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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2019 in all areas

  1. The morgue can get a little haunting sometimes... mostly by people who are wanting to be cloned. ^^^ that is also a recreate from the concept I did here Did some watercolours, The first one is just a mermaid, and the second piece of Shota Aizawa from My Hero Academia Lastly a drawing of Tetra and Terry, finding the right colour of marker is hard to do.
    4 points
  2. Beautiful drama it's a Gif.
    2 points
  3. N.S.S Cyberiad, 5/4/2263 - "The Coup" Nanotrasen's new 'Democratic Experiment', hosted by Admiral Bush, took place aboard the N.S.S Cyberiad. Candidates for president included: Fillmoore Greyson, Boris Sankinov, Kete Wawakari as well as a few others. First, the candidates had to be SHOT by Admiral Bush before they gave their election speeches to instill a sense of 'freedom' and showing the 'right to bear arms'. While the candidates were dying, still giving their speeches, Boris snuck off to unfairly heal his wounds put his plan into action. That of vote rigging. Boris submitted three votes for himself using different pens and different font sizes/types. On top of that Kete and one other also voted for Boris. However - Fillmoore won by one vote. While angry at first, Boris let it subside as he was made Vice President due to Fillmoore's VP not being present after the election. A devilish idea came to Boris. If democracy had failed him - he would make democracy fail. Stage one. A fax. Stage one consisted of a fax to the U.S.S.P requesting support to overthrow the Captain subtly. This fax was received. And approved. Stage two. A plan Stage two consisted of gathering three men together to execute Boris' take over. Darren, Andrew and Dustin. Ministers of the Red Army, Interior and the General Secretary - with Boris as their Premier. However, Boris was found out. Dustin had been a TURNCOAT! While arming himself in a mech, waiting for the infamous lines of "Red Dawn" to be uttered - Dustin informed command of Boris' plans during their meeting. Boris was detained, demoted and was to stand trail for his attempt at a coup. When suddenly the next stage came. Unexpectedly, a song blared as an explosion went off. HELL MARCH Stage three. EXECUTION A U.S.S.P strike force hit the bridge and began to destroy the station one piece at a time with Mauler mechs. Boris was freed as to escape. In an attempt to link up with his comrades, Boris grabbed the hand teleporter and beamed himself to the bridge. Where then he was shot by his fellow comrades 'rescued'. It took the combined might of Nanotrasen's Death Squad and a entire platoon of Sol-Gov Marines to destroy the planned attack. The last words uttered by the mad Space Russian were: "COMRADES! IT IS YOUR NEW PREMIER!" Such is life.
    1 point
  4. Its just an admin, no biggie- It`s Tetra thats the big thing-
    1 point
  5. I must purge Tetra as well? Et tu Admeme?
    1 point
  6. Terry and Tetra make a great couple
    1 point
  7. Nay. I can't really see how you would instruct someone like that in real time in game without looking over their shoulder and having voice chat. There's nothing mechanically unique to security, it's all about experience, teamwork, robustness, and that sort of thing. Compare a guide to what gets covered in guides to security versus something like atmospherics if you don't believe me. I'm sorry, but this is a solution looking for a problem.
    1 point
  8. This is kidnapping, harassment, and abuse of an admin!
    0 points
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