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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2019 in all areas

  1. Drawing of two spessmen getting jittery on space-cola.
    2 points
  2. I WILL BE THE BAD GUY AND JUST PUT IT OUT THERE: We really need to up the time it takes to play Security even at a basic level. Very often, I am seeing extremely new people get excited about being in security but by the end of the shift they're so blown out that they're either quitting earlier or not coming back if they somehow managed to survive that nonsense. With that in mind, it's also extremely frustrating to the rest of security who are contesting with antagonists that require a high level of cooperation from security to effectively handle the threat without becoming food / additional access for the bad guy in the process. Now I am not trying to say that security should only be for elitists nor am I implying in the least bit that I have a perfect track-record of being a security officer despite many hours in the roles and roles around it. Now, given that, why do we think its a good idea if people who are super new are being hip tossed into a role that they are not mechanically ready for in anyway shape or form? Few ways to potentially handle this: Require several hours in all job fields (except silicon, command, and special for obvious reasons) OR a total number of hours slightly higher then the sum of those hours in the various fields. Example: +3-+5 hrs per field OR +20hrs total. Require an increased number of overall hours of general playtime (non-ghost) that will hopefully have players get exposed to enough outside of security to allow them to go into it more experienced. Due to this sorta move you kinda need to compensate security for the increased requirements. This is due to the fact that as you raise the requirements, people will likely be less inclined to want to reach those requirements. Consider adding new cosmetic options for security. Consider giving sec Combat Gloves rather then Black Gloves. Consider giving sec Additional Access at round start. Small additions that feel like they're enough of a perk to want to strive to that degree without being gamebreaking.
    1 point
  3. Hmm, I recognize that Blue slime~
    1 point
  4. Breaking news! NT unveils new product: all natural Plasma-flavored Spessman's Bubble Tea! Coming soon to a station near you!
    1 point
  5. I think it'd be cool if you could name/color grenades. Coloring could work with the wire grenade sprite and you can edit the name by using a pen on it BEFORE you screwdriver it to finish it and color it by using a pen AFTER you screwdriver it. Colors would be three kinds, light (the two lights on it, including the one that blinks), main (the color thats normally black), secondary (a stripe in the middle, like the oxy grenades, and the pin at the top). You can pick from colors such as red, yellow, orange, blue, light blue, green, purple, black, white, and pink (yellow wouldnt be available for the light color as thats the color it blinks when activated). Only wire grenades can be colored (this is because the other grenades, {igniter assembly grenades} dont have space to be customized really), though igniter assembly grenades can still be named the same way wire grenades are. I think this idea would be nice because you could then color code the grenades to sort them by purpose (healing, toxic, explosive, etc), and then name them to tell what they actually do.
    1 point
  6. I dig this idea, it'd help make SciChem feel more professional handing out various grenades. I feel like the naming part is a little redundant, because you could use a hand labeller and accomplish the same level of organization, but that's just me personally.
