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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2019 in all areas

  1. Felt like doing up a cute AU (Alternate Universe) where Churchy is a little girl that Zeke ended up adopting.
    4 points
  2. I'll preface this saying I am against IPCs getting space proof, but just want to point out IPCs are in a bad place balance wise, and have been for sometime. But hey were still waiting on vulps to be balanced since colorblind was decoupled from darksight. The major difference between organic broken bones and IPC malfunctioning limb is that an organic can heal the damage to the limb once it's broken, an IPC can not. The threshold for dropping items is very low on IPCs (I've dropped items with only 5 brute on an arm while mining plenty of times) so they are hit with the penalties sooner. If a human takes 30 damage to their arm, breaking it preventing it's use, they can still use healing items on themself to remove the damage and splint it if surgery isn't an option. An IPC on the other hand will break a limb and be stuck with that damage, unable to repair it. They can't splint it and because they can't self repair internal damage they are stuck with that damage, and thus closer to critical/death. As for nanopaste, it repairing internals without surgery must be new, since I've made attempts to use it in the past to rapidly repair IPCs and borgs and ultimately found it not doing the job. That and nanopaste has a relatively high metal cost that science will rarely print it for anything other than MedSurgery to use to repair implants. I'll have to test that but I'm not holding my breathe. Cyborg chargers definitely do not repair internal damage. If the limb is broken the charger won't fix it, I've shoved IPCs in chargers before and it only repaired topical damage I could have repaired with my own wire and welder, the limbs stayed broke. And this is over the caveat that the vast majority of science players do not upgrade chargers, if ever. I've seen more drones upgrade chargers than scientists, and they have to drag each component one by one to accomplish that.
    2 points
  3. Those sentient mobs are pretty tough. Butterfly eats spider.
    2 points
  4. Slow Cooked Braised Stuffed Lamb Breast - Gordon Ramsay 00˸00 - 00˸03.3 (VaWYE8dvDGk).mp4
    1 point
  5. It's! Zeke! Your favourite drunk Skrell. PhantasmicDream was kind enough to do an art trade with me, so this is my part! They did such a good job! Ah! I hope you like it, Dream.
    1 point
  6. The flash happens but the eye damage does not. This is also true for Slimes, as they do not possess organs other then their core, so though the flash occurs, they have no eye organ that can be damaged and are essentially immune to welders in that way. This is a hell of a state to say "The only problems they have are" to. 50% more brute/burn damage, the most common forms of death on the station, is nothing to scoff at, fatal EMPs are a means of instant death surpassing Metal Gear Plant-B-gone and bug spray because, unlike those 2 chemicals, EMP's can occur through walls. It's why for a very long time IPCs in science were horrified to hear someone was fiddling with the Experimentor. Oh and they still have to deal with "blood" an "broken bones". Yes, they do still deal with that because of that cranked up brute/burn damage it is exceptionally easy to damage their limbs to a point they'll require Robotics surgery to repair and the downsides are EXTREMELY close if not identical to have a broken bone. They are broken bones in all but name. You also glanced over the myriad of other cons, like unable to benefit from healing chemicals or Genetics powers, you mentioned them very off-handedly within the pros section, they're not minor downsides, they're very real ones and it comes across as though you're trying to slip them under the radar or discount them, in addition to listing things that are not really perks as perks. "Recharge / Hunger from any APC." This is not a perk. This is a neutral side-grade to the omnipotent power that is chicken soup/hot chocolate, being able to easily replenish hunger from APCs is kind of moot when you can get a small can in your bag that takes you from starving to stuffed in about 5 clicks. Additionally, doing it from an APC drains the power, you can be a living power sink to some very vital areas if you're not careful. You can regen from a cyborg recharge unit, but there are not many of those and it's a long walk. Hot Drink vendors are flippin' everywhere, there's at least 1 in every single department. "Brain located in their torso, so taking off their head merely blinds / deafens them, which can easily be re-fitted back on." Is again, not a perk, but a side-grade. 