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  1. Man I haven't made a suggestion in a while which just feels wrong. So welcome to my newest suggestion: The Anon Karma Message System (Which you could try to call AKMS for short but let's be honest that just sounds terrible) The basic idea is as simple as it sounded in the title: When you give someone karma, you will be given the option to send an anon message along with it, which you can use to tell the person how great they were that round, or maybe which great thing they did that caused you to give them karma. Basically something wholesome. Also if anyone tries to abuse this to send anon unwholesome messages all you have to do is get an Admin on the case cause just like everything else chat related them anon messages won't be as anon to the Logs that Admins have access to (and hey you still get a karma point).
    1 point
  2. it also makes each ore give more material.
    1 point
  3. As a Karma job the sec instructor position will be out to a higher standard like the NT rep and magistrate. A magistrate or a NT rep is under more scrutiny than a IA agent and if they REALLY screw up the job they get bwoinked. Theyre paying karma points to unlock the job, that usually means they atleast did some sort of prior research or consultation before spending valuable karma on it. The draft SOPs also notes that with the captain or HOS’s green light a sec instructor can have legitimate authority. So instead of chasing the complaint paperwork trail that IA has to do the instructor can issue orders and ultimately terminate a officer ((with the HOS / Captain’s permission, the captain/HOS acts as a checks and balance for this character)) This job isn’t 100% meant to be a oversight job. It’s meant to be a opportunity for newer sec officers to have someone to look to for questions / mentoring in-character. I recommend reviewing the draft and the SOPs for more insight on the Sec instructor’s duties ^^
    1 point
  4. Hah, adorable fluff boy
    1 point
  5. Just my 1 cent since I am still pretty new to the community, but as a former Marine I'm really mixed on the drill instructor thing. Specifically, sec is NOT a military organization, and the Drill instructor cover is...well, a very well known sort of symbolism for the armed forces (at least in the United States). Maintaining order and applying deadly force (as sec constantly has to do for the entire shift) must be approached in a sober, impartial, and mature manner. The station isn't a warzone, and they are *not* soldiers. The goal is still deescalation when possible. "KILL KILL KILL" is not the motto here. I think the covers/Full metal Jacket style "instructor" would give a huge chunk of players the wrong idea, and intensify the problems I typically see with the standard fresh greytide sec officers. I know this is mostly cosmetic, but it will still leave that military style impression.
    1 point
  6. Hello everyone! Furasian here, I have currently put out a poll to see if we can set a foundation for what the SEC Instructor should look like. Here are two options I've developed based on discussions here... Since we've weeded out the idea of SEC Instructor being a centcomm asset like the NT Rep and Blueshield I've currently taken those two appearance options out until otherwise. I am currently looking at two options, feel free to add more in the discussion! Option 1: 1980s copper- A true sign of a veteran! You've done your time and got some stripes. Now you stand with your fellow officers like the grumpy veteran you are! You smell bribes and loafing around so get those coppers on the streets to write those damn tickets! WHAT?! What do you mean we don't write tickets on this station?! Inspired by the pixel game Beat Cop, the true image of the tough old days, where you had to actually take fingerprints to a machine to get DNA instead of a handheld device. These rookies have it easy compared to the days you were on the street! Option 2: Drill Instructor- STAND AT ATTENTION! You lead these maggots and turn them into hard core officers! This is a paramilitary organization! If they don't like it they can leave! YOU ARE NO LONGER BLACK, OR YELLOW, OR GREEN, YOU ARE NOW RED! YOU ARE NOW DARK RED! Inspired by well.. Drill instructors. https://www.strawpoll.me/17878229 Vote now! Let your opinion shape this job the way YOU WANT it to be shaped! I've seen a couple discussions about the job along with a couple of ideas on the discord, reminder to post them here on this thread so it's all together in one location instead of being buried in the chaos that is discord THE VOTE WILL CLOSE ON 05/01/2019 (ONE WEEK FROM NOW)
    1 point
  7. Administratively it would be a bit more for us to enforce, but it's a nice idea. It would be a little canned, but a selection of prompts (pre-filled responses) would nip any potential issues in the butt (you could select roleplay, antag, helpful, etc., basically to let people know why you karma'd them).
    1 point
  8. 1 point
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