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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2019 in all areas

  1. About Antag Tokens: Antag tokens are given out by admins, at their discretion. Typically, they are only given out to antags who have their antag round ruined by an admin's mistake, such as if an admin accidentally crashes the server. You are never entitled to an antag token. If you want to know if you have any antag tokens, ahelp and ask. There is no other way for you to check if you have one. If you have an antag token, you can ahelp "''I would like to use my antag token to become an X''" (where X is "changeling", "traitor" or "vampire") at the start of the round, to become that type of antag. You cannot use antag tokens to become any other type of antag not listed above. You cannot use the same token more than once. Even if you die 20 seconds after using the token. You cannot use antag tokens if you are playing a job that is typically mindshielded, like Captain or Security. Admins may deny your request to use an antag token in any particular round. We typically do this when the round is expected to be short (stops you wasting your token on a short round) or the antags are already very numerous/strong (stops the round becoming too unbalanced). If we deny your request to use a token in a particular round, the token is NOT used up, and you can try again next round.
    4 points
  2. Currently, the SOP of the chef looks like this: 1. The Chef is not permitted to use the corpses of deceased personnel for meat unless given specific permission from the Chief Medical Officer. Exception is made for changelings and any other executed personnel not slated for Borgifications; 2. The Chef is permitted to use Ambrosia and other such light narcotics in the production of food; 3. The Chef must produce at least three (3) dishes of any food within twenty (20) minutes. Failure to do so is to be considered a breach of Standard Operating Procedure; 4. The Chef is not permitted to leave the kitchen unattended for longer than fifteen (15) minutes if there is no food available for consumption. Exception is made if there are no ingredients, or if the Kitchen is unusable/a hazard zone The problem with the current SOP is that it fully allows the chef to just leave food lying around on the ground, risking ant damage to the crew. When I once tried as Internal Affairs Agent to report such a careless chef to the HoP, I was pointed to the fact that the chef was not actually breaking SOP. A chef should have to take care that his food doesn't eat the crew back from the inside. A new law could be added along the lines of "The Chef must make sure that his food contains no substances that deal harm upon ingestion." This would be wide enough to include ants and any other potential future food invaders.
    2 points
  3. You were given an extensive period (6 months) with constant requests for feedback on lore. Vulpkanin went without lore for about eight months initially because you refused to provide any input on the matter whatsoever despite having joint authority over it (you were even told a simple yes/no to the proposed lore would have sufficed--there was three different lore documents floating around at the time as well). You declined to give any feedback after being asked on four separate occasions by myself, by Flattest at least two or three times (to my knowledge), and by headministration once or twice at the time. A lore team was later established which you also did not apply for or offer any feedback. The new revised lore produced by the lore team was then announced publically at multiple junctures (five times to the community) for feedback to be given. The lore then sat for another six months during a feedback period where we were actively collecting input from members of the community and people who were interested in the lore (quite honestly anyone was welcome to provide input and spitball at this time). You didn't give any feedback/input at this time either. People wanted your feedback on the lore and actively tried to include you in the process. I am glad you've actually stated a few of your original ideas (they're valuable if the lore gets revised again), but this is an incredibly unfair statement to anyone who worked on it. People repeatedly tried to involve you in the process and framing it as though you were patently glossed over is completely untrue. If you--as the creator of the species--write something, I can guarantee you that it would be incorporated. As for lore discussion, it's always welcome; idea generation is valuable. The only thing to keep in mind is that lore mirrors mechanics, not the other way around. This is probably the biggest reason why none of the lore is terribly bold or adventurous for the species as nobody wants to implement active contradictions between the lore and the game server.
    2 points
  4. Man I haven't made a suggestion in a while which just feels wrong. So welcome to my newest suggestion: The Anon Karma Message System (Which you could try to call AKMS for short but let's be honest that just sounds terrible) The basic idea is as simple as it sounded in the title: When you give someone karma, you will be given the option to send an anon message along with it, which you can use to tell the person how great they were that round, or maybe which great thing they did that caused you to give them karma. Basically something wholesome. Also if anyone tries to abuse this to send anon unwholesome messages all you have to do is get an Admin on the case cause just like everything else chat related them anon messages won't be as anon to the Logs that Admins have access to (and hey you still get a karma point).
