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  1. Foreword: This is by no means a success story. This is bittersweet at best and full of my usual bad luck. When you see what character I was playing in the story, some of the veteran players who know the character may understand why this might have been so unlucky. THIS IS A LONG STORY BUCKLE UP! Round start and I, Lich, am a Psychiatrist, alright but not great. This immediately became a lot more dynamic when I heard that strange conversion music, I was a changeling! My objectives weren't fantastic but they were potentially doable.. Or so I thought. Eight genomes, hand tele, kill the CMO, wear his ID and disguise as I get on the shuttle, alright let's do this. First step is first, Lich has a rather distinctive name and a few people know who he is, therefore it's best to spend as little time is him as possible I rush off to chapel maints and take my abilities: chamelon, arm blade, tentacle, mute sting, flesh mend. I came ready to fight knowing how my luck usually is so might as well go down swinging! I make my way there and chamelon in the old bar, waiting for my first prey. I didn't have to wait long before a random assistant found their way within my clutches. One tentacle lash and an a notice from the ESRB about our rating going up, I got them and ALMOST have them in a chokehol- "HELP BAR MAINT". Okay, I attacked a fucking stenographer apparently but that was a random maint call who would possible show up? I drag them to the left most wall in the abandoned NE bar and wait. On the otherside of the broken door I hear it slide open as I am nearly done choking this defiant assistant, mid proboscis production, standing there is a vox security officer starting me dead in the face with this assistant being choked out at my feet. Well shit, I let go and book it! I can chameleon so i use that to my advantage and it worked, the sec doesn't even come looking for me and they both escape. Minutes later I hear the alarms go off and the other changelings are yelling at me until they hear the announcement for... Vampires?... Okay, let's go with that. I decided then it would be best to press my already thin luck and lay in wait, chameleon in the middle of the old bar. Enter the mime. He was looking about, not really seeming to care that there was a call out earlier from this area so I try and make this quick. I grab them, managed to get them down, husk, assume the identity, ditch my stuff and steal theirs. I ended up locking them in their own mime cabinet, realizing that no one really messes with that or would search it. My stuff? Lich is reported as dead. Good enough and usually accurate anyway. So I am sitting with 3 genomes now and feeling a bit bad. I decided to play the role of a mime for a bit, randomly messing with people with some good roleplay to include giving Slith the ULTIMATE BOOP. All the while, I am silently stealing everyone's genomes around me until I am stuffed fool at 7. Thankfully, the last person I stuck was a very light colored slime so I passed as being human, no one noticed the difference as the human mime switched to a slime mime for a bit. One more sting and I was done. This is going well! I decided to check in on my target, the CMO. While I had been going about RPing earlier I noticed that he had been pretty damn insistent having 1-2 friends around at all time and was rarely out of medbay. Oh well, I will try again later I thought. So I go trolling around maint for a bit as I contemplate my next move when I get wind that they might be unto me via changeling chat. Someone apparently was calling the mime out for suspicious behavior! Personally I thought it came with the territory of dressing up like a mute bank-robber but not everyone shares my vision. Regardless, I needed a fall back disguise. I bumble about chapel maint and find the chef working on a few glass walls! I approached, got out my tentacle... And I will leave it at that. At the end she was husked, let your mind fill in the blanks. Now, like my first target they managed to get out a "Help maint!" but weren't specific. I thought I would be okay until someone pointed out that it's the chef so likely the area of bar / chapel maint... Fuck. I dragged them off into old bar (I am really familiar with that place now), and deposited them there while I worked out a means of hiding the body. I didn't have time to switch out and I knew that the ID would be hot anyway. So, like a punk, I fled after killing a random chef (sorry!). I hear that security has responded to the area and like so many noire movies, the criminal returned to the scene of the crime. There was the chaplain and two sec, looking for vampires. They quickly arrested me for showing up and after shoving holy water down my gullet, realized I wasn't a vampire (to their credit they're correct at least about that.) Then entered Ash, the