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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2019 in all areas

  1. If you have an IPC character you should get a extra button. This button toggles your backup slot. If the backup slot is on you can choose one of your other char's to load. Then code wise, you config the IPC to be able to roll vamp/cling BUT if they do it changes to their backup slot IF its organic AND backup is enabled. This allows IPC players the ability to be cling/vamp and toggle it off if they dont want a backup char/to be those antags.
    1 point
  2. I think is too complicated just to allow IPCs clings/vamps. Is gonna mess the code a lot for such a simple thing, If people want to play vamp they can always play with another race.
    1 point
  3. I have just stumbled upon this thread, very nice pictures indeed... All over 100 pages of PICTURES..
    1 point
  4. Exactly this. I've tried security a few times, found it high stress with not enough payoff. Any way to make it more rewarding, or at least forgiving, would be a step in the right direction imo
    1 point
  5. We already have shifts were almost nobody signs up for security. Cutting the pool of applicatints and raising the bar for command is going to make that significantly worse. I think we need to find ways for security to be fun, so that we retain experienced security players. I recently had an incident where security broke their electric chair from zapping a corpse for fun. So when they dragged in another antag for execution (who for sure had not commited a capitol offense) one of the officers yelled "harmbatton execution!" and they all went at it. Its not one or two new officers, its when most of the officers are new. I used to main security back in the day. I would not have authorized a harmbaton execution. However the role changed overtime, when I played it almost exclusively, we had more serious command, and security felt like security. We all had security webbing and a bunch of gear, more things were illegal, including harrassing security IIRC (and killing pets and desecrating corpses). We had laws to enforce and were better armed. Also rounds were slower so when things got bad, we had time to get the armory open. As that started changing, I started playing BS and kinda gave up on security. I unlocked Vox, BS, NT Rep, and pod pilot, all on security karma in very short order. It was a different time.
    1 point
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