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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2019 in all areas

  1. Step 1: Start round as chaplain Step 2: Find a willing sacrifice. Step 3: Put sacrificed person into the soulshard (That sits around in chaplains locker). It is advised to do this as soon as possible after the murder of the sacrifice (I think there's a time limit for how long after death you can shard someone). Step 4: Produce shade Step 5: Have the shade pull you around Step 6: Enjoy your shade car You will now be pulled around at shade speed, which is basically the speed of light compared to normal running. Noone will be able to hit you with any tazers/disablers/other type of projectiles. Me and a shade had a race with a guy who had the genetic power that allows you to leap half a screen and we managed to keep up. (We were maybe even slightly faster)
    2 points
  2. As we all know, sec is long overdue for a major update, so here it is. THE IDEA My proposed change is that we a modified version of Baystation 12's compact smart guns, as the primary firearm for security personnel. I would like to point out as a disclaimer, that this is not intended to persecute antags, or make their job harder than it already is. It is intended to reduce the amount of shitsec by allowing kill access on guns to be REVOKED if a security member has misused a weapon. The compact smart gun is a gun that requires you to swipe your ID on it to activate it. The smart-gun by default has disable, and shock (of which, shock mode can be disabled remotely). Using the same remote console, you can enable kill mode, removing the need for multiple guns. Basically, it is a gun that has disable, taser, and an optional kill mode that is enabled via the warden's or HoS' console. THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN NERFED FROM THE DEFAULT BAY12 SMARTGUN I am also aware that there are many people who will be opposed to a card activated gun, so I have proposed some nerfs. Firstly, the kill laser would be 20% weaker than your standard laser gun found in the armoury. The power to fire a kill shot would be slightly less energy than firing a taser shot, allowing for 5 kill shots at maximum charge, 4 taser shots, and however many disabler shots there normally are. The gun will not require sec access to use the gun, rather you need said access to simply activate it. Once activated, anyone can use the gun, however, it's taser and kill modes can be deactivated if foul play is suspected. The disabler function cannot be disabled unless the user manually resets the user authorization. SUGGESTIONS WELCOME, CODERS AND SPRITERS NEEDED This idea is a WIP, so I am currently looking for coders and spriters to make it happen. I am also open to suggestions to improve upon this idea, but I do ask that if you dislike the idea, tell me what I could do to improve upon it and give constructive criticism.
    2 points
  3. Scanning for files... files not found. Please manually insert information. NAS Trurl Security Entry BA2705-94, Officer-Adjutant Samuel Maguire Mr. Rooster Cogfeld (a presumed alias, if I've ever heard one) came to us in dubious circumstances. He was apprehended alongside the 43-man crew of the 'Starwanker', a known pirate vessel that entered Nanotrasen-controlled space after a navigation error. While he insists on not being a part of the crew, merely "hitching a ride", a DNA scan turned up numerous infractions with the laws of several systems and he was promptly incarcerated on the Trurl. His employment upon the NSS Cyberiad is an oddity with the usual channels being bypassed, his position being approved personally by Executive Director REDACTED. Further inquiries into this have been met with the usual red tape, so unfortunately for all of those aboard the Cyberiad with a working nose, we're stuck with him. Mr. Cogfeld is a human male, blood type O negative, with brown hair, green eyes, and a greasy complexion, for lack of a more apt description, in poor physical fitness. He claims to be in his mid 30's, but at first glance I suspected him to be in his late 40's, and that was a generous estimate. He sports a blue tattoo of a serpent between his shoulders, though given the extensive distortion of the work, he must have gotten it as a much younger, and fitter, man. His place of origin remains unknown, describing it merely as "a little agriculture world you wouldn't have heard of." Given his rustic mannerisms (a polite way of putting it, I don't mind saying), I'm inclined to believe him. While not typically something included in personnel description reports, one noticeable feature of Mr. Cogfeld is his odor, an unappetizing concoction of cigarette smoke and stale liquor that four consecutive cycles in the Trurl's brig showers failed to remove, or even mitigate to a noticeable degree. Under no circumstance is Mr. Cogfeld to be permitted in or around heavy machinery or vehicles. The use of flashes is cautioned, as they seem to make him exceptionally irate. More analog methods of subduing are advised. You are welcome to use your imagination in that regard. The following is a list of known incidents connected to Mr. Cogfeld, and is presumed to be far from complete: -Diplomatic incident on Luna; fraternizing with the wife of a renown Tajaran ambassador. -Diplomatic incident on Moghes; fraternizing with the wife of a renown Human ambassador, stolen Unathi eggs (?) -Diplomatic incident on Mauna-b; accidental poisoning of Skrell diplomat contingent via alcohol. -Black market sale of Vulpkanin tails to underground gene-surgeons. -Petty Larceny across 9 systems, including the planets Ahdomai, Hoorlm, Moghes, and Mauna-b. -Grand Larceny across 9 systems, including the planets Ahdomai, Hoorlm, Moghes, and Mauna-b. -132 accounts of Kidnapping. Technicality; the victim in question was a Diona made up of the aforementioned number of nymphs. -98 accounts of Drunk and Disorderly. -84 accounts of Indecent Exposure. -107 accounts of Disturbing the Peace. -73 accounts of Littering. -2 unpaid Parking Tickets. NAS Trurl Medical Entry MA9445-21, Medical Officer Megan Dells I'd like to begin by saying off the record that this man is the epitome of disgusting and giving him his physical has made me rue the day I took up a career in medicine. I expect a raise for this. DNA scan shows his medical history to include 43 hospitalizations due to alcohol-related injuries, though curiously enough never once for alcohol poisoning. His kidneys and liver both show extensive damage. I'm not entirely certain how they're still functioning, but there they are. He shows signs of having regular ear infections, though there doesn't appear to be any permanent damage. During his time on the Trurl, he repeatedly appealed to the medical staff to examine a, and I sullenly quote, "third, undescended testicle". This request was denied, under Medical License Article 3c, and even if it wasn't, it'd be a cold day in hell before I agreed to it. Despite what can only be described as a catastrophic state of fitness, Mr. Cogfeld is technically viable for work under normal conditions, though there is every chance that this statement will need to be altered before he even sets foot on the Cyberiad. Send the Cyberiad Medical Department my deepest condolences for what they'll have to put up with.