Vulp(?), who seemed to know what was up a bit more then everyone else. She pointed out that indeed, vampires don't husk people. The chaplain, however, retorted that "Alright, smart ass. You tell me what it is then?" Before promptly defending that this was indeed proof of a vampire and that efforts to find them needed to be doubled... Alright then. To my dismay, I find out a bit later that not ONLY did medical revive them, another changeling who was IN medical working there HELPED THEM. So now they know that the mime is the vampire(?) and they're hot on my trail. I needed to ditch this disguise and FAST! Unfortunately, I was stuck once again in chapel maint due to how many people were milling in the dorms and hallways. Thus, I sat and waited in the darkness as an invisible shadow ready to pounce. I waited and a female slime surgeon came in, looking around for a bit. I threw my tentacle and started to take them down, once again they managed to get off a word or two before I could actually mute sting them and choke them to silence. Once again, someone came to their rescue. I am standing invisible over this downed person who is still SOMEHOW speaking and calling for help. The chaplain shows up, weapon in hand and ready to help! The Slime person called out that I was invisible and over them, prompting the chaplain to attack, trying to disarm me! I returned with my arm blade (forgot I grabbed that, didn't you?) and aimed for the chest. Thanks to many budget cuts in IPC design, my armblade cut through the tissue paper chassis of the chaplain and dropped him but not before the slime managed to escape with their corpse. Dammit, oh well. I hid out a bit longer at that spot, knowing that I was going to be swarmed and thus far I was doing a GREAT job at hiding. Enter the Pod pilot. This time I was successful, grab, sting, choke, absorb, replace, done. With that, I went from the old bar to security, seeing what more I could glean while listening to their comms. I heard that they REALLY wanted to find that Mime, thankfully I wasn't them anymore yet they were huddled down into sec for a bit while they mobilized to hunt the vampire mime with impunity! Once they were gone I rushed in and stole the pod, going into space while laying low. To my dismay, the AI called me out for not having a mindshield despite the brief time I was visible! "Do pod pilots have mindshields?" Asked the AI. "Yeah." The HOS responded. "Well the Pod Pilot is missing theirs, might be the changeling." The AI reported. "Clever clever.." I said. Then, I mustered every bit of linguistic skill I could to silver tongue my way out of this situation. That's right.. I called them a nerd. "However, incorrect nerd!" I retorted triumphantly! "I have a mindshield." I lied. To my disbelief the AI believed me! Even apologized! I might have shit luck but I can talk my way in and out of most situations at least! However, let's see how far I could get for now. So for a bit, I enjoyed playing as the pod pilot, buzzing around space and harassing the Mechanic like a traffic cop. My joyride ended after a bit, letting sec search for a mime that didn't exist. I parked the pod, locked the doors, stole the keys and went back to Sec maint. While there I found a unsuspecting janitor. Thankfully, they were to bewildered by the giant tentacle that sprouted from the pod pilot to question much else. Unfortunately for me, however, someone walked in. A grey who looked like they were on vacation with a Hawaiian shirt and straw hat on. I channeled my inner rent-a-cop and randomly stunbatoned the janitor and began arresting them, ordering the grey to move along and so they did. I dragged them off, did my thing, now I am an elderly male human janitor! By this point, I switch out the sec key in the headset on the new service one I picked up, leaving the sec one behind with a service key in it so no one suspected that I really had what I wanted from it. During this time while I was spying on the still very much surrounded CMO I was listening to how Sec apparently hunted down, tazed, force fed holy water, executed, and failed to revive Ash from earlier. I wasn't sure how all that went down but the HOS was being fired over it, one less thing to worry about I guess? Go vampire hunts! I eventually said fuck it, the CMO was camping so hard in medbay with their friends that they might as well have been cooking smoores. I didn't feel like sticking around for them to start singing Kumbaya. I went off to do that other objective I had, stealing a hand-tele. I realized that whipping out my armblade in the middle of the hallway with my luck was probably the worse idea possible, so i got creative. I changed up my abilities a bit and grabbed monkey form, went into the janitor's closet, went monkey, grabbed the tele, and went wherever it took me. I ended up in atmos, no one around and no one saw me so who cares? I hid