    1 point
  5. NOTE: I am not writing this out of hate but out of a desire to fix the race so that they're not just "dog people". So I have an artist friend who deals a lot with animals, anthropology, and such and I asked them to draw my character. When attempting to explain what a Vulp is, I used the Wiki article and that's when we both discovered that there are some things that definitely need explained if this race is going to be anything other then "Dog Person". I have a background in medicine so we put our heads together and came up with a few things to point out. Based on their anatomy and physiology we determined that prior to NT finding them they were likely a hunter-gatherer society that likely had some amount of farming capability but primarily relied on tools and ambush tactics. This idea is supported by the fact that they have low light vision, opposable thumbs, and plantigrade feet which would not make them very fast in comparison to something like an actual dog. Their ribs are apparently fused in a web-like lattice structure. This structure, we deduced, has to be relatively flexible not only to suit their ambush tactics but if it was rigid, they'd have more 'barrel chested' appearances. Additionally, having this lattice like structure would actually give them more blood flow then a human (as humans have bundles of veins and arteries tucked under each rib in a small notch) since blood flow can go and reach just about anywhere in the chest cavity without major obstruction. This would require them to have rather tough lungs to help push up against their own chest. As far as organs are concerned, it is noted that they have two primary differences to humans: 1. A two chambered stomach. 2. A 'special' liver. Ill discuss these later. Their face will have to have center focused eyes (like a human) that don't offer as great of a field of vision as a prey would have. In addition, due to their overall structure and nature they can probably smell very well but at the cost of requiring them to have strong muzzles. Their jaws, on the other hand, don't need to be as strong nor do their necks as they don't appear to need to be able to hold thrashing animals in their teeth, thus their teeth aren't too tough in comparison to humans. Here are the things that we feel need to either be clarified or otherwise changed as to make the race actually make some means of practical sense. If Atlam was a temperate world, why the increased blood flow to the ears? You wouldn't need greater thermo-regulation in a temperate environment, regardless of how 'big' their ears are it's otherwise excessive. If you're saying it's an evolutionary adaptation, it's been about 4 generations since they've moved and become space fairing, that's very fast evolution by anyone's standards and while variances in height might be possible in that time, developing entire networks of collateral blood flow in ears to accommodate space? Color blindness and correction. The reason why a lot of creatures are colorblind is because they've got an advantage in light conditions that we as humans (who see more color) don't have. Most wild animals are able to see in low light areas which increases their ability to hunt. As we already mentioned, we're pretty sure that they were ambush predators who relied on hunting so them having relative color blindness in favor of low-light visibility makes sense. What doesn't make sense is if it's later corrected, they should, in theory, lose the ability to see in the dark as effectively as they previously could. Possible solution: Only one eye is usually fixed. The brain will be able to bridge the gap and fill in the color blindness while also allowing them to retain their low light visibility. Chest cavity. Due to how their chest is made up, it's got to be more flexible then a humans. This would be a lot more akin to our floating ribs due to their overall requirement of flexibility and allowing expansion during inhalation. The ribs, in conjunction with the muscles of the chest, would support them taking breaths in and would also do decent jobs protecting their chests from slashing damage but would be relatively shit at protecting them from blunt trauma. This is due to the fact that, unlike a human's semi-rigid chest thanks to the presence of a sternum, they have nothing but a flexible chest that prioritizes supporting their stream-like design rather then being protective and thus take more organ damage from blunt trauma. Organs. While their heart is likely 4 chambered, lungs will have to be different in the sense that they're more tough and able to support moving their chest in a uniform motion as they draw in a breath. Otherwise, the muscles on their chest have to be rather significant as they're always relying on these (what would be to a human 'accessory') muscles to help move their chest in a meaningful way. Additionally, their stomach is two chambered apparently? We actually figured this is reasonable if they're able to consume raw meat. We're aware that creatures like bears are able to do both with a single chambered stomach but we realized that while the stomach is very strong in a bear, it requires a ton of intestines to help support its large structure as the whole system is generally inefficient when compared to the relatively compact design we're going for here. Thus, the stomach should be noted to probably