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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2019 in all areas

  1. Thought id throw a suggestion in the ring regarding scheduling events on paradise. For example: nations, you see a lot of people asking in ooc for nations. So to please these people you could say, ok at time X on X day there will be a nations round, and post that on the discord. This would also work for rounds such as extended, highlander, supernova, etc. (P.s while im here ill also throw in a new station goal for constructed, finish the construction site, have a navy officer played by an admin inspect it at the end of the shift and give it a pass or fail)
    1 point
  2. Well I finally thought it's about time I actually use the forum! Ive been playing for about... 5-6 months give or take. This is my first actual experience with any kind of forum, so please excuse me if I don't take full advantage of features, or otherwise make mistakes! My main (And only) Character is Srusu Rskuzu! You've probably seen them around at some point! I look forward to being active here!
    1 point
  3. So yeah, I made maps of all the station's Cabling, piping, and disposals. As of now I added them to the page 'Maintenance' and replaced the redirect to Locations with a 'see also:'. https://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Maintenance Would making these maps publicly available be a detriment to the game? I am sure we'll see more creative ways of sabotage with them known and easily accessible. Maybe only link to it from the engineers tab??? So do we even want them on the wiki? Otherwise I might just make a post here and call it there. But that is also a better question I have; Where and how should they be integrated into the wiki if doing so is alright? I think probably the engineers/atmospherics pages, then also possibly antags? Also tell me if you think they could be improved in any way, Thanks.
    1 point
  4. Maintenance map is good. Kugamo is good.
    1 point
  5. A commission fro Taac of their Kidan
    1 point
  6. About Antag Tokens: Antag tokens are given out by admins, at their discretion. Typically, they are only given out to antags who have their antag round ruined by an admin's mistake, such as if an admin accidentally crashes the server. You are never entitled to an antag token. If you want to know if you have any antag tokens, ahelp and ask. There is no other way for you to check if you have one. If you have an antag token, you can ahelp "''I would like to use my antag token to become an X''" (where X is "changeling", "traitor" or "vampire") at the start of the round, to become that type of antag. You cannot use antag tokens to become any other type of antag not listed above. You cannot use the same token more than once. Even if you die 20 seconds after using the token. You cannot use antag tokens if you are playing a job that is typically mindshielded, like Captain or Security. Admins may deny your request to use an antag token in any particular round. We typically do this when the round is expected to be short (stops you wasting your token on a short round) or the antags are already very numerous/strong (stops the round becoming too unbalanced). If we deny your request to use a token in a particular round, the token is NOT used up, and you can try again next round.
    1 point
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