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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2019 in all areas

  1. My first actual suggestion! Reading the recent discussion on security and their relations to crew, and the dynamics of sec-antag gameplay, I decided to have a learning take on doing a feature proposal. Idea: Have the Sec SOP include a procedure of perfoming arrests as its own tab. Presently how-to is under the respective jobs. Have this new SOP tab explicate three kinds of warrants to be issued on crew: Armed and dangerous. This person is known to pose a physical threat if apprehended. Arrest with incapaciating force allowed, aka stun cuff. No lethal force, unless needed accordingly to the Space Law. (Thought for known vamps while no KOS is given, armed thralls or cultists and such.) Arrest warrant. This person is known to have violated the space law, or it is most probable they have done so. Arrest to be perfomed as present SOP states. (Known issue of stun cuffing on meeting would be then SOP-wise restricted to the personnel with "Armed and dangerous" warrant, or arrestees attempting to attack and flee.) Search warrant. This person is to be searched or interrogated. (Have "search" interaction described better, present SOP knows it but does not state many guidelines for that.) New Criminal state designations to code: *Armed and dangerous*, *Arrest*, Search. These new warrants would have their own criminal status designations at sec records and respective icons at the Sec HUD. Beepsky will arrest A&D as base level 6 threat, while regular arrest is as-is level 5. Execution status gives base 7 level (which that PR should fix, presently it appears not to be happening.) Beepsky will read the Search status as base level 2 threat, not to be arrested, as of the person with Search is not a known criminal. Extra: A Monitor -status for personnel known to be linked in criminal activity, while no evidence to sentence them are present, to ease watching over them. Aim of this proposal, both the HUD feature and the SOP change, is to help security be better in their jobs. This ideal I've got of the recent threads (Medi's Sec suggestion thread, by foremost). The feature could serve as memory aid for the officers on which kind of treatment they should give of person tagged to the HUD (Arrest tag on a crewmember, records say search. Officer 1: Why is this person arrested, Officer 2: *mute stun cuff*, drags them to brig), and to easen referencing to the SOP on this matter (to make it more easy to learn (and remember) this kind of officer interaction). On the code feature of having new designations to appear at HUD and records, see the PR, hereby: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/11909 Comments welcome! I didn't ask anybody beforehand, if this kind of feature and SOP change is preffered - so that "no thanks" is an appreciated reply aswell! Did this for learning code contribution as my another own motive, and it did serve it already. I'll write an example of what the SOP could look like with this as soon as I got the time for it. UPDATE 31.7.19 Got more busy with work than I expected to, I'll return to this and the PR soon. Medi's Sec suggestion thread, out of which I got this idea:
    2 points
  2. Something different? And you know what, I even made the process of this into a video. Because I thought *why not record myself drawing*...
    1 point
  3. Progress Update #1: https://affectedarc07.co.uk/ParaMapGen/Images/99.png Going with 3 surgery rooms for now. Added a connecting maint that leads down from the robotics/morgue maint behind virology all the way down to medical maint. I'm not sure if I should put medical access to the doors on these maints, as it can just be used like a shorter route into med maint right now. The idea with giving it medical access it that it would be akin to the current genetics maint room with the barricades and stuff right under the genetics room. Currently I added two additional sleeper and one cryotube to the main treatment areas. I'm not sure if this is too many or not, but regardless there's a lot more room to move around without being pushed by other people.
    1 point
  4. Seeing my character drawn makes me want to cry with joy.
    1 point
  5. I can tell you from personal experience, you aren't too far off with your assumption.
    1 point
  6. I like how Vin(?) kinda looks done with everything and Sam(?) has this winning smile like they got away with something.
    1 point
  7. Experimenting with colours, exhausting rounds call for drinks... and Zeke normally carries a bottle around in his tendrils. And here we have a cute ass video.
