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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2019 in all areas

  1. Finally, a place to dump all my dumb paperwork templates. I'll start this nice and calmly with my Security Related stuff. Parole Permit: Weapon Permit: Execution Order: And, of course Internal Affairs Complaint Form: Internal Affairs Investigation Report: Still need to write up my Search and Arrest Warrants that I've been planning. I could also drop my Command paperwork if people want that. Now let's post this and see if I did the spoilers right.
    3 points
  2. NOTE: I am not writing this out of hate but out of a desire to fix the race so that they're not just "dog people". So I have an artist friend who deals a lot with animals, anthropology, and such and I asked them to draw my character. When attempting to explain what a Vulp is, I used the Wiki article and that's when we both discovered that there are some things that definitely need explained if this race is going to be anything other then "Dog Person". I have a background in medicine so we put our heads together and came up with a few things to point out. Based on their anatomy and physiology we determined that prior to NT finding them they were likely a hunter-gatherer society that likely had some amount of farming capability but primarily relied on tools and ambush tactics. This idea is supported by the fact that they have low light vision, opposable thumbs, and plantigrade feet which would not make them very fast in comparison to something like an actual dog. Their ribs are apparently fused in a web-like lattice structure. This structure, we deduced, has to be relatively flexible not only to suit their ambush tactics but if it was rigid, they'd have more 'barrel chested' appearances. Additionally, having this lattice like structure would actually give them more blood flow then a human (as humans have bundles of veins and arteries tucked under each rib in a small notch) since blood flow can go and reach just about anywhere in the chest cavity without major obstruction. This would require them to have rather tough lungs to help push up against their own chest. As far as organs are concerned, it is noted that they have two primary differences to humans: 1. A two chambered stomach. 2. A 'special' liver. Ill discuss these later. Their face will have to have center focused eyes (like a human) that don't offer as great of a field of vision as a prey would have. In addition, due to their overall structure and nature they can probably smell very well but at the cost of requiring them to have strong muzzles. Their jaws, on the other hand, don't need to be as strong nor do their necks as they don't appear to need to be able to hold thrashing animals in their teeth, thus their teeth aren't too tough in comparison to humans. Here are the things that we feel need to either be clarified or otherwise changed as to make the race actually make some means of practical sense. If Atlam was a temperate world, why the increased blood flow to the ears? You wouldn't need greater thermo-regulation in a temperate environment, regardless of how 'big' their ears are it's otherwise excessive. If you're saying it's an evolutionary adaptation, it's been about 4 generations since they've moved and become space fairing, that's very fast evolution by anyone's standards and while variances in height might be possible in that time, developing entire networks of collateral blood flow in ears to accommodate space? Color blindness and correction. The reason why a lot of creatures are colorblind is because they've got an advantage in light conditions that we as humans (who see more color) don't have. Most wild animals are able to see in low light areas which increases their ability to hunt. As we already mentioned, we're pretty sure that they were ambush predators who relied on hunting so them having relative color blindness in favor of low-light visibility makes sense. What doesn't make sense is if it's later corrected, they should, in theory, lose the ability to see in the dark as effectively as they previously could. Possible solution: Only one eye is usually fixed. The brain will be able to bridge the gap and fill in the color blindness while also allowing them to retain their low light visibility. Chest cavity. Due to how their chest is made up, it's got to be more flexible then a humans. This would be a lot more akin to our floating ribs due to their overall requirement of flexibility and allowing expansion during inhalation. The ribs, in conjunction with the muscles of the chest, would support them taking breaths in and would also do decent jobs protecting their chests from slashing damage but would be relatively shit at protecting them from blunt trauma. This is due to the fact that, unlike a human's semi-rigid chest thanks to the presence of a sternum, they have nothing but a flexible chest that prioritizes supporting their stream-like design rather then being protective and thus take more organ damage from blunt trauma. Organs. While their heart is likely 4 chambered, lungs will have to be different in the sense that they're more tough and able to support moving their chest in a uniform motion as they draw in a breath. Otherwise, the muscles on their chest have to be rather significant as they're always relying on these (what