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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2019 in all areas

  1. I hope he has medical insurance...
    2 points
  2. Another idea that may or may not be unbalanced. This time, it's something that could very well make sense. My proposal is this, give Malf AI some way to essentially mindslave crew, it would be a moderately expensive single use ability that after a short while (similar to thralling a mindshield crewmember as a shadowling) injects the victim with a swarm of nanites that override the victims will, these nanites can be deactivated via EMP on the affected crew member, this will not destroy the nanites however, only deactivate them, the AI then needs to spend an increasing amount of power to reactivate them after a reasonable delay. This would give malf AIs access to operatives with hands, something very valuable to an army of robots without fine manipulation, as well as potentially giving them the opportunity to commit some crimes without immediately having crew scream "AI IS ROUGE GET DA IONS" now this may seem like a straight buff but the crew may be able to use this new ability to their advantage, if the AI is outed they can use an EMP on the victim to potentially send them in as a saboteur, the AI isn't notified when the nanites are deactivated so an inattentive AI may not notice that their former agent is no longer loyal and when brought into the core to help defend turns on the AI killing them and saving the station.
    1 point
  3. What if not normal cells but specially designed balanced rnd ennergy weapon cells?
    1 point
  4. Because sec is who deals with the shitters and the antags of the round.
    1 point
  5. This. I have begun observing security regularly to try and get a understanding of the situation. A little more then half the people getting pulled in are greytide. Of the problem security officers we have, almost none of them are regulars or high time security/command. They do. The crew does not do that in return. Security players tend not to be mains, and tend to be less experienced then the tide they confront. If they don't insta taze and cuff, they are going to get disarmed spammed, robusted for all their things and flushed down disposals. Its too easy for your average tider to overwhelm a new officers, it happens once and they are never off their guard. This is just one of many examples. It sucks, but this is not an easy fix, the mechanics of our server encourage this behaviour. I unlocked Vox, IPC, NTRep, and Pod Pilot, all through security karma back in the day. As things changed I started playing blueshield, as I still saw a fair amount of action, did not have to deal with rando tide, and got to feel like a real bodyguard with a baton and laser pistol. (At the time it was a massive revolver, I miss that). I can't speak for other former mains, but I remember when security was more often armed, had webbing, and could switch out the power cells in their weapons. As things got more and more mall cop, I just stopped playing security. When that was the norm, we would not wear armour or helmets until at least blue. I don't bring this up to sound "Back in my day." but I do believe that if we are looking for why attitudes may have changed, we should look for causes.
    1 point
  6. I'm against making it a crime to merely criticize security. I'm for making it a crime or SOP violation to needlessly antagonize security. There is a difference. "Security confiscated my stuff when they shouldn't have" is a criticism, and fine. "SHITCURITY ABUSING ME IN PROCESSING HELP!" (when security are simply processing you without actually doing anything abusive) is needlessly antagonizing security. Basically, if your complaint is reasonable, and/or expressed in a constructive way, its fine. On the other hand, if you're going out of your way to make life as difficult as possible for security, and you are not an antag, you shouldn't be doing that. Nobody should. Even if security is bad at their job, making life extra difficult for them WON'T improve matters.
    1 point
  7. you can kill them with floor tiles and patience.
    1 point
  8. This is great! Thanks to Lumi (who plays Kikeri) for drawing this especially since I wasn't expecting it! It's awesome and complements the artwork really well. Love it!
    1 point
  9. New art, this time, something different... Babby Rsik!
    1 point
  10. New character art of a new character of mine. - Orissa
    1 point
  11. God damn greytide santa's! Anyhow... Here's Rsik getting his revenge on Bubbles the Clown!
    1 point
  12. This is from the same artist who did the above one. He has a very different style than normal, which I like.
    1 point
  13. - That's because he's eaten them all!
    1 point
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