    1 point
  8. You have clearly never looked at the Tool Storage room mid-round. That places becomes a barren wasteland. Wrenches an the like are still there, and they are also worthless for what we're talking about, welder and cables are the only thing that matter. Cable is easy. Welder is almost always gone, even then the hacked super welders you get from enabling contraband on the youtool vendor. Just because you say things doesn't make them true. I can also say "Fixing organics is easy, stop saying it isn't, stop being biased" but it really doesn't do anything for an argument except be needlessly confrontational. You act like people who play IPCs some how don't know the systems or mechanics required to heal organics as if they didn't play a human to get the required 15 karma to unlock IPC to begin with, or that they haven't moved on to other races since then. So instead, let's do a comparison. your AVERAGE Medical injury is solved by one, perhaps 2 Synthflesh patches, maybe some Charcoal or a broken bone which needs surgery. Your AVERAGE IPC injury requires a trip to robotics, because even though the damage isn't that bad, it's over the threshold to be unable to be repaired with surface welding/cables, so basically, suergery on all the effected areas, and refilling any lost oil because unlike organics, the oil will never regenerated. Here's the problem. all that septic surgery and dead organs you just mentioned, how painful it is to revive? Welcome to every single IPC who has ever been EMPed, ever. Given you SAY you are repairing IPCs I should think you would know that an IPC who is hit by an EMP is fried across their entire body, every single 'organ' every single limb. But with IPCs we don't have the magical macguffins of chemistry to lean on, no Synthflesh, no Mitocholide, nothin. So that means surgical repairing every single limb, brute and burn, manually repairing every single organ with nanopaste (Assuming Science is polite enough to give you any, they mostly tell you to fuck off.) or printing out every single organ to replace. It is a very long, very painful process, except instead of happening because you weren't found for 30 minutes, it happened instantly when you died because lol good joke. Sounds pretty similar to finding a long desiccated corpse that gets SR'd to me. [CITATION VERY MUCH NEEDED] This is 100% untrue in every single respect. IPCs that take damage over a certain threshold can no longer fix their own bodies with welders or cables and it absolutely requires a roboticist to open the limb up and do an equivalent to broken bone surgery. So no. You cannot fix that on the spot and you still need mandatory surgery just like organics. The whole point here was "Easy to damage, easy to fix" right? Well then why in Nar-sie's tits is this a thing? Sure sounds to me like IPC repair and Organic repair are sounding very, very similar except one of thme is paper and the other is not. What the actual fuck is this logic? "If you don't like it just stop playing it." Like.... like what? Uhh. No. How about if something is very obviously so obnoxiously and hilariously not fun to play as that you have to tell people not to play it, maybe that's a sign your design is actually fucking bad. Like shit dude, why do anything at that point if you don't like it just go somewhere else screw iteration and improvement. Why should we even make any more PRs, clearly the people just need to learn "Love it or leave it" right? Shit dude, you right. Lemme just go make code changes to give Security Death Squad gear, because I mean lore wise, Cyberiad is an EXTREMELY Valuable asset, conducting highly advanced research on one of the most versatile and profitable materials in the known universe, the thing that MADE NT a mega-corp, clearly they'd want their station adequately protected and this is an RP game so we don't need to worry about silly things like game balance! You try making that excuse to any fucking game designer or even just coders here about any other system and just watch it be laughed out of the room. If you have to admit that it's broken and unbalanced and try to make excuses for that, maybe that's a sign it's ACTUALLY broken and unbalanced and that's not a fucking good thing.
    1 point
  9. Name: HelpBot2000 Age: 85? [Note: Specific age of this unit is uncertain, as the HelpBot line has been out of production for quite a while.] Gender: Male? [Note: HelpBot doesn't care about its gender, and only identifies as a male for simplicity.] Race: IPC Blood Type: AB+ [Note: IPCs have blood?] General Occupational Role(s): Assistant, Helper, Station Engineer, Detective Biography: The HelpBot line of robotic servants were briefly a wild hit and many households across the stars had them. Due to poor business decisions and severely cut corners the company that introduced them went under and the HelpBot license was sold to a group known for making knock-off robots. In short time HelpBot production ceased entirely as catastrophic breakdowns, along with grossly obsolete hardware and software, completely destroyed most credibility for the models. Hobbyists who remembered the good old days of having top-of-the-line HelpBots decided to buy the rights at a spectacularly cheap price. For a brief duration they were pumping out even better HelpBot models who were granted enough intelligence to classify as sentient beings. This, unfortunately, did not last as the hobbyists had terrible business sense and quickly fell bankrupt. Once more the HelpBot rights have been up for sale and the line as a whole has been mostly forgotten, especially as modern robots of any variety are usually much more effective in any task. HelpBot2000 is one of, if not the last of the HelpBots created by the Hobbyists. At its creation model 2000 was the best of the best in its line. That was a long time ago. Nowadays its parts are under dubious condition at best, and its operating system is so old that it can not update firmware. Despite being comparably slower, weaker, and dumber than modern IPCs this unit really wants to do what it loves: helping people. Qualifications: Helping People Employment Records: Helping People Security Records: Helping People Medical Records: Helping People Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Helping People Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: OOC stuff is going to go here. Initial inspiration for HelpBot2000 was something like a mix between Yes Man (Fallout: New Vegas) and C3P0 (Star Wars). The 2000 bit of his name is just there to sound like he'd fit in one of those old corny sci-fi movies.
    1 point
  10. Oh no... not this again...
    1 point
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