would be to a human 'accessory') muscles to help move their chest in a meaningful way. Additionally, their stomach is two chambered apparently? We actually figured this is reasonable if they're able to consume raw meat. We're aware that creatures like bears are able to do both with a single chambered stomach but we realized that while the stomach is very strong in a bear, it requires a ton of intestines to help support its large structure as the whole system is generally inefficient when compared to the relatively compact design we're going for here. Thus, the stomach should be noted to probably be able to handle raw meat a lot better then most other crew members could be able to. What about the specialized "vulpkanin liver" as when a vulp is gibbed, it's even denoted as such? Well that thing has to support a very fast metabolism which makes since with the +11% loss to hunger. In turn, medications, toxins, and food should all be processed quickly though the body but remain for very brief amounts of time. For example, if you give a vulp and a human the same med: The vulp will have the medicine activate sooner and end sooner then the human would by a significant amount. This means that vulp may require more medication to heal them then most crew. The issue with the tails: Since they're plantigrade creatures they are able to enjoy all the benefits that humans do with their hands and feet, like the ability to be bipedal, climb, pick things up, wear clothes, etc. Since their so plantigrade why have the tails in the first place? Tails are usually used as a means of providing some amount of balance to a creature as it moves in some form or fashion. Cats use it to turn while running and falling. Now, their tails do have some use in the way of communicating in their language as well as playing a role in their overall body language. Where this doesn't make sense is that their tail has a similar bone structure to a limb rather than a usual tail? Monkeys, dogs, cats, etc all have tails that are essentially part of their spines and play an active role in such. They are, thanks to their spinal nature, light weight and generally easy to control in some form or fashion. Vulps apparently have a bone structure more akin to a limb? For a vulp to wag their tail as they do in game, that means that we know it's at least greater than one to two bones (likely closer to around three to six at least) because the more long bones present, the less flexible and able to 'wag' the tail. This means that not only is their tail Heavy due to the bone presence but the flexibility required to communicate would be staunched greatly. Simple fix: have it as a part of their spine. Makes it light weight, non-weight bearing (can't pick shit up with them), but able to be controlled to some degree that would make it essential for communication. Simple fixes: Amend the wiki and potentially give them more organ damage as a result of blunt trauma to the chest.
    2 points
  3. I'd like to imagine while not teaching new players, the Instructor could act as a sort of in-field Internal Affairs Agent. Keeping an eye on other members while they are treating criminals outside of Brig, while, as it seems the direction of people's opinion has gone this way, also just performing usual Officer duties. General consensus on this thread seems to prefer them to act as more of a Senior Officer rather than a VIP. As such, I'll include a new idea for the uniform (which doesn't involve the VIP elements). - Same as most general Security uniforms, maybe with a few minor changes. ~ Potentially could spawn with a different weapon than the taser, if it's decided to be a karma role they could even have the same revolver as the Blueshield. ~ Normal Secbelt stuff, or just make them pick one up same as the rest of the Officers. ~ Same general access, maybe elevated to include Detective's Office or Internal Affairs (if people agree on the integration aspect). ~ Officer's beret to help distinguish them from regular Security at a glance, would help new players identify without having to examine everyone for their ID. They could also just PDA them so that's not entirely necessary. ~ Could have their own office, but that would require the addition of a whole new access level and would probably be more effort than needed. ~ Maybe give them a SWAT mask on spawn? Obviously the previous load-out I provided would be for the VIP aspect, but I hope the idea of a more general role helps too!
    2 points
  4. Introduction Welcome! You are probably already familiar with the Guide to Chemistry wiki page (if not, open it now!), this guide is meant to be used with it! Dosages are always debated, these are my preferred ones. You change them later if you want (apart from a very few exceptions). This is a beginner's guide, there are way more drugs to mix and other ways to use. Important: If you want to experiment with explosives, narcotics, and toxins, please become a Scientist and use their chemistry (scichem) instead. Medical chemists have their own SOP which, if not followed, can cripple the entire department. With this out of the way, let's get started! Workplace & Tools Chem Dispenser: This is the machine for dispensing and mixing chemicals. Insert a container such as a Large Beaker or a Bucket into it and click on it to use it. ChemMaster 3000: After you are done with