it in the atmos clothing locker next to the pipe dispenser and went back through the vents to my stuff. After becoming human once more and grabbing my stuff, I was off to collect my well-earned Hand-tele. Get to atmos, start to break the doors open from maint with armblade. ALMOST get in when the SAME SECURITY VOX FROM EARLIER SHOWS UP! I rush into atmos, grab my hand tele and chameleon. Of course, he comes in, looks around and opens my locker waiting to find me. I could hear my heart beating in my ears as I watched him but thankfully he didn't decide to taze that spot anyway. He then did the unthinkable, he walked into me and THANKFULLY I WAS ON HELP INTENT! We both switched places without anything seeming to happen and I remained invisible. They left while being absolutely confused, not even setting me to wanted despite seeing my name. Off I went. Back to the CMO. He moved a whopping two feet which was an accomplishment for them but still surrounded in medbay where they had a medical hardsuit, a teleshield, and several of their friends on standby. This wasn't going to be easy. I collaborated with the other changelings still remaining and we came up with a plan, the coroner (remember him? the changeling that outed the mime?) would draw the CMO into the morgue and we'd jump him. Easy right? Nope. Instead, this guy decided to just sting the CMO with neigh everything. We're watching this CMO go up in flames, blind, everything. This, of course, hinders us even more because now they're being medically tended to. I decided to pass the time with my sec hud while I waited, setting random people to arrest for random things to keep sec busy while we figured this out. Sadly, the shift time ran out. We were unable to get the CMO who got escorted by several people to the shuttle within a large group while they held their shield and had their suit on... Lame. Oh well, made for an okay story.
    4 points
  2. Soooo here we have the first three drawings I did of my own character, Phoebe. All were done in order from oldest to newest. A thing I’ve noticed is that I can’t really settle into one style, as all three versions I made look different in one way or another.. not entirely sure if that’s a good or bad thing
    2 points
  3. As a note, I have seen a LOT of new players in both security officer and warden positions. These players are new to the point that they were not aware of the following: - What is an EOC? (Warden asked me this) - How do I Perma? (Warden again) - How to use handcuffs. - How to uncuff. - How to have someone get off a chair/bed. - Where is science? - Where is engineering? - What is SOP? (Reflected in them arresting random people for not crimes) - How to not harmbaton. - What is a wizard/what is an antag? - Why cant I tase/stun a spider/xeno/blo /etc? - Why should the warden hand out guns for the above antags? - Why are crew members armed when there is a wizard/other major antag? Some of these aren't even so much security related as they are core game concepts. Now that's not to say every officer/warden is this behind but it's been with surprising frequency that I have seen / heard this sorta stuff. Thus, I still believe that the time for the average person to play security roles needs to be increased. I believe that as more veteran players feel assured that they will have the support of other experienced or veteran players they will feel comfortable going into it.
    2 points
  4. Greetings! As you may or may not know, I have been working on an Engineering remap for the past couple of weeks. While it is functionally PR-ready, I felt like opening it up for additional feedback may be wise ahead of time. This is the full-view of the changes, courtesy of AffectedArc07's map image generator: This remap is rather vast, extending from Arrivals, to Escape and down south into Engineering itself. The goal here is to give Engineering a more cohesive structure and spreading out all the equipment in it more sensibly, to dedicated supply rooms or otherwise. Another goal was to make both the SM from Fox's port and the Tesling engine possible to use. Beyond that, there were also some changes made to maint areas of the station, by adding a couple of new distinct areas, like a maint-garden and an abandoned robotics area. Things of note: Arrivals' Auxiliary Storage has been moved to the public construction room in Engineering hallway Mechanic has been moved to Escape Arrival / Cargo / Engineering Maint-blocks have all been connected intl a half-ring. Consequently, Disposals has been moved deeper into maint. While both engines can be used at once, at the moment only SM is prepared. There are no Tesla or Singularity beacons in this version, but that is likely to change by the time the PR is made. Please share your thoughts! It is an extensive remap, so I could have easily missed, forgotten or overlooked some important things.