be able to handle raw meat a lot better then most other crew members could be able to. What about the specialized "vulpkanin liver" as when a vulp is gibbed, it's even denoted as such? Well that thing has to support a very fast metabolism which makes since with the +11% loss to hunger. In turn, medications, toxins, and food should all be processed quickly though the body but remain for very brief amounts of time. For example, if you give a vulp and a human the same med: The vulp will have the medicine activate sooner and end sooner then the human would by a significant amount. This means that vulp may require more medication to heal them then most crew. The issue with the tails: Since they're plantigrade creatures they are able to enjoy all the benefits that humans do with their hands and feet, like the ability to be bipedal, climb, pick things up, wear clothes, etc. Since their so plantigrade why have the tails in the first place? Tails are usually used as a means of providing some amount of balance to a creature as it moves in some form or fashion. Cats use it to turn while running and falling. Now, their tails do have some use in the way of communicating in their language as well as playing a role in their overall body language. Where this doesn't make sense is that their tail has a similar bone structure to a limb rather than a usual tail? Monkeys, dogs, cats, etc all have tails that are essentially part of their spines and play an active role in such. They are, thanks to their spinal nature, light weight and generally easy to control in some form or fashion. Vulps apparently have a bone structure more akin to a limb? For a vulp to wag their tail as they do in game, that means that we know it's at least greater than one to two bones (likely closer to around three to six at least) because the more long bones present, the less flexible and able to 'wag' the tail. This means that not only is their tail Heavy due to the bone presence but the flexibility required to communicate would be staunched greatly. Simple fix: have it as a part of their spine. Makes it light weight, non-weight bearing (can't pick shit up with them), but able to be controlled to some degree that would make it essential for communication. Simple fixes: Amend the wiki and potentially give them more organ damage as a result of blunt trauma to the chest.
    1 point
  6. Another thing about Gnar. Gnar
    1 point
  7. Pre filled responses do have some interesting possibilities. You could for example turn them into cagetories, track how many karma points of each category players have earned in a month and then combine it with some kinda monthly medal system. A player could for example get the monthly medal for "Best roleplayer" or "Best Antag". Probably also should have a pre select for anything not fitting the others. Now I can see the danger of that turning into too much of a bragging material. But I am gonna assume that if someone gets enough karma together to earn a medal hes probably responsibly enough to not be arrogant about it. Of course this is all just an idea (That is more like a seperate bonus idea for a possible variation of the actual suggestion) and in the end the admins with their community experience can probably judge better than me how some kind of medal would affect stuff.
    1 point
  8. I like the idea, I think people would be happy to end and get Karma messages. But i think it would make easier to coordinate karma trades.
    1 point
  9. If that is the case, have fun in perma *Finger guns*
    1 point
  10. It absolutely is the topic at hand. You can't just ignore those other systems, that have the EXACT same problems as the system you are focused on when suggesting it. You need to justify and explain why this one system is different and needs to be removed entirely compared to those other ones. Particularly when Chemistry is not exclusive to Science and Botany can be just as broken to the point it was recently nerfed down. If all the things about Telescience you listed are problems, then why is it NOT problems over there, why has nobody ever suggested we delete those systems but you are suggesting we delete this one? What makes it a special case? That's the point of it. It's a counter. You can't exactly do anything against flashbangs as a Blob either, or EMPs as an IPC, Cyborg or AI, or do much about thermite and tossing in a bomb into the satellite. These things exist, you're not supposed to be omni-powerful with no chance of failure. And, again, that's why the proposed idea of a "Jammer" exists solves this very problem of yours, so it is no longer a problem. So it doesn't need to be removed because the problem is now solved, no? It's knowledge that anyone is capable of learning by game experience. Is it cheesey to know the exact same information about mining ruins? Cuz I can tell you exactly where to get a suspicious toolbox with free combat gloves on the mining asteroid, or where ruins tend to be at (Which chould include scarab eggs, so free holoparasite) That information is inevitable because them ore someone plays the more they are going to memorize and learn this kind of stuff. As for /tg/, as people are so fond of reiterating, we are NOT /tg/ and we have the people willing to put in the tools to prevent all the issues you just brought up, but the idea is being instantly shot down for what reason exactly?