mixing, eject the beaker from the Dispenser and put it into this. Transfer the chemicals to the ChemMaster, then decide the form and the dosage of your medicine. Chemical Heater: Some medicine requires heating. Set the heater to 1000K, insert a container and turn it on. (If you set the heater to 1000K, it heats up faster). Remove the container once the chemicals are mixed - it will emit a bubbling or a sizzling sound. Caution: if the heater reaches 1000K, it explodes. Chemistry Bag: Take the bag into your hand and click on a pile of pills/patches/bottles. It will store all of them. Click on the Smartfridge to transfer everything. (Use the bottom Smartfridge for now.) Drag and drop the bag to a tile if you want to empty it onto the floor or onto a table. Smartfridge: This is where medicine is stored. It automatically sorts medicine by their name and dosage. There are two of them, a public one (on the left) and one designated for the doctors (the bottom one). For now, only use the bottom one. Gas Mask: You'll work with a few dangerous chemicals such as Cyanide. To avoid inhaling it, always use a gas mask during work. Science Goggles: If you examine a container with these on (by shift-clicking on them), you can see what they contain. Large Beaker: Every Chemist starts with two, they hold 100u (100 units) reagent. This is what you use for mixing. Bucket: They hold 120u which is often more efficient than the beaker. You can (and should!) go to Cargo and ask for 2-4 buckets when you arrive at the station. Medicine Medicine work in different forms. Some has to be applied on the skin, some has to be used with a dropper or a syringe, others have to be ingested in a pill form. To make it easier, I will use the following icons before each medicine: pill, patch, and bottle. To avoid wasting or overdosing anything, try to stick to these dosages for now. (10u means 10 units.) Core Medicine These are the drugs that the Smartfridge should have at all times. For the actual recipes, see Guide to Chemistry. Mannitol (10u): Heals brain damage. Most often occurs after suffocation and/or death. Mitocholide (30u): Used to revive organs (and to heal organ damage but very inefficiently). It is usually used with Strange Reagent. Mutadone (1u): Fixes genetic defects. They often occur after cloning or Geneticists being dummies. One unit is enough for everything, less simply won't work, more is a waste. Pentetic Acid (5u): Heals toxin and radiation damage rapidly and purges chemicals from the bloodstream. Far superior to Charcoal and it is easily mass produced. Forget Charcoal, make these! Wear a gas mask while working with Cyanide. Perfluorodecalin (10u): Heals oxygen damage rapidly. We use it in a patch form because the pill form would get patients addicted to it. Strange Reagent (1u): Used to revive the dead. Don't use it yourself because it is super dangerous. Some species cannot be cloned so this is their way to get properly revived. Get Omnizine from the CMO, wine from the bar and mix them up! Always make the pills into 1 unit, no more, no less. (If there is no CMO, ask your doctors to get Omnizine, they will know how to get it. hopefully) Synthflesh (10u/20u): Heals both brute and burnt damage. Number one choice to patch up corpses before reviving them. You need blood for it - use a syringe and draw it from yourself or get an animal from the Geneticists for it. Don't draw more than four or five times or you'll start choking. You can replenish blood by ingesting Iron. Less Core Medicine These are the medicine that are good to have and you should make some once the Smartfridge is stocked with the previous ones. Antihol (5u/10u): Purges alcohol from the body and sobers up the patient. Medbay gets more drunkards than you'd expect. Cryoxadone (30u): It is used in the cryotubes, they heal genetic damage. It often occurs after cloning or reviving someone with Strange Reagent. It is also used to make biomass for the cloner. (Mix blood with Cryoxadone in front of the cloner console to produce Synth Meat. The cloner will automatically suck it in.) Hydrocodone (30u): An extremely strong painkiller, it is used for surgery on certain species (such as vox, plasmamen, etc.). You can get Morphine from the white medical vendors. Surgeons will love you if you make these because you make their job much, much easier. Shoutout to all the chemists who makes these, you are the best Saline-Glucose Solution (10u/20u): It heals both Brute and Burnt and restores blood. It is rarely used because everyone just gets shoved into a cryotube or a sleeper for instant treatment and forgets about blood loss. It is still good to have, especially if patients start to pile up. Silver Sulfadiazine (20u): Heals burn damage, less effectively than Synthflesh. Careful, you can quickly drain your Dispenser with mass-producing these. Styptic Powder (20u): Heals brute damage, the same way as Silver Sulfadiazine. People often use Synthflesh for both Brute and Burnt instead of this or Silver Sulfadiazine, but it is good to have if you have nothing to do. I Guess I Should Include These Medicine These drugs are rarely used, either because people don't want to bother with using them or they are only needed under very special circumstances. Holy Water (30u): Used against cultists and vampires and to make Strange Reagent. If the Chaplain is dead/not cooperative