3 toolboxes to the area that's hardest to miss and you have some major problems. They survive decapitation, sure, but given that decapitation is hilariously easy to achieve, it really damn well better be. "IPCs actually survive longer and better with the old crit system compared to the new crit that other people have to deal with." This is an objectively false statement. New Crit enables people to survive in a critical state for laughable amounts of time, to the point some people rack up well over 400 points of damage before finally dying. What you are referring to is ease of revival not the point mentioned about New Crit (Which explicitly stated that people survive longer IN CRIT. Coming back from the dead was not mentioned and it also isn't that hard, tedious, yes, hard, no.) As for this "They can survive space if they have coils/welders" is just being silly. Sure. And so could humans if you just have a buddy with perflurodecalin, and some synthflesh or one of those genetics powers that IPCs can't get an some syndi-cakes. Just because you preface major cons with "Your only downside" doesn't make those downsides any less intense. I mean if we analyzed Kidan an went "Well your only downside is not being able to wear extremely vital eyewear, I mean come on!" That wouldn't make playing Kidan any more enjoyable (And there's a reason you barely see any.) The benefits gained by IPC are nice, the Cons are also immense, downplaying that does no favors for anyone and is arguing in bad faith, but we also can't sit here an pretend like IPCs haven't gotten a nerf bat out of the blue in the form of suddenly having 'blood'.
    1 point
  7. This is the adventure of Bloom, the terrarium diona. The terrarium was busy as a beehive, partly because of all the bees. While the other sisters worked on making nymphs, spreading glowshrooms and making tesliumatos, Bloom set out to grow and science the heck of some gnarly vines. After creating some acceptable seeds, she set out to spread life a safe distance from the terrarium. Miners and lizards came and went, the bodies of many rescued to be ascended to vegetablehood. Vines quickly expanded south, so Bloom set up some sandstone constructions to prevent them from interfering with the diona works. The sister that worked on the tesliumatos and tesliunettles joined Bloom to explore the extent of the vines. They had hardened on the north, and they forced them to take a detour. On the West a mining outpost was found, along with screams of spiders and gamma squads and whatnot. That sounded just a tad too unappealing so they headed East, to find some gnarly ruins just a short distance away. The terrarium's goal of spreading life was completed, but the island in the lava lake was still untouched. They looked around for a ledge they could jump to. Bloom asked the sister to be thrown over the scorching fumes towards the ledge. As impossible as it seemed, if anyone was to succeed it had to be a diona. In a mere fraction of a second, Bloom withered and shriveled into a clump of charred weeds. She had made it tho... but alas, to what fate! A turret was still active in the middle of the rubble, pinning her down within an instant of her body regenerating enough to stand. With no means to fight back, it should have been the end. Except... A space vines major victory! The turrets were soon obscured and crunched by flowering vines! Bloom started to make her way through the derelict outpost, using the tesliunettles to remove the dangerous venus flowers. To great disappontment, power was long gone in the bar, now a eerie mix of plasma, burnt tiles, lava glow and looming vines. Meanwhile, the main station had started the self destruction sequence due to rampant spiders. But not even a nuclear detonation was going to stop Bloom now. Some sort of "death squid" was now dispatched to finish the last survivors. Rummaging through the rubble, Bloom found a funny headset and proceeded to inform the squids that they had no power there. The squids attempted to enter lavaland, but were immediately deterred by the expanding vines. So was the terrarium's goal finally secured. As for Bloom, she spent the rest of her time talking to the extremely disturbed nymphs that awoke inside her, in the middle of a hellscape.
    1 point
  8. I love this image for several reasons - how casually having a business trip between planets is mentioned, the username "lordzekiel", the fact that the image is supposed to be about Jonah (judging from the caption below)but Zeke takes up 70% of it, the attention to detail, and the cherry on-top is Jonah taking a pot of coffee.
    1 point
  9. Would outflex easily *Flexes*
    1 point
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