    1 point
  11. See, but you can't have it both ways. We can't say "Telescience has no non-antag uses!" And then immediately follow up with "The non-antag uses make antag life hell." It either has them or it doesn't have them, that is a binary state. Telescience, as Jazz has said far better then I could, has legitimate uses, mostly body retrieval. And as for making antag life hell, there's really only the antag to blame for that. Because without suit sensors to get a coordinate to shoot for, you can't teleport anything back, so if you forgot or neglected to remove suit sensors, well... Even without a teleportation device the paramedic or pod pilot can easily go retrieve that body. So that's kind of a wash either way, and is still on the antag for not turning off the sensors. Secondly, I don't think it's entirely fair to say "Remove Telescience cuz it's OP" as some others have. Because if we're gonna talk about 'no counter' antagonist fuckery (Even though in my years of playing on paradise I have never once seen it happen.) then we also have to talk about CHEMISTRY. The nature of "Hellmixes" and other meme chems that cause near instant death with a single click have been the source of more salt then telescience ever has, but we don't see anyone really up in arms are railing to get Chemistry removed. It's just a facet of the game that we have all adapted to, and changes have been made to mitigate it's OP nature. Why should Tele-sci be any different? Why is it when another system is OP we just make adjustments, but when Tele-sci is questionably OP, we just go to delete it outright without even a token attempt at a balancing pass first? Why? And lastly, the counter to Telescience is pretty easy. Move. Turn off suit sensors or just move around and the guy is never going to get a lock on you, especially since the crew monitor console now updates every 5 to 10 seconds these days instead of it's early more frequent refresh rate. In terms of countering theft, I see no reason why just adding a "Jammer" item should be so outlandish, we've done more intensive additions and reworks to curb chemistry or botany, but again, nobody is screaming to remove those systems. If it comes to dropping off bombs, well, it's against server rules to do that unless you have hijack and at that point the bomb was gonna happen either way. Also bear in mind the requirements to build Telescience. It's easy to put together but to get telescience not horribly limited for range, you need bluespace crystals, which means either mining comes through or xenobio pulls through. And if you're relying on bluespace slimes you are rolling dice to see how fast it happens. It;s not HARD but this isn't EXACTLY a "No effort required" project, particularly if you ARE going to antag with it since you need to keep it secret or the AI is just gonna blab about it and turn off the APC. I am open to the idea of nerfing it somehow, but the idea of removing it entirely for these reasons is, to me, entirely silly and borderline hypocritical in some ways.
    1 point
  12. I have some drawings that I haven't posted yet because... I forgot. Oh hai there Here's mine and @HereticChurch's Shadowrun characters Drew these two beautiful creatures again. Will I draw them anymore after this? Who knows. Might take some suggestions for them I don't know what compelled me to draw this... But at least he looks great, right?... Someone calling the previous outfit a little dress made me want to draw this.
    1 point
  13. Just to axe the chocolate should be poison for Vulpkanin, because why not they're dog peoples, chocolate is poisonous to everyone the reason why dogs are more affected than humans is the component theobromine which humans can metabolize more quickly than dogs, meaning it builds up to toxic levels within dogs more quickly than humans, and also the ratio of chocolate ingested to body mass, larger dogs consume more chocolate than smaller breeds before suffering ill effects. Biology of Vulpkanin isn't necessarily a mirror of canines and it could easily be that they metabolize chocolate in an entirely different way, hell for all we know about how Vulpkanin metabolize theobromine it could heal them or give them super powers. Even if they were human sized dogs, because of body mass alone they would have to ingest a greater amount of chocolate than what a person realistically would or would have to each chocolate frequently enough to reach that critical level of toxicity. So yeah, adding it for anything other than "Lol they're dog people" doesn't make any amount of sense what so ever, hell it'd even be a stretch if they were "Lol dog people."
    1 point
  14. Well, obviously. While I don't believe this is entirely true it's a factor. However, from a gameplay standpoint that doesn't justify non giving them diversity from other species on the station. I don't need bluespace mumbo-jumbo to justify a description as there are some biological necessities. Just because they're depicted to look like 'furries' we are suppose to not care about them at all? That doesn't seem to make a ton of sense. Look at the Vox for example: They're crazy space birds. They've to a ton of justification to them. We didn't just call it at: "Here have a bird person" and walk away.