during a cultist or a vampire round, security will ask you to mass produce this. Oculine (10u): Heals eye and ear damage. Upgraded Sleepers will have it so it is rarely needed, but if Science is lazy, you'll need to make some. If you, too, feel lazy, just ask Botany to grow carrots. Carrots contain Oculine - just grind them up, separate plant-matter from it and make them into pills. Potassium Iodide (10u): Heals radiation damage. It is so rare that some people think radiation is just prolonged toxin damage. It is not Teporone (10u): Stabilizes body temperature, used once in a blue moon. If anyone asks for this, they probably want it as a dental implant, so make sure it's in a pill form. Miscellaneous Things you should keep in mind or otherwise relevant. Mixing Potassium and Water instantly creates an explosion, be super careful. Pills have to be metabolized, meaning they won't work on dead people. Patches always cut the applied dosage in half. Applying a 20u Silver Sulfadiazine patch will transfer 10u. On the flipside, they work on corpses. Botanists will arrive at shift start, asking for Unstable Mutagen. It is essential for their job, please fill their buckets with it. The virologist will also come and ask for Sugar (and maybe Unstable Mutagen). Give them a bottle (30u) of each. They will also come back to convert their virus into pills once they are done, let them in if they ask you to! Some people will ask for Space Lube and narcotics. If you consider yourself a decent medical chemist, please don't give out either of them. They are mostly funny for the user itself and no one else. If anyone breaks into Chemistry, call security and/or the CMO as soon as possible. This place is one of the go-tos for people who are up to no good. Sometimes doctors unwrech the Smartfridge to enter it and to use one of your machines. It is... Kind of illegal and annoying, but it is usually ok during emergencies. The easiest ways to get Omnizine is to ask from the CMO. If they give you their Hypospray, use a syringe to get the omnizine out of it (30u). If there is no CMO, the hypospray is already stolen, or they are reluctant to co-operate, get warm donk pockets from the kitchen. They produce omnizine once you metabolize them. You can use dialysis on the Sleepers to get your blood, and so the Omnizine, in a beaker.
    1 point
  5. i think chocolate should be poison to vulp again..
    1 point
  6. Pretty sure you're also thinking about the telepads. Sorry!
    1 point
  7. If it's decided as a karma role, they could be held to the same standards as the Magistrate and the NT Rep, in terms of the role being sensitive and higher RP standard required among those who play it to act more as an adviser to other Security rather than a higher ranking Officer. If it's decided to be a high playtime role, then maybe they could be deterred with high levels of SOP for IAAs to keep an eye out for, and potentially a higher punishment due to the fact they're meant to be an example to others? Or it could be specified that while being tasked with helping Security and keeping an eye out for malpractice in the field, they do not outrank any Officer and will be held to the same standards for SOP breaches/malpractice than anyone else in Security would be held to. I really don't know. Could attempt a sort of trial event in which CC promotes someone in Security to Instructor, they go to the HoP for an ID change and see how players react to it all. Although that would require some communication with players to see who's new to Security and who can help them out.
    1 point
  8. A new office seems overkill - they should be out in the field. A cool beret to make them look cooler for sure. One issue I have (and this has come up with various ideas for things like "senior doctor" etc) - is eliteness. What could we do to make sure people using this role don't have an elitist attitude about it, and aren't going to wave their authority around?
    1 point
  9. >Oh boy oh boy Rollback! Well a week has passed, and over time I've observed pretty much everything that everyone was explaining. Those who took up my offer to learn would quickly learn what I know and their survival rate would double. Those who didn't usually disappeared in maintenance. BUT WITH ALL THIS IN MIND and all the points presented one question remains: How do we go forward in implementing this idea? We have a general idea on the loadout, but what should be the official final decision on a instructor's loadout? How shall we write the SOPs for the instructor? AAAAH SO MUCH CRAP TO STILL ESTABLISH
    1 point
  10. Simply amending a lot of the wiki would resolve this and maybe adding organ damage to brute chest trauma. It would make them more alien. As far as tails are concerned, if it's a part of their spine it would be light enough to work I believe.
    1 point
  11. I can one up this. Slime Powered Taxi. Step 1. Have Xenobiology produce Black Slime Extracts. Step 2. Find someone willing to behave as a sentient slime. Step 3. Have Research and Development construct a temperature gun. Step 4. Set the Temperature to the highest hot setting. Step 5. Have the sentient slime drag you as you fire them with the Hot Temperature gun. Step 6. ...help I am going too fast now. This probaby is faster than old meth speeds, it is absolutely hilarious and silly. Enjoy slime races.
