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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2019 in all areas

  1. While i like the intent of this, by far the biggest problem ive seen as an admin from sec is the old harmbaton, not lasers. Quite literally at least 10x more problems with harmbatons over lasers. Shotguns are also super deadly and cause ff issues with buckshot. For actually deadlyness a tazer followe by harmbaton is generally much more effective against the clown. Lasers themselves are generally best against blobs, xenos, etc.
    2 points
  2. On the '5 buckshot hits don't drop someone' issue, I've been thinking we could set health thresholds where you are guaranteed to go to the next stage. Something like...if at -200 health or less, you have 100% chance to go into shock, at -400 health heart attacks have 100% chance to occur, etc. So basically take the current odds but dial them way up at certain threshold values.
    1 point
  3. 1: - 5 buckshot hits really should drop someone. Otoh, I dont' want people being stuck in perma-crit unable to live or die, so that seems a value that should really be tweaked to get a happier medium. 2: - Walking away from a mortal injury shouldn't be easy, but possibly depending on circumstances. Reducing screaming for help I think is kinda good - if one person is repeatedly shooting you with a shotgun escape should be near impossible. 3: - More complex medbay good. Vendors being able to replace chemistry bad. Less stuff in vendors but make stuff easier on chem? 4- A few extra antag items like the bone repair stuff, but for shock, might be nice for that? Really, antags shouldn't be able to walk away from too many "lethal" hits, but still have some room for error. Random death I think helps a bit, to make things less...reliable. I dont' want peopel to think "i just got shot once by a shotgun i'll be fine."....but I don't want it to be a death sentence either. You're pretty good at the coding sides of the farie, so I'd like your opinion on how to tweak all those values and by how much.
    1 point
  4. My opinion about new crit didn't really change much since the last few PR's about it. 1. People don't go down anymore in combat. You have to stun them or just fuck them up so badly that they drop. Meaning killing is needed more. I've seen people (myself included) stand up after getting shot 5 times with buckshot. I stood up after getting bit 20 times by terror spiders just to get bitten 20 times more before I finally died. Last one is fixed by a snowflake way as far as I know. 2. The idea of having a chance to walk away from danger when you're dying is not happening. If you're fucked up it means you're either in combat or you're in space. In other words you will die. And screaming for help won't work due to the oxygen loss you have. 3. It make medbay slightly more complex. But at the same time it's just a few more steps which will bottleneck medbay. Chemistry is not needed due to the vendors being stocked up fully. And if you don't have them stocked up fully then medbay will fall down due to the fact that most chemists can't keep up. 4. For antags it's a pain as well. If you get out alive in combat you will die after. First you just had to get surgery. Now you just die from shock or something. Making antagging much harder. Same goes for being an officer. All in all I don't think it adds possitive things to the game as a whole. It's more tedious now mostly and dead feels random due to the RNG nature of shock, heart failure and heart attacks. (triggering is random but weighted on the damage).
    1 point
  5. There's a longstanding bar on certain firing pins as implemented by TG. We're okayish with the entry level concept of some guns being pinless, by default (for instance, ones produced by R&D), but we're not keen, at all, on things like mindshied firing pins. We're hypothetically ok with nukies also having firing pins, but that's still up for debate. The overall firing pin system has good aspects about it, but the one we're most skeptical of is the mindshield one. This seems, to me, to be a side-step from the mindshield firing pin, so color me extremely skeptical. This system also assumes the HoS and Warden aren't just going to unlock all the guns by default--after all why not? "Just in case".
    1 point
  6. -what did german say when asked if they want some hummus for dinner? - nine
    1 point
  7. Having a morgue in security, if added at all, should probably be with or extremely close to the brig phys, since it makes sense having the only trained doctor on the security team handle cadavers.
    1 point
  8. So you're sitting around Cargo doing your usual thing, when suddenly a miner walks in with this weird locked crate that they don't know how to open. With it's 4-digit lock, how could anyone hope to find out what goodies are inside?! There are two ways to open these Deca-lock abandoned crates. One way is to blow it open; either with a gun or explosion. This destroys some of the crate's contents, which could be REALLY valuable (or not). The other method, is actually solving the lock. What You Need to Know: Abandoned Crates have a randomized 4 digit code, digits 0-9, and you have 10 tries to guess the correct one before it (harmlessly) explodes, leaving nothing behind. Hitting the crate with an ID, PDA, or melee weapon will also cause it to destruct instantly, so don't do that by accident. There are no repeat digits. Every digit in the code is unique; you will never have two of the same number in a crate's code. Use this knowledge to your advantage. You can back out of a code input attempt by submitting an empty guess. If you accidentally click on the crate, prompting a code entry, just leave it blank and submit, and you will instead leave the crate alone. Every attempt is precious. You need a multitool. When you hit an abandoned crate with a multitool, it tells you two things: How many attempts left before the crate is destroyed, and how close your last code input was to the real code. You are only shown the MOST RECENT attempt though, so do not forget to use the multitool after every input, or else you learn nothing. Write things down. Use your IC notes, your PDA (make sure you don't smack the crate after taking notes), or even just a paper and pencil, but write down the results of every input (shortened preferably) or else you'll forget. What To Do: Let's get crackin'. First order of business is to throw away that first crate the miners gave you because they probably used up 4 of the 10 guesses on random things. Once you get your hands on a crate with at least 9 attempts intact, as well as a multitool and some sort of note-taker, find a nice spot to sit down in for the next 5 minutes or so. What you want to be taking note of is the code you inputted, how many correct numbers were in the incorrect place, and how many correct numbers were in the correct place of every attempt. For simplicity's sake, you should write it down as this: [input] [#]c [#]i - Input being your guess, c being the number of correct digits in the correct place, and i being the number of correct digits in the incorrect place. Remember that c and i will add up to the total amount of correct digits you have in that attempt. 1c and 1i means 2 correct digits, just that one is in the correct spot and one isn't. The method detailed in this guide is what I call the "Snake" method, because you slide up one number at a time and use the head and tail to find out which digits are part of the code. Start with the code 0123. The crate will tell you it's wrong unless you're the luckiest person in the world. Then use the multitool to found out how many digits were in the correct and incorrect places, write it down, and move on to the code 1234. Repeat to 2345, 3456, all the way to 5678 (You can usually skip 6789, as you can deduce when theres a 9 in the code when you've only found 3 digits.) Once you have everything written down, it's time for the Deduction phase. See where the amount of digits increases or decreases, and that will tell you what numbers are in the code. Then you can go back and see when these numbers are in the correct position, and narrow it down to 1 or 2 possible answers. Here is an easy example:
    1 point
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