    1 point
  15. I appreciate how OP made an extremely detailed and intricate post on how to make vulpkanin more realistic and you just have ZN in the corner silently mumbling about vulp.
    1 point
  16. This will derail the discussion towards pod pilot discussion but I will refute that “fact” add that I’ve observed almost every shift the sec pod pilots use the pod. They don’t use the pod the entire shift especially when shit hits the fan because it’s all boots on the ground from there on in. Instructors will also work the same way. When they have time to do so they can maintain their other duties, but when it REALLY hits the fan sec officers must remember they’re still a sec officer. Just like in the army: EVERY MAN IS A RIFLEMAN FIRST. Some people unfortunately fail to grasp that idea. Perhaps people who haven’t been exposed to a paramilitary organization... another thing to consider: Its up to the player on how to handle the job... No matter how unique it sounds. If you have a cool unique job idea I bet the community would love to hear it! Another thread would be a cool idea! Back on track: This will be inevitable based on how some players play. It will have to be handled case by case and hopefully SOPs can be established to prevent it. Eventually there will be some things where code and mechanics can’t prevent it, that’s where players come into play to do something about it! We’ve had that shift with a shitter nt rep, blueshield, or magistrate. We’ve had the NT rep who centcomm stamped everything and made it sound like it was a official centcomm order. We’ve had the blueshield become redshield, we’ve had the magistrate wear the white wig... From there on in however it’s up to the player’s initiative to speak up and act. We can make the SOPs, but it’s natural a person unfitting for then job will come by every now and then. As a karma job the instructor job will naturally have a higher standard, that being said job bans would probably be the best option if it is necessary. But @Regular Joeand @Christasmurf Have a good idea on some of the SOPs and loadouts. Perhaps by the end of the month we can flush that out enough to draft a wikipedia page for the Instructor jobslot.
    1 point
  17. I debated making this another post on Tales from Shitcurity, but this is worth a thread by itself. I was playing Katlyn Hudson, Head of Personnel. The round was going OK, except for a Clown breaking into my office once. Then there was some downtime, and I get a PDA from Ssegorath Esskor, a friend of Katlyn's. (This is to the best of my recall...) Esskor: hudson Katlyn: what's up? Esskor: i need a solid Katlyn: come to the line Esskor: i don't need access Katlyn: what do you need? Esskor: i need access Esskor: can I have all access? Katlyn: of course not, what do you need All-Access for? Esskor: what would you give me? Katlyn: depends on what you ask for when you came to the line (some delay) Katlyn: are you coming to the line or not, silly? Esskor: can't i'm on the run I didn't respond to that final message. Some time later, I get messages from a different PDA: (Again, to the best of my recall...) Curt: i still need that favor Curt: my other pda got taken I didn't respond to either of these messages. Twenty minutes later, security shows up to search and arrest me. Charges? Aiding and abetting the Changeling Esskor. Note well: Esskor had asked me for All-Access via PDA and I said No. He never came to the Head of Personnel line. I never saw him in person during the entire round. I tried explaining my situation; to the arresting officer, to the HoS, to the IAA, and even to the Magistrate. No dice, I still spent the second half of the round in Perma, and went to the shuttle in cuffs. The only real solace here? This wasn't targeted shitcurity, I wasn't a special case. Security was pure shitcurity, through and through, to everybody, for the entire round. CC vacated a case against Blipblop for an illegal search on Green. It took another 10 minutes after CC's announcement, and a reminder from the AI that CC orders are not suggestions, for Blipblop to get released. Catherine Ward was also Perma'd for "aiding and abetting"; for PDA messages to an EoC calling them an idiot. And these are only the other cases that I know about. Pretty sure I saw a slime person try to commit suicide in perma; I don't know what his story was. Don't get me wrong, a false arrest and time in brig/perma isn't necessarily a problem. The whole falsely accused and later exonerated can make for an interesting role-playing experience. It can even be satisfying to watch those who falsely arrested you apologize and eat crow for being shitcurity. But half a round in perma for properly doing my job as Head of Personnel? Yeah, I need a break from that role for awhile.
    1 point
  18. You have to remember anything is valid if the seccie says so. Whenever they are right or not depends on how eager people are to lynch you as welll.
    1 point
  19. Remember that one shift when the Captain had an army of spear wielding golems? That was fun...
    1 point
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