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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2019 in all areas

  1. Who is it? It's my favourite IPC! Torque! They taught me how nonchalant IPCs are about death, and how cool engineering is. *Bweep *Bwoop *BUZZ
    4 points
  2. Gosh, there's so many amazing artists here, I thought I'd plonk down my work too. As you can see by my profile picture I've doodled my girl, Jay. (Jay 'Justine' Chase, I went with 'Justine Case' first, but then I realised having a pun for a name is a bad trait for a long term character... And everyone kept mistaking her for a guy.) She's a smilie human who's a bit bland, but tries her best. I really like starting items, and after a few tries, I found that the flat cap and the old scarf I realised that they fit together quite well. If I wrote a backstory for her it would probably come from one of her parents. Anyhow, I hope you like it! I hope to be posting a lot more art here, this is a very good game to draw, so many different characters and shenanigans... If you ever find Jay in game, if we happen to have a fun exchange just give me a message, I might as well draw up your character hanging out with her! I hope you all like it anyhow, I'm hoping to improve as time goes on.
    1 point
  3. I hope I can meet you in game soon. Currently I'm having quite some struggles and battles with intense lag . You should find mocha he's basically a chaos magnet and it's really fun to see him get in lots of troubles.
    1 point
  4. Nice! Literally thats all i can use to express it so... NICE!
    1 point
  5. Annnnd another one. I wanted to make sure I had to pieces to show off before I made a thread, to show the first one wasn't a lucky break. This one is of Iris Cooper, the CMO/Surgeon who taught Jay how to doctor, and stuff. Their player was really helpful and taught me a lot of things that turned out to be useful in the chaos that erupted in the later round. They're heckin' cool and I'm glad I got to draw them.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
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