    2 points
  4. I suppose a too lengthy post might be unappealing, so I might end up slightly repeating myself. IAAs are way too often completely unqualified to guide newsec in Space Law and SOP matters. Magistrates have dealt with so much shitcurity they often have very little patience, too. Both are just bogeymen newsec would prefer to avoid for somewhat sensible reasons. They're only learning, can you stop yelling at them for all the slightest mistakes? HoS more often than not is playing Rambo. He's big, he's bad and he ain't need no officers. He can handle the baddies. Warden is glued to the camera console and would rather suicide than spend time at least explaining how equipment works. While some veterans will show good behaviours, like pairing up to investigate "help maint" moments, many important things are easy to miss and take up a lot of time and luck to learn. Furthermore, veterans at most will passively show good behaviours, maybe correct minor mistakes around them. Almost never actually teach. Creating Instructor/Cadets system would allow new officers to not impact the round so badly. As it is right now, creating an unofficial Instructor/Cadet pair cripples the Security while spawning additional antags. If we reduced their weight just a bit in comparison to regular officers, there would be close to no difference, I believe. Instructor/Cadets would only have to really respond to code red threats when the station's integrity is endangered, otherwise they would be almost a subdepartment handling minor crimes and conducting seaches when main department is too busy piloting exosuits into the cult base. I know this form could be abused by veteran security signing up as Cadets and Instructors validhunting. The latter being less likely, since, as Furasian said, karma jobs often live up to the expectations. Consider this a brainstorming. And it's hardly shorter...
    2 points
  5. I can one up this. Slime Powered Taxi. Step 1. Have Xenobiology produce Black Slime Extracts. Step 2. Find someone willing to behave as a sentient slime. Step 3. Have Research and Development construct a temperature gun. Step 4. Set the Temperature to the highest hot setting. Step 5. Have the sentient slime drag you as you fire them with the Hot Temperature gun. Step 6. ...help I am going too fast now. This probaby is faster than old meth speeds, it is absolutely hilarious and silly. Enjoy slime races.
    2 points
  6. Nukie forgot to put magboots on. Nukie forgot to get a hardsuit. Nukie forgot to even get the NAD. But what did nukie remember to do?
    1 point
  7. Guns themselves should never be ID locked at all. I have the same issue with firing pins (which we've thankfully never ported).
    1 point
  8. I've seen it abused but I'd rather Security get their own morgue for EOCs or other dangerous personnel who the entire station would be better off dead with a DNR tag on them. It is kind of baffling how many security will drag vampires, changelings and occasional shadowling to the cremator, completely bypass the access restrictions to it (the door and cremator button itself requiring Chaplain access to use.) and not even blink an eye about permanently removing them from the round, but these same players raise hell in saltchat (and presumably ahelps) if an antag kills them and takes steps to prevent their own eventual revival. IMO Cremator should only be used when there is an actual threat that the subject can self revive, or Security has confirmed that co-conspirators will attempt to revive them (thus Security admitting they are incapable of containing the threat.) Idealling, with a signed and Stamped Death Warrant from the Magistrate and/or Captain (which can easily be prepared in advanced if Security already knows such a threat exists on the station), or at the very least a fax sent to CC to get approval A more desirable solution would be coding in new methods of containing such threats alive and in the brig that don't involve bucklecuffing them a roller bed with an anesthetic tank forced onto them. Allowing antags to continue existing in the round, RP or seek out an escape if they would like to continue pursuing their objectives.
    1 point
  9. @TullyBBurnalot thoughts, Mr SoP/Spacelaw etc? Seems pretty easy to throw in. This is too accurate.
    1 point
  10. In my experience in Security and Command, vampires end up falling into two categories: 1. Discovered, tased, caught, holy water'd, (hopefully extinguished), and thrown in perma. Occasionally, I do see a vampire holy water'd without an extinguisher nearby, and the vamp burns to death. In these cases, I try as much as possible to steer people to cloning the vampire. 2. Very robust, very powerful, killing civilians and security with impunity. These are quite obviously uncontainable, and legitimate kill-on-sight execution targets. These vampires, being obvious execution targets, I do recommend for the cremator if they are killed. Security usually doesn't want to take the risk of another round of murderboning, and the EoC made their own bed by going loud. I think it would be a funny ahelp conversation to read: Vampire: Halp, they cremated me! Admin: You killed 20 people, a 1/5th of the station population. Vampire: So you're not gonna ban them? Admin: *facepalm*
    1 point
  11. After the singulo got released, engineering rebuilt containment and prepared for making a new singulo. but something about their setup seems a bit off...
    1 point
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