.
    1 point
  11. While this is true and this way it will work, as it works now, I'd see the idea of having somebody dedicated to teaching and overseeing as a buff in what HoS and Warden, along with veteran officers, are doing: the leadership and good conduct of security. I'd reason it by the thing that there is often too much to deal with for the warden and HoS keep enough eye on how officers do, even if they want and are able to. Though sec can't do everything, in other hand, anyway, and that's a part of the game, but that side could need a buff. So I'd see this role to be about of preventing security doing bad. By doing bad I don't mean them 'losing' to antags, it's not a thing about winning - but not acting accordingly to SoP, space law and sane manners, misconduct. The latter doesn't add to the game, as we know it's also a nuisance to the receiving end. Also with the HoS role I'm most stressed of the fact that by the book, you're lone in duty to deal with misconduct cases as HoS - while an IAA is excellent to deal with them after they've happened, hence I love IAA's - and in the same time you're in duty to keep the officers informed and acting against the situation at hand. A good leader sure won't try to do everything alone, and often there are good hands to take over with stuff happening, so that as the HoS, I can concentrate more on whatever are most necessary at the moment. What the instructor role would be about, is to be an explicit sign of somebody who is willing to help in this cause as their primary job, thus making it happen more. Also it could be a sign for those who are not sure on what they do to ask this person. In an ideal situation new officers ask help, and well, the not-listening types would ideally not exist. But what happens is, that you need to observe, who needs some guidance and/or shadowing, be it either because of they are new or they are not caring. An extra pair of eyes to this, so. What comes to other officers, they should teach new ones and report bad stuff happening, too, and that's how it works now. But dedicated role would give some authority for the one to do that, as everybody knows that this is their job, along with the thing that if you have people with explicitly given jobs, the jobs will happen to be done more, compared to having duties shared along with many, so even if the people you had at hand were the same. Concerning IAA's, IAA's are to deal with issues already happened. In contrast to them, this idea would be to prevent bad things happening, thus not taking IAA's work away - if they are unruly, the instructor will pass the job to IAA to be investigated and/or HoS directly. On the name, I'd say to give the instructor some authority over other officers, it would feel reasonable for their job. So for sergeant. Though it should then to be made clear that they have no independent force, but are dependant to HoS on their actions, like warden. And what comes to things other than conduct and training they would be an officer along officers.Training officer has a feel of being just a trainer, while instructor, sergeant, warrant officer kind of names points to somebody that is active in the field with the mission at hand, while not having independent or separate authority from their commander, but well, that's just my feel. It is bit on what we are looking for as an example. FTO's are a thing in police enviroment, and for what I know they are active field cops as well. And of course it's a question if it actually works, while it seem neat as we speak. Could try the same as Furasian is going to, to get an title and focusing on it, if I have time for it soon enough.
    1 point
  12. The Instructor job could be, to an extent, covered by IAAs. The problems are, however, self-evident. Many new officers seem to understand just one thing: IAAs have no authority. They will sometimes even try to disregard Magistrates, incapable of telling the difference. Many IAAs seem to not understand one thing: Their own SOP. These lead to more fighting than cooperation. If a new officer makes a mistake, the most likely reaction from their department is an IAA attacking them. It is a natural reaction to defend yourself, even if you are in the wrong. From there on, things can only escalate. IAAs have often diplomatic skills of a jellyfish, so yelling and waving around SOP books is their default response where one can much more efficiently "ensure that Standard Operating Procedure is being properly followed" by proving it's beneficial to the officer. If they can't provide a reasoning to support something, why the officer should listen to you? Why Instructor, in whatever form implemented, could positively affect this situation? As a senior officer, he will be immediately more respected. Now, yes, there will be cases of people not respecting them, but they are the same people who die 10 minutes into round somewhere in the maintenance. They are hopeless and Instructor isn't there to bother with them, maybe just to root them out. Officers who have the right mindset will be facing a less impartial teacher. Someone who will, ideally, tell that pedantic IAA to fuck off, they've got it covered. Sure, this will piss IAAs even more, but majority of them is perpetually angry anyway. That is obviously just the part where IA and Security actually interact - the Brig. It's quite clear the Instructor's responsibilities would extend far out of it and to much greater extent. You could say it would be fooling around and wasting Security's resources, but if the Instructor was willing to, they could easily train new officers in combat in rather safe environment. It's not like they will go blind if they take SEChud off and let their pupil see how flashes work. Bolas won't gib them. And if they decide to practice melee... well, I don't actually expect them to let someone harmbaton them to see how bad it is. Outside of the brig, they could provide valuable insight and much needed backup in case things go terribly wrong. Learning security with someone watching your back might lead to a certain dependency, but I think depending on other officers is the key to success in Security. You can't be everywhere. You can't do everything alone. So why not make pairing up the first thing you learn in Security? Regarding Cadets, this seems a bit redundant. To make this job relevant, you would have to either put a significant playtime gate on regular officers (suggested 2-4 hours above seem too little) or make their equipment much worse. While the former might be accepted, the latter would directly disrupt the Instructor's job, as the people they are teaching won't have access to the necessary tools.