    1 point
  5. Yo guys, i have been playing for a while (has you may have seen by just being in the server with the great Cat Lopez) and this is my first post here. So guys, i really like the community and enjoy playing in paradise
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. I just wanted to give some examples on the the mechanics of an IPC Dinarzad explained, just for the sake of making them more understandable, and there typicall effects on a standard round to non-IPC players and to give those arguements more emphasis. I am protected from the cold and don't have to drink orange juice. Yeah! Now really quick an comment on comms to this level 7 biohazard: J.4M. E. E.2 (Scientist) says, "Not my problem." I don't play geneticist as it's in my opinion the most boring job anyway and because this game mechanic was taken from me and so can't play this role effeciently. And seriously, when was the last time you had to stick with a dissabilty from genetics that wasnt fixed in five minutes?! No telecineses, no hulk, no chameleon, none! Taking the possability for a player to enjoy one of the common accesable game mechanics just because they choose to play a certain game style and giving them no substitute is a sign of bad game design. No annoying messages in the chat box. I don't collapse if my arm is cut off, but if it doesn't only affected the arm i am still on the ground due to my legs popping of too. I don't need to prepare myself for a space flight as much and i am always prepared if i should get near a breach, atleast partially. I love chemistry, it is my faveriote system in the game. My faveriote chem? Stable mutagene, the perfect disguise chem. But i will never be able to use it again as long as i am a loyal IPC player. But you can change your appereance as IPC too. Well, yes. I just need to debrain another IPC (you will need a good reasons to convince the admins to allow you to ruin another players round) or build an IRC and then get someone to put your brain in them. (I am still working on finding out what differenciates an IPC from an IRC, so the IRC may not be possible without a person you can trust or a loyal servant, as you still need to get on the shuttle or whatever your objective is) But i am getting of the subject here. The effects it has on one: no capulettium plus, no adrenalin. no fliptonium, no easily made drugs, no morphine, no strange reagent, no chems to skip normally required surgery (there is actually Liquid Solder, but for genetic damage its true), no pills, no hairgronium, no easy whole body affecting healing and no stable mutagene! But look at the positive sides: nobody will poisen you and knock you out with chems! How many chemicals actually can knock you out that don't affect IPCs? Seven, three of which are only accesable by traitors, one only knocks you out after 2 minutes and half of the recipees to them are not easily made. Furthermore good luck injecting someone, if someone wears an armor or hardsuit you have lost anyways (and i believe there are multiple species immune to those too). I don't need to go into maints if the station passes through a radiation field. You and a greytide ran into each other and pushed each other back and forth, till he decided to hit you half a dozen time with his bare fists into your chest? He is after ten minutes (including processing) free again, while you are waiting since twenty minutes for the roboticists to figure out how nanopaste or the simpliest surgery ingame works. First of all you need to have these tools to make the magic work. Then you need to select every single body part to repair it (if your whole body is effected and you are efficient you will 'only' have to select only 5 then 11). If your arms are heavily damaged you will drop those tools during the procedure too. Helpful if you are a perfectionist and can't see this slightly yellow arm on your doll after somebody threw something accedantily at you. No need for a welding mask or goggles, you still get blinded though. This arguement is one of the reasons why it takes so long to repair a dead IPC. You can't put them back on yourself, so you need somebody to do it for you. However as only 2/3 of the crew know that this is a thing and only 2/3 of these 2/3 know that tables are enough for it: Good luck. Shot by the bartender with beanslugs? Some styptic powder and you are fine again. While as an IPC you try to find your head while stumbling blind along the tables. Incurse stamina damage if you dont have enough. There is only one