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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2019 in all areas

  1. As of right now, I feel vampires to be a bit of a bland gamemode, how about we spice it up a bit. My proposal is this, at the start of the round vampires now have a choice, it essentially functions as a branching skill tree. Vampires would be able to choose between being a Tradition vampire, or a Standard vampire, where standard is what we have now, Now, time to go into further detail, Traditional vampires would have a vastly different set of abilities, strengths and some additional weaknesses, to start (from here on out Traditional vamps will be referred to as Tvamps.) Tvamps do retain the glare and hypnotize abilities, at their first "level up" so to speak, they would unlock a new boost in the form of enhanced physical capabilities, enhanced speed at will, greater resistance, more damage, they would also unlock the ability to leap, further cementing their superhuman capabilities, Tvamps do still retain thermal vision at this stage, however, they also gain an aversion to garlic at this stage and will have their new abilities subdued in its presence, at their next stage of power they will unlock another new ability, "Form Of Bat" this grants them vastly increased move speed, ventcrawling and a density of 0 allowing them to pass through players regardless of their intent, the drawback to this for is its severe fragility, any of the standard damage types taken (brute and burn) will be amplified by a whopping 300% making using this ability in combat a risky move, as well as a constant drain to their blood count at a rate of 20 usable blood every minute. Tvamps will also unlock Rejuv+ at this stage (just a bit earlier than standard vampires would normally). There is now a much larger gap between unlocking new abilities as well, you will receive no new abilities at 200 blood, upon reaching 300 blood(the same point which a standard would unlock mist) they become "effectively" immortal, when they would normally die they enter a comatose state where they begin to regenerate (sped up while inside a coffin) this state can also be induced at will to entirely restore the user, using this ability willingly will cost a whopping 60 blood that increases with each use (80, 100, and so on), they can now only be killed in the same methods a changeling (decapitation, gibing, and incineration) is as well as being able to be staked through the heart with a wooden stake that has been blessed by the Chaplain. they also retain the ability to thrall non-mindshielded crew members. Here's where the real fun begins at full power Tvamps enter a hulk like state where they become immune to stuns and have hugely increased punching attacks the super speed stated previously will now become a constant effect, they will also retain the ability to use melee weaponry of any variety (not boosted by hulk strength), they also do not gain total immunity to holy water and effects of the holy at this stage, holy water will no longer cause them to vomit up their usable blood and also greatly increases their tolerance of holy water requiring 30u+ to ignite them, it also no longer nullifies their abilities, they also never gain xray vision from growing in power. All vampires also now gain a new ability Curse Of The Blood, this ability can only be used on thralled victims, is unlocked alongside full power, and it costs 400 usable blood to activate and has to remain undisturbed for 2 and a half minutes, the AI is given an alert of a large concentration of bluespace energies (a new bluespace entity entering the thralled victim) and is given a vague description of the location of the vampire, if successful the thrall will be converted into a lesser vampire, they now have access to all the base abilities of a standard vampire, they have an upper limit of 100 usable blood and are still bound to the original vampire As well as a simple change to hypnotize as it is actually misleading to what it does, it is supposed to make the victim fall asleep and be utterly helpless, but for some reason unknown to me, this ability is a measly stunning ability that doesn't even mute the victim, as of now this ability is an utter waste of blood and is a newbie trap, this should be easy enough to fix and make the ability actually useful.
    1 point
  2. A picture for FROGBOT, one heck of a nice IPC. It was my first game a Plasma experimenter, and I wanted to learn how to blow things up. The person who taught me, I knew from some engineering shinanigains. They were really eagar to help and showed me... the start of how to set things up. Cool down the oxygen, where to put it and all that. Then came time to actually mix the Oxygen and plasma. 33/66. It... wasn't working for some reason. And for some other reason, it was really cold. I should've noticed that was because of the Oxygen leaking, but I didn't until it was too late and we opened the plasma. Obviously we had a flood and I... well, nearly died. The IPC took me to medbay, and the AI got atmos to Toxins. We went back and tried again, got further than we did last time, but the IPC accidentally unhooked a pipe again, but there wasn't that much plasma left so it didn't really show up visually... So, I was dying and I couldn't tell the IPC why, and they just kept on with their business until they noticed me dying. We... were not very good Toxin Scientists. Luckily I got saved by a cute vulp with x-ray vision.
    1 point
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