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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2019 in all areas

  1. My concern is that none of the suggestions make security more fun.
    2 points
  2. I didn't include that as an idea as I figured that adding a yellow slime core to guns might be a bit insane. Besides, you could just switch out batteries mid combat with that feature, allowing you to carry a ridiculous number of shots by just switching batteries to reload. Also, I think the laser guns come with a basic power cell, which holds 1000 if I recall correctly. The next step up, the high capacity cell, already holds 10000, which would need some changing to the battery capacities to make that work, as that would be way too much of an upgrade for such an easy to acquire item.
    1 point
  3. We actually full on had this feature, years ago. Every round every officer (myself included, shameless admission) would rush tech storage for a better power cell.
    1 point
  4. What about removable cell? You still have recharges but if you want to, with for example proper access to balance it a bit, you could remove basic powercell from it and swap it with charged slime core or bluespace one, making a normal energy gun a much more dangerous spammy lategame weapon? Bonus points - more interactions between sec and science Alternative idea - if all energy gun get selfrecharging, that means they get wireless transmission of energy which comes from... Engine! What if, depending on power output, energy weapons could get increases charging rate or even damage! That will make a reason to set up a supermatter engine (tesla could be safe and easy power source, but lord singuloth would produce much more power to the sec team) and also a reason for antags to sabotage engine (in Non-destructive manner ofc)
    1 point
  5. This mainly comes from people who skirt around space law and are a general nuisance towards security, so if they don't want security being a nuisance back then don't dish what you can't take.
    1 point
  6. I spent an hour trying to get a laser gun approved as a gateway explorer just to find out that the Russians take almost the full charge of the gun to take down. You seemingly cant disable then either to make it easier or disarm. Or get guns from them after death. So I think it would be more fair to nerf their health signifigantly. Or reduce their damage because we get crippled and get injured from getting shot but they are apparently pumped up morphine and hulk serum. Maybe make it so that the Russian station has wireless laser guns like on the syndie station with the terror spiders. Or at least give us some body armor in the sec lockers you can open their because it makes no sense that even after killing them they have nothing on them (implying that they dont have body armor but can take laser shots). And maybe let us take their pistols even if you have to break immersion and put one in their pockets or something instead on in their hand.
    1 point
  7. Disagree. Especially since range stuns are being getting removed.
    1 point
  8. I can't believe I forgot to reply to this! Sorry about that! I can be a bit forgetful at times, but anyways! As always wonderful work! And for your traitor compliment, I will say the round you mindslaved Srusu was both one of the most nerve wracking traitor rounds ive had, BUT also the Funnest ones ive ever had! I'm not the only good traitor here! You're really good yourself!
    1 point
  9. Woah, those are some really good suggestions, especially the first two. This would really help raising the competence of security in general
    1 point
  10. In general: I think we should look to code-based solutions, not simply admin-policy solutions. Admin-policy solutions exist to do things we cannot do with code, NOT to do things we could instead do with code. I think that any solutions we do implement should be carefully thought out and aimed at (A) making security more fun, so more people want to play it (B) making security more competent, so it has a better reputation, and (C) making the crew treat security better. Some specific ideas: I still think we should have a device in processing that automatically times how long suspects/prisoners are in there, and generates an alert on security radio when someone has been in there over 10 minutes. This would help cut down on people being left in processing far too long, which always results in a worse relationship between security and crew. I also think that batons should have an inbuilt sec radio, which generates a one-time message on sec comms the first time each baton is used on harm intent. This would help magistrate/HoS/Captain notice and stop shitty officers. I'm also inclined to believe that security should get automatic basic department access on red. This means security officers should be able to simply walk into medical, eng, science, etc on red. The airlocks should open for them. It doesn't make sense to me that security are supposed to have access to these areas... yet they usually don't. I believe that yelling 'shitcurity' over radio for no good reason, or otherwise needlessly antagonizing security, needs to be a crime under space law or a SOP violation. Security should feel like the crew will treat them with respect, and we should make whatever changes are needed to ensure that happens. I'm still keen on my idea of 'give the head of every department a medal in their locker that they can award to excellent crew from their department'. Something to reward players for being great at their jobs. In fact in this case I'd go further and I'd deem the magistrate a head for these purposes, allowing them to give out a 'Legal Excellence' medal to whoever they feel is the best at upholding space law each shift, including say IAAs who challenge unjust sentences. I am skeptical that security cadets would be a good idea, as I think they'd just end up as loot pinatas. Even with lesser gear, merely being able to get a stunprod, sec ID and sec comms from them is already reason enough for antags to kill them for their gear. However, I am willing to let the idea be testmerged and trialed, and willing to admit if the results of such a test prove me wrong.
    1 point
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