    1 point
  13. Grabs by collar But we aint people either, youre a vulp and I'm a greytider
    1 point
  14. With the instructor foundation in place it seems we are looking at two routes for the instructor regardless both have the same responsibilities: The first route is to make then a sergeant rank or a supervising rank, with this we can use more SEC Related routes. This might make the sergeant more relatable to the SEC department and more easy to look up to. The second route would be to give the instructor a VIP rank like blueshield or NT rep, which makes sense due to it being a karma job, and it’s a neat incentive. The question behind this one in the way of loadout is whether or not we wish to give them a vip sidearm like a enforcer or stun revolver. Either way while it looks good on paper, the biggest challenge it do adjust the player culture so we can have a pool of volunteers ready and willing to do the instructor job properly. It will all come down to how the players handle that responsibility. I guess identity and load out would be something for admins to get together to determine. Most Karma players would like to see something unique with the job, but how do we balance uniqueness and fairness?
    1 point
  15. On slower rounds, Warden can very easily do a lot of this IMO. Hell, even as an officer, just...speaking clearly and with confidence can do a lot. I find (from admin perspective heavily mind you), newbie officers run into a couple of different kinds: 1) People not experienced with the game in general who want to get access to weapons and beat people up. These types won't likely listen at all. 2) People who don't have sec experience yet, and might know other systems, but not combat/sec stuff. They'll likely listen, but may make mistakes like harmbatoning or getting charges wrong. If you're new, I highly advise just...asking questions and telling everyone it's your first shift as sec! A cadet and formal trainer role would be interesting, all depends on exactly how it's implemented.
    1 point
  16. what Christasmurf has written is a very cool and interesting idea, i would love to see such karma job (this is also a good idea for different departments instructors karma jobs, but that is another stroty)
    1 point
  17. You could also prevent getting eternally stuck in a cocoon by dealing constant oxygen damage to the victim, seeing as the web cuts off their air
    1 point
  18. More of that please @Veloxi...good stuff! Kudos to @Cheeseman as well. I had a round once as an officer where I caught a rather charming vampire early. I visited them in the perma a few times and took quite a liking to them. So much of a liking that at one point I was concerned for how starved they looked and pulled my collar back offering them to feed. They refused. I decided that they were not the monster everyone was making them out to be. When the shuttle came, I volunteered to escort them from perma to the shuttle, only we went to the arrivals shuttle and I uncuffed them telling them that they don't deserve to be exprimented on and mutilated by NT so I was setting them free. I've actually since attempted to replicate something similar any time I'VE been vampire because it was so interesting for me as an officer and I wanted to share that experience with others.
    1 point
  19. tg did merge a system that would give you points for playing certain roles that would "increase" your chances of being antagonist. However, that system was extremely flawed and broken and was never enabled on tg. The key issue was that it would only increase your chances by reducing other people's chances to be antag. Assuming that we solved that problem though (in some rounds, we would simply have more antags than would usually be added. In that github thread I proposed a few suggestions that would fix the issue), there's a few reasons why I don't think such a system would fit with this server. I don't think we want to overvalue antagonist status. Some people already really like being antag, other people like being either, and some portion of players just don't like being antag. Obviously, I won't blame you if you prefer playing antag over normal crew member, but imo trying to develop your non-antag experiences a little further will help make your non-antag rounds a bit more enjoyable as opposed to just playing it out to roll for the next round. I think our server atmosphere would be negatively impacted if we were to focus heavily on antag status. That's why we have a karma system rather than an antag token system. There's also a lot of implementation issues, like how to count the playtime toward increasing your chances of being antagonist. tg's system put a point value on each job. If we didn't care about jobs, then there's still the weirdness of giving you antag% by the minute. Basically, it's a lot of work for no particular reason, since as bad as rng is sometimes, over the long run, it gives everyone a fair shot at being antag. And then there's round flow issues. Assuming we're not taking other people's antag% for your antag% to increase, in some rounds, we will have more shadowlings or cultists than usually prescribed. That could throw off the flow of the round significantly. Basically, while it would be nice to smooth out rng a little bit, there's a lot of complications that make it not really worth the time and effort.
    1 point
  20. We would have no working kitchen less often and that would lead to more staff interaction with kitchen instead of just drinking chocolate (Do note that Necaladun puts removing food vending machines as "maybe" in his wishlist, this would need food to be more reliable supplied); we also would have no one cleaning the station less often; noob people in services would have someone to teach theirs jobs, and that would make their learning experience easier. Someone to coordinate service would lead to more interactions between the service department, as it is now, service radio is almost never used. It would also lead to easier interactions between departments and service, because now you have someone responsible to bug. If botany is ignoring science, they can bug service QM for plants. If cap or someone wants a special meal, he can bug service QM for it. If there's a disease spreading with bar cure, CMO can ask him to distribute the cure, instead of station relying on breaking into bar, or forming huge lines while the clueless barkeep doesn't know why all the sudden everyone is asking for orange juice. As I said, service roles are the only ones without backup. If you need food and got no chef you're toast. If you need drinks and has no barkeep, you'll need to graytide in. If you want a ceremony for a dead friend and has no chaplain you out of luck, he'll rot in morgue instead. If your workstation is a mess and station have no janitor, it's gonna stay that way. No one's invested in keeping service department working, so it frequently does not work at all. I think in this case that if the job is important enough to be given a slot it's probably important enough to have senior staff as back up, and that's especially true for cook. On a more personal note, as barkeep I find it appalling that my calls to botany to plant and send me sugarcane, or to chef to give me ice-cream goes unheard on service radio. I always must leave the bar and go ask personally, opening the bar to all kinds of greytidery, also if we got no chef, no deal. Pretty sure chef has the same problems if he wants to serve things with drinks. Service would be way better with someone to coordinate it.
    1 point
  21. I want to cuddle his face and give him a biscuit Who`s a good seccie, Who`s a good seccie? Yes you are, Yes you are-
    1 point
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