    1 point
  12. A Better Guide to New-Crit. As penned by Triiodine. New-Crit is difficult to work around. It makes chemistry gray their hair faster than an atmospheric technician that forgot to screw down a plasma window while running a TEG burn chamber. Why? You need primarily two chemicals according to your medical scanner. This is correct, but you can greatly increase your chances of keeping someone alive by spicing up your mix with more chemicals than there are spices in the Dutch East Indies. First, we'll need to break down critical condition. You fall into critical condition at 0 health (At full health, you have 200 total points shared across your entire body). At -100, you die. Very simple, this is unchanged. Past a cumulative 100 damage of any type, you begin to roll for catching critical disease. Why it wasn't refactored into it's own system is beyond me, regardless, it means we'll need to bust out our robust virology knowledge to safely bring your favorite security officer or mindslave back from the brink. New-Crit can be broken down into two different diseases: Shock. Cardiac Failure. Let's break down on how to prevent and cure shock. Shock is a three stage disease that begins to give you really annoying messages about feeling weak, as if falling over and passing out faster than a college freshmen drinking for the first time wasn't enough to remind you that something maybe, just might, be wrong. Switching to MD. Robusto's perspective, our shock patient has rolled into medical (somehow) still alive. In our hypothetical, let's say our patient is at -170 damage, cumulative in equally distributed burns across the body. Plasma fire or something stupid, the usual. Regardless, its up to you (MD. Robusto) to save them. If you're not a chemist you're chances of saving this poor fellow are so exceptionally low, you might be tempted to do what all the cool kids are doing these days: Cloning, its hip, its new, its an all new you. Saline-Glucose is the only chemical that can be used to cure shock, remind yourself that its handled by disease code, and acts like one in lockstep with others. Curing isn't instant, and curing requires a specific chemical. You can get a bottle of Saline-Glucose pills from the table right next to the sleepers at round start. Be quick though, a nibble assistant might nick them before you even open your locker for your precious nitrile gloves. While you're busy stuffing your patient's face with Saline-Glucose, make sure to either A. Slap them into a well stocked sleeper, a well stocked cryo-cell (Both unlikely), or slap them with whatever trauma patch is most applicable to their condition. If you can get them above 0 damage and into a non-flashing health-meter, then you can prevent their chance to roll for Cardiac Failure. Are they cured yet? Great! Good job MD. Robusto, you've saved a life in New-Crit. Pat yourself on the back and splint their legs up before sending them off to surgery or whatever post triage care they might need. If they're not cured and the situation is worsening, they might roll into Cardiac Failure. A double whammy, two diseases. They'll also start to accumulate oxygen damage (and brain-damage) the longer they lapse into shock. Don't let that happen! Stuff them with Salbutamol, yes that's right, the chemical you can find in every maintenance closet and O2 kit. Yes it does stuff, yes it works, its a wonder chemical now! None of that is true. While the Salbutamol will offset the stacking oxygen damage, their brain is still going to give up on you in the near future. You're racing a clock here now MD. Robusto. So to review, Shock can be prevented and cured with ONLY Saline-Glucose solution. It can either be gotten round-start from a table next to the sleepers (Only on Cyberiad), or made in Chemistry out of Salt, Water, & Sugar. It is advised you beg the HOP for chemistry access, and or set your chemist preference to high so you might have a never ending supply. Let's break down on how to prevent and cure Cardiac Failure. Alas MD. Robusto, it appears your valiant and well educated efforts have failed to save your patient from the rough tool-boxing they've received, and their heart has gone on strike, despite not being part of any union you've heard of. So how do you convince it to go back to being a wage-slave pumping blood for someone who dreams of antag rounds but can never connect fast enough to make the three minute lobby window due to dreamdaemeon being gobshite at routing connections through the rented hub servers. Well, you'll need either EPINEPHRINE, and or ATROPINE. Both complex chemicals to make. Atropine used to be a late shift chem used for emergencies only. Now its in every single vendor this side of the Centauri Sector. Use it wisely. Remind yourself that diseases (and thus New-Crit) can be cured with up to just 1u of the cure chemical. However, this is a race against brain-death, and the more chem the better. During Cardiac Failure, your patient might experience Cardiac Arrest (a heart-attack). This can be prevented by either A. slapping them with the codersprite handheld defib, or B. slapping them with a proper defib. I would recommend the handheld, as it has no wind-up time, and thus resets their heart-beat immediately. So