    1 point
  7. Honestly I wouldn't mind bumping up the security officer playtime compared to the other jobs just because it's such an abusable role, especially for greytide/power-tripping new players. If you don't have at least a basic grasp of robustness, space law, and hell even the station dynamic, then you're going to have a bad time. Hell, I don't see this being an unpopular opinion at all, it's just common sense. Now for an opinion that may very well be unpopular! I'd say this is less of a pickle than it seems. Station incompetence is a fundamental part of as to why this game is still a game. It's a disaster simulator. Yes, choosing a department and being able to master it (such as learning how to be an extremely robust Doctor or robust Engineer) is immensely satisfying for a lot of people, and there are many people that come in time and time again that learn, grow, and become valuable assets. But when there are 100+ moving, individual players, all with different ideas roles and routines, it's easy for things to fall apart and not work smoothly. You can play scientist and not be able to do anything cause the entire mining team died on Lavaland. You could be a doctor and be overwhelmed by patients and have zero chemists. It's part of the game. If everything ran smoothly every single shift there wouldn't be a point, cause when it does run smoothly it's boring (play medical with a fully competent medical staff and no antags, you'll find yourself tempted to cryo from boredom) My problem is that people sometimes get used to the status quo of a perfectly running station. You get killed by bullshit (which is normal), get mad at it, and then get even madder because a newbie doctor fails to revive you or an newbie engineer failed to cover a breach. Everyones gotten mad at this game for it's bullshit, including me, including every admin, including every veteran player that's been on the station for a year. As counter intuitive as this might sound: stop it. Let the doctor fail to revive you one time without bitching at him. Let the engineer fuck up and shock himself. Let mining die (you can't help it). Every mistake pushes people to get better. But it's important to remember that with every outburst and every yell of "worst medbay ever" may absolutely crush some poor clueless kids motivation and prevent them from reaching their full potential. Now then, Security. The biggest exception. Security (or shitcurity) isn't just hard because of the power and responsibility; doctors and engineers also have power, except in different fields. It's because it's so confrontational. When you fuck up people will without fail call you shitcurity. When you let them go they will continue calling you shitcurity. Even when you were 100% in the right and justified you will still be called shitcurity. It is without a doubt the most thankless, abused, and misunderstood job in this fucking game, and playing or maining it is honestly exhausting, emotionally draining, and sometimes straight up not fun. People walking into that job for the first time not knowing what kind of hell that job is will be absolutely crushed. Job timers are only the half of it. They should be upped for security, or a bigger and bolder warning should be put on the job so that people fully understand why not to play it. But honestly, if people truly want security to be better they're going to have to stop treating security like shit. Good security players have thick skins by default so stop intentionally trying to break them and make them feel bad. They won't lash out at you, they'll just give up on the job and leave. You're not making it worth it. Appreciate and respect them, and if you don't like what they're doing then go play the role yourself and set a good example to others instead. And also don't be afraid to have fun sometimes as a sec officer: roleplay, dick around in the bar, let them miss a couple obvious antags because the department is a mess, understand the difference between a power trip and a legitimate mistake. TL;DR: Game is fucked and chaotic, don't expect perfection from anyone. Edit: I uh, almost forgot to add my opinions on the main suggestion -Raise time for Security, other jobs are probably fine but Sec because yknow, abuse of power and also no one wants to play sec -The station fundamentally hates sec so much anyways that I don't feel like any more incentives would bring anyone back unless they were security buffs. Hey, the department changes made in the past 4 years (there's been like 2 reworks) might be enough for *myself* to start up the job again. Pardon the rant and don't be afraid to respond to me, I didn't proof read.
    1 point
  8. This is a yearly contest that allows you to submit art to be displayed as a banner! My submission won! Congratulations! It will be displayed as our Discord banner for a year You may not re-use it in future contests You will get a contest-winner role on Discord for the year with a cool color! My submission didn't win : ( That's okay, you can try again next year! Submissions that didn't win may be re-submitted. General Rules If a winning submission is found to be inappropriate, the next appropriate submission in line will be chosen. In the event of a tie, each submission that tied will be assigned to a number. A computerized dice roll with only those numbers will determine the winner. Formatting Upload an image that’s at least 960x540 pixels in a 16:9 aspect ratio. Have a 1920x1080 image handy? Upload that and we’ll automatically resize it for you. Keep the top 48px of the image fairly simple and free of any busy imagery. This way the title of the server will be easy to read. Submissions Reply to the forum topic/thread in this section named "YEAR - SUBMISSIONS" with your submission(s)! Submissions can be silly (such as stick figures), high quality, or just something you whipped up one night! Submissions are limited to 2 per person Submissions must be appropriate and follow all server rules Voting On the last Saturday of every year (roughly, due to holidays etc), submitted submissions will be congregated into a single forum topic titled "YEAR - VOTING". Each submission will be numbered. There will be a poll at the topic asking you to vote for which number. You may only vote for 1 submission You may change your vote, simply return back from the results page and select a new number then submit. Voting will be open for 7 days. You may vote for your own image if you want The submission with the most number of votes wins
    1 point
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