tank on the whole station. One could make more with chemistry. Nothing to really add, negates the statement with repairing yourself. Also means you can't make spacewalks combined with the needed selections of the affected body part. It just doesnt heal enough and you need to select all body parts. A major con that is too add. IPCs actually take extra damage while in crit, meaning it takes longer and you may loose the nearly dead IPC again. Another factor causing the time consumption it takes to bring a dead IPC back from the dead. Partially a con. Is disturbing if you repair yourself as stated before, however just fixing the damage on the arm will stop it from malfunctioning. If you plan on playing as an IPC expect to get your round ruined every second. You know how many possabilities there are to cause an EMP?! Yellow slime core Chemistry (really easy to make too) Being a cultist (if many are involved it could affect nearly the whole station) Being a revenant (Malfunction ability i think it is) Traitor flashlight Traitor EMP grenade Traitor EMP implant Wizard EMP spell Changeling EMP screech Tell me if you got more. It is also fun if the roboticists forget that they need to put the sensors in your new head they made for you. Ignorance of non-IPC players about the mechanics of IPCs With that i mean being dragged to medbay, being put in certain machines to heal organics and being in the clonescanner for half an hour as IPC. Furthermore there are often new players playing roboticists as it is an easy job, interresting and because it doesnt leaves much room for improvment, causing experienced roboticists to not play this job so often. Another factor which causes IPCs to not be easily revived. As a organic 5 to 10 minutes or less if you are the only dead person. As an IPC 20 seconds to the rest of the round, with a tendency of 10 to 35 min with heavier injuries. With this i am getting of the topic again. IPCs have some interresting mechanics and are unique under all the races to play as, however they also loose many game mechanics. Here is a visuall demostration what IPC players loose when it comes to health ingame. And here what IPC players gain when it come to health ingame. Furthermore IPC players only get to enjoy 16 of the 18 available antags and loose a lot of they could end up with situation. The problem being there is no substitute for this. So why do i play IPCs then? It isn't about the game mechanics. I don't play IPCs to win. I play for the roleplay and IPCs are best suited for the personality i want to show ingame! However if i could loose the ability to enjoy the game, with the personality another role/species wouldn't allow me to play, any second, then this is unbalanced. Paradise is the perfect mix between RP and action they say. Where is the RP then if get instantly killed by an antag without even looking them in the eye?! You encourage RP, but yet where is this perfect mix you are talking about? Where is this balance every game should seek to have?! Space Station 13 was never and will never be a balanced game and we all kind of know that. It's the reasons there even are admins. But by the universe! This doesn't mean we should stop seeking perfectness. We should always try to get closer to it! One should never accept things like they are just because they are this way! And IPCs are currently the weakest species of all. If you never saw an EMP, play ten rounds as an IPC and you will see one. If you are arguing against the point this discussion wants to make and havn't played as an IPC yet, do it. One needs to experience it to truelly understand it, as it is with most things. I don't want and will never accept this fact, that EMPs, Ions and what not can instantly kill you as an IPC. There aren't even real methods to negate this problem! The only one i know is hiding in a mech, but this won't prevent you from dying fairly long, as mechs are also vulnerable to Ions and EMPs! Instant kills shouldn't be possible without a lot of preparations and situational factors.
    1 point
  8. I don't know where you're getting this idea that Lavaland is supposed to be fair and balanced, it's an extended gateway mission turned into a job and relies on players knowing exploits of SS13 mechanics to win. If you want to melee a megafauna you better be bringing as many stabilized legion souls as you can carry.
    1 point
  9. HelpBot2000 - Defective, Obsolete, h e l p f u l Gavis - Old, Caring, Cowardly
    1 point
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