they've got both shock and cardiac failure? Well, unless you happen to have the entirety of chemistry in your back pocket like the greedy Warden has the entire armory up his, you probably are going to lose the patient. Sorry man, that's just how the game works! You'll need to continuously repeat the following steps until your patient is recovered from new-crit, while also trying to heal them past the critical threshold of 0, and also hold back the tide of oxygen-damage and eventual brain-death. Scan that fucker with your handy dandy upgraded medical scanner. (Seriously make sure its upgraded) If they're in Cardiac Arrest, mini-defib them. Make sure to avoid applying the patches to your forehead, as tempting as it might be to escape this realm of suffering via self inflicted brain-electrocution. If still in SHOCK, apply more Saline-Glucose to face-hole and or via injection site of preference. If still in Cardiac-Failure, apply more atropine and or epinephrine to face-hole and or via injection site of preference. If experiencing oxygen damage or minor-brain damage, apply salbutamol to patient and cross your fingers. Remember that all other previous medical damages such as a collapsed lung, internal bleeding, infection and rotting might also be at play and need to be addressed. Repeat until patient recovers from new-crit or dies. Admit that cloning is probably faster. Cry. “It just works” - Todd Howard. Lost them? Well, you can hang your coat at the genetics door you poor sap. Another body for the hungry cloner gods. Such is life. But what if, there was another way... Something more effective than just three chemicals? Well your Papa Triio (me) and Randomguy spent about 3 hours trying to build a TEG before re-discovering the secrets panel and powering up the SMES's to chem, and we've concocted a mix that'll get your patients out of most situations if you're fast on the hotkeys and keen with the chemicals. Its time to set your chemistry or CMO preference to high, because buddy, you're about to become the hero new-crit needs. You'll want to concoct a mixture of the following chemicals: Salbutamol, Atropine, Saline-Glucose Solution, Ephedrine, Epinephrine, Mannitol, How you mix and match them is up to you, but we recommend your primary ingredients are that of Saline-Glucose, Salbutamol, and Atropine. You'll want to apply these chemicals in 10u doses from one mixed beaker with a syringe. So two 5u injections. Avoid using medical-hyposprays or the CMO's hypospray, while they might work great for other chemicals, they only inject one set of chems at a time, as opposed to giving an equal distro of all the chems pulled via syringe. Aka, if your spray is loaded with two chems, 15u Water and 15u Sugar, and injection is set to 20u, the first injection will be 15u Water, 5u Sugar. Not very handy for our purposes! Your process now becomes the following: Scan the fucker, and be quick about it, if you can see they have a disease on the Medi-HUD prep your syringe. Inject them with 10u of the solution if you haven't already. Continue to scan them and shock/defib as required by cardiac-arrest. Once Atropine concentration is less than 1u in their system, re-inject. Treat bodily damage as you normally would. Attempt to get patient above crit threshold. Repeat until you succeed, or run out of chemicals. If you run out of the mix, revert to previous instruction. It is recommended that you skip to step 9. (Cry) But what does each chemical do? Salbutamol is great at healing oxygen damage and preventing brain-death. Atropine is, atropine, considered a cardiac stimulant, also great for general damage handling. This is where the moderate healing for the mix comes from. Saline-Glucose also heals brute + burn and prevents/cures shock. Ephedrine has a small chance of addiction (prevented by 1 minute in a sleeper, literally an inconvenience, don't sweat it), but also helps cap out oxygen-loss and unlike Salbutamol, also caps out Breath-Lose, which is a special type of oxygen-damage that's tied into the whole brain-death part. Ephedrine will also reduce stuns and while it won't stop shock, it'll lesson it's affects on the patient. Epinephrine is like the weaker cousin of Atropine with less brute & burn healing. When combo-ed together you effectively double your chance of curing cardiac-failure. Mannitol heals brain-damage and prevents brain-death of the patient. Best of luck out there MD. Robusto. Whoever might be watching you, do them proud. P.S. There's a standing PR that changes brain-death from 200 damage to a hard 120 damage, the clock is ticking MD. Robusto. P.S.S. Should Lavaland get merged, there's a chemical related to the flora of the landscape that can be used to combat new-crit, but I'll leave that to you to discover. P.S.S.S. this has only ever been experimented on within a test environment, results may vary, everything could be wrong. Everything could be right. I genuinely can't check.
    1 point
  13. Because Dumbdumn shared a picture of mannequins striking a pose after I said to Tully "I think I might have to draw Jonah in some sort of JoJo pose." This is either the least threatening thing or the most, I haven't figured it out yet.
    1 point
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