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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2019 in all areas

  1. When Central cuts your oxygen supplies and instead sends all of their available flora reserves to the station. Just another day in Science Department. I mean, really, what did the Research Director think could go possibly wrong if the intern is told to fetch a new supply of Plasma for Toxins? The aftermath of the one time I accidentially put a backpack into a bag of holding which then, in return and due to a bug, still spawned a Singularity, eating half of Medbay. Robotics also just released their new mixtape and tried uploading it to their latest batch of Cyborgs. The result and following feedback was pure fire!
    1 point
  2. Two plasmamen torture a Soviet spy into a false confession. Awarded medals for torturing said farwa. Such is life on the Cyberiad.
    1 point
  3. Me and the boys, planning the Attack of the Cyberiad(2XXX, Colorized), for neo-Serbia.
    1 point
  4. Bit like the PDAs have few more functions with the departmental cartridges. pAI is a small role and it is fine as such, yet some extra possibilities for them to do, fitting the frame of a portable synthetic assistant that can’t act on it’s own, would be neat. Or, as Dinarzad says, make it more an actual utility and information tool as it is supposed to be, along with being a flavour/RP little thing, for the present tools for that are limited. So could it be an idea to try out, to boost the present information tools a bit? Or to add other small things there? I would personally love a pAI that could print out paperwork, take photos and make recordings, that would be a must-have for a detective and probably entertaining for an unit to play. Combat and additional movement capabilities to the chassis mode, no thanks, but information tools, oh yes!
    1 point
  5. hey man thanks for accepting me. to be honest you're a amazing admin keep it up.
    1 point
  6. Sometimes I think to myself, maybe I shouldn't draw ... On a different note, I wonder how many people would know what Anime I took these scene from. :3c
    1 point
  7. More of my cute Alternate Universe setting!
    1 point
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