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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2019 in all areas

  1. Alffd, who has hosted us for several years, is retiring from that role today. We owe him our thanks for years of high-quality hosting, managing the ~17 (!) back end servers that made up Paradise. We wish him well. As of today, I've officially taken on the role of host, and we have completed our migration to a new set of servers. You may notice some changes as I settle into the role and implement new back-end systems. For example, the game server MOTD now tells you the last time the server was updated, as well as what version of paracode it is running.
    5 points
  2. Thanks Alffd for hosting the memes over the years. Though I wasn't around for most of it I appreciate what you did for us while I was. All the best man.
    2 points
  3. Mar 19th, 2019: Vargh has gone on leave from his position of Game Admin for a few months. Mar 22nd, 2019: MarkVA has rejoined the staff team as a Coder. Mar 28th, 2019: Alffd has stepped down as host. He remains a Game Admin. Kyet has become the new host.
    2 points
  4. Another thing to note is when it comes down to it the Field Training Officer is a Officer first ((on code blue/red that is)). The intention isn’t for them to still be instructing during code red incident but to atleast herd newsec and make them a force to be reckon with instead of just clusters of loot piñatas. By the end of the day though I completely understand this is a controversial idea! We are trying to shape it to be more logical every day! Don’t hesitate to keep pouring ideas.
    1 point
  5. While a sort of cap on max welded vents would be nice in theory, I feel it'd end up pushing more people towards unwrenching pipes instead, which is a meta I really dislike. It would be nicer to see some greater long term harm from welded vents, but we'd never really see it due to most vent-welding events happening in the last 30 minutes of a round. Might make round-start vent threats a more interesting round type.
    1 point
  6. Best wishes and thanks to Alffd and many thanks to Kyet for taking this on for us! May the future hold well for you both
    1 point
  7. Alffd did us well, and it’s truly a shame he is gone. Godspeed my dude
    1 point
  8. Yes, I remember when you started. Thanks for hosting and taking the time
    1 point
  9. yeah, mainly wanted a new meter for atmos to handle, with some kind of reprocussions for not keeping it maintained. It's not entirely about making entry points for ventcrawlers (honestly was just thinking about minor ones like morph, and blob mice who are unfortunate to be right after a spiderling scare). The big issue is that it would involve changing how pressure in pipes work, how to check for these pressure problems and how to manifest them. It'd even be interesting if certain pipe junctions or spots get affected as well, either busting off in maints, or breaking elsewhere and exposing it from tile. Another meta thing I wish a new system could be used to adjust is that some people have had the idea that to counter vent crawlers, just unwrench pipes in key crossing points.
    1 point
  10. Hard to have a conscience and be the Captain of a high-tech research space station owned by a Galactic MegaCorp with dubious moral standards. That said, it was amazing to see how many crew members resisted Nanotrasen's orders, both passively and actively. Especially in the face of an amoral AI programmed to "minimize the expense" of anybody who stood with the Captain. I was really disappointed to see this round end. It was *just* reaching the point where the whole crew was being asked to make meaningful character decisions. So my feedback to the admins working on this event: Make Things Happen Faster Get the Diplomats to the station sooner. Push the Diplomats to be more aggressive in stating their demands in the initial meeting. Get the Diplomats out to "meet their people" sooner. Ensure Easy Translation One of the tricky points of the initial meeting was that everybody spoke only in their own language. This made for good role-play, but made the meeting feel like slogging through mud; a single borg needing to translate for every diplomat. Again, speed ... make it happen faster. Provide a bigger meeting space (maybe a custom holodeck program?) and a translator/ally for each diplomat. Diverse Representation Originally, there were four diplomats: Human, Clown, Slime, and Machine Fillmoore and Meex decided Vulps needed representation too, which was pretty cool RP. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Vox, Unathi, Plasmaman, or Drask complain about lack of representation in some future round. If the station is too low-pop to support ~10 diplomats, it might be better to announce that diplomats X, Y, and Z were delayed and could not make the meeting. That way the other races don't feel left out; IC they had representation, but for technical difficulties.
    1 point
  11. The SECMAINs found out about Hailers earlier this week. It hasn't stopped since.
    1 point
  12. From my POV a guy can say whatever the hell they want if they're giving me karma. If they say something constructive or nice that's dope but if they use it to OOCly tell me to neck myself cool lmao, get disregarded If this encourages flamers to give karma just to say hateful things they just got reverse psyched anyway, thanks for the internet points I don't think we should be too sensitive about filtering karma feedback.
    1 point
  13. On slower rounds, Warden can very easily do a lot of this IMO. Hell, even as an officer, just...speaking clearly and with confidence can do a lot. I find (from admin perspective heavily mind you), newbie officers run into a couple of different kinds: 1) People not experienced with the game in general who want to get access to weapons and beat people up. These types won't likely listen at all. 2) People who don't have sec experience yet, and might know other systems, but not combat/sec stuff. They'll likely listen, but may make mistakes like harmbatoning or getting charges wrong. If you're new, I highly advise just...asking questions and telling everyone it's your first shift as sec! A cadet and formal trainer role would be interesting, all depends on exactly how it's implemented.
    1 point
  14. I wanna be the very best, Like no one ever was. To write them is my real test, To stamp them is my cause. I will fax across the land, Reporting far and wide. Each fax to understand The power that's inside Paperwork, (gotta stamp them all) its you and me I know its my destiny Paperwork, oh, you're my best friend In a world we must defend Paperwork, (gotta stamp them all) a heart so true Your formating will pull us through You fax me and I'll fax you (Pa-per-work) Gotta stamp 'em all
    1 point
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