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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2019 in all areas

  1. The 'digitigradism' was removed from the game at some point for tajara and vulpkanin, before they used to need the toes cut out of certain boots or to wear sandals/wraps
    3 points
  2. I feel like I was one of the few people who enjoyed that mechanic's existence and regret its removal. Stuff like that going away has always been disappointing to me.
    2 points
  3. Agree with FoS, KasparoVv, and Medi on all of this.
    1 point
  4. Code: 500 Image: <not available> Crime: Grand Lipsticking Description: To forcibly apply lipstick to another crew member without their consent Notes: If the color of applied is a crime against fashion, the offender may be sent to perma for twice the normal duration and/or executed twice, at the discretion of command.
    1 point
  5. 1 shitty kid Am i right or am i right, eh? EH?
    1 point
  6. Strongly disagree, fashion crimes should instead be implemented, each sentence being a + 10 minutes for every fashion crime of a clothing the criminal scum is wearing.
    1 point
  7. Softsuit, actually- Hardsuits require the helmet to be attached beforehand, and the captain's softsuit actually has very good protection, almost double that of a standard security armor vest, except it covers your whole body and protects from more damage types.
    1 point
  8. Captain already has a hard suit
    1 point
  9. I frankly wouldn't mind it for at least the feet.
    1 point
  10. Just to axe the chocolate should be poison for Vulpkanin, because why not they're dog peoples, chocolate is poisonous to everyone the reason why dogs are more affected than humans is the component theobromine which humans can metabolize more quickly than dogs, meaning it builds up to toxic levels within dogs more quickly than humans, and also the ratio of chocolate ingested to body mass, larger dogs consume more chocolate than smaller breeds before suffering ill effects. Biology of Vulpkanin isn't necessarily a mirror of canines and it could easily be that they metabolize chocolate in an entirely different way, hell for all we know about how Vulpkanin metabolize theobromine it could heal them or give them super powers. Even if they were human sized dogs, because of body mass alone they would have to ingest a greater amount of chocolate than what a person realistically would or would have to each chocolate frequently enough to reach that critical level of toxicity. So yeah, adding it for anything other than "Lol they're dog people" doesn't make any amount of sense what so ever, hell it'd even be a stretch if they were "Lol dog people."
    1 point
  11. I mean, you can expand upon that to state that they're more akin to our modern setting, hunting and trapping with more advanced means like firearms and such. I think for their species to make sense in the grand theater of what's going on, space flight needs to be something that is out of their reach or something they don't practice. The reasoning for this is that it really enhances the whole concept of Why they weren't around sooner without making them like the Unathi and xenophobic. If anything, NT can be written in as being beneficial to the survival of the race as they would likely have to assist in some capacity with them relocating (for the modest fee of their continued services).
    1 point
  12. Had to stop by to address point 2: That's part of the design rationale behind my original implementation of colourblindness on the race, you take it you get 8 darksight, you don't and you get 2 (standard) darksight Now I just feel nobody's got no idea what it's all about so we just wing it, IMPROV FTW
    1 point
  13. Well, obviously. While I don't believe this is entirely true it's a factor. However, from a gameplay standpoint that doesn't justify non giving them diversity from other species on the station. I don't need bluespace mumbo-jumbo to justify a description as there are some biological necessities. Just because they're depicted to look like 'furries' we are suppose to not care about them at all? That doesn't seem to make a ton of sense. Look at the Vox for example: They're crazy space birds. They've to a ton of justification to them. We didn't just call it at: "Here have a bird person" and walk away.
    1 point
  14. Well, per the apparent creator they're suppose to have digitigrade legs so that would make sense for them to have tails it's just a bit harder for them to wear shoes is all.
    1 point
  15. I appreciate how OP made an extremely detailed and intricate post on how to make vulpkanin more realistic and you just have ZN in the corner silently mumbling about vulp.
    1 point
  16. Given what you said and, from what is apparently a bastardized version of the original concept boiled down to what would have made sense, I see no reason not to push for some kind of reform since they're popular enough now. Done correctly, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to implement at least some of the ideas. I get your core concept though: They're not space/earth doggos and that's why I am trying to diversify them and making them more 'alien' in nature. That being said: give some bullet points to things that you feel are practical and could change.
    1 point
  17. i think chocolate should be poison to vulp again..
    1 point
  18. Frankly, as someone who plays a vulp, I don't think they'll mind the footwear thing too much. It wouldn't be the greatest sin. Also with the organs? It's light damage, I'm asking for realistically 3-5% with Heavy brute damage. If some greytide wacks you with a pack of cigarettes it shouldn't pop a lung. Now if you took a tool box to the chest, I think a small amount of organ trauma in the chest is both realistic, non-debilitating, and fair. In all honesty, your chest is more likely to be cracked then your organs compromised from the trauma in the long run. Plus, given the differences, toxin damage to him lasts a lot less long so the trade-offs kinda work anyway. The whole flash thing, I discussed it and if anything you could reduce that if they accepted my suggestion of the whole "one eye" fix. I think my biggest deal was just giving Vulp some love when you compare it to literally any other wiki, especially the Vox. The Vulps are written off as "Here have a space dog" while the Vox have this intricate system (that doesn't delve too deep into their actual biology but thats okay) for their entire wiki's basis.
    1 point
  19. Having gone back to talk with my friend about this, these are the following suggestions: 1. Amend wiki for ears and eyes. 2. Brute chest trauma = light organ damage. 3. Either digitigrade (remove ability to wear shoes and give them the foot wraps except for things like mag boots etc) or remove tails. 4. Amend wiki in regards to their culture and such.
    1 point
  20. Updated the guide to be more clear and concise for the new crit minimal changes PR. Removed some unnecessary info and added some new; corrected errors and adjusted things to factor in the newly submitted PR.
    1 point
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