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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2019 in all areas

  1. I'm having way too much fun with renameable food.
    1 point
  2. Funky sketch art of Rsik and Asrair in one of their usual bar fights. Love this style of art. Pose is a bit strange but that's more to do with the artist's style.
    1 point
  3. 1) A ton of our game modes feature security heavily, yet they are frequently under/not staffed. Inexperienced security players have a massive effect on the round. Hence we have a actually need to fix the causes of the staffing issues. 2) When Tide breaks into science and needs to be removed, who gets called? Science is not usually the place people go to harass because its a slow shift. Security has to deal with antags, people harassing them, and people harassing other departments.
    1 point
  4. We actually full on had this feature, years ago. Every round every officer (myself included, shameless admission) would rush tech storage for a better power cell.
    1 point
  5. What about removable cell? You still have recharges but if you want to, with for example proper access to balance it a bit, you could remove basic powercell from it and swap it with charged slime core or bluespace one, making a normal energy gun a much more dangerous spammy lategame weapon? Bonus points - more interactions between sec and science Alternative idea - if all energy gun get selfrecharging, that means they get wireless transmission of energy which comes from... Engine! What if, depending on power output, energy weapons could get increases charging rate or even damage! That will make a reason to set up a supermatter engine (tesla could be safe and easy power source, but lord singuloth would produce much more power to the sec team) and also a reason for antags to sabotage engine (in Non-destructive manner ofc)
    1 point
  6. You want my honest opinion? Adjust the Librarian role to be Media Curator in general, not just print media but digital as well. Books should be a nice throwback to simplier times in the 26th century and a large collection of them in the age of digital media something for niche audiences. Move the holodeck to the Library and give the Curator/Librarian authority over it. People want to goof about in it they can ask the Librarian for access or to load a program. Add programs based on books and stories. Give the Librarian a random set of programs the start of each shift that can vary from random Shakespearean play, a movie of some sort or some last stand like Thermopylae or aliens with hostile holographic entities attacking everyone in the room (non-lethal knock outs of course). With a few upgrades from science/engineering the LIbrarian could outfit mini shows for entertainment to any place on the station with a holopad (which the AI uses to talk to folks.) There is no reason for anyone to really want books in SS13 when books in the library don't do anything. Even if we slipped sleeping carp scrolls and wizard tomes randomly into the shelves, nobody would explore the library after the round start. The Librarian needs more to do than write fanfaction and run a gossip column. The ultimate ideal implementation of this would for a digital library of entities and customization tools the librarian could use to craft their own stories to put on shows or run Holo-LARP D&D campaigns.
    1 point
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