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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2019 in all areas

  1. Art done for @Blessed, dangerous drask! Again, if anyone wants an art of their character (its free) - feel free to dm me
    4 points
  2. A request I finished, for Buldinn!
    3 points
  3. this looks amazing. you draw good liznerds
    2 points
  4. Ahoy there sailors! You know, even when I put Zeke in a setting to be more villainous... He's still beautiful I guess I can only draw sexy pretty characters. So, yes.... I drew the same pose twice, and that was only because when I was first drawing up Zeke and Jonah in it I had and after thought of I should be drawing Jenkins and Nurn'Kal doing this. But ofcourse saying this to my boo Tully, I decided why not just draw both. One of the things my boy Heretic said to me was 'It looks like Jonah and Zeke planned this, but with Jenkins and Nurn'Kal it doesn't... for a joke they told Jenkins to pose for a promotional picture and then Nurn'Kal just shows up' And ofcourse I did take the pose from something, it was in a discord server I was in and I was like I HAVE TO DRAW THIS POSE!
    1 point
  5. Drask have long arms to give big hugs!! I must say, I really like the sort of painting look you have going on. :3
    1 point
  6. Technically this would be a redraw, here we have Comm's Officer Jenkins and Nurn'Kal a scene based off of a round I had a few(?) nights ago So, context there was an officer that was kind of following Zeke around taking his picture. don't know if he was trying to be stealthy or not and didn't really bring too much attention to it. Later on the captain approached Zeke with a bag (not sure where it came from tobehonest) and inside of it was full of these pictures of Zeke (and of course other people who would have been around). I dunno, it just really stuck out to me. Also I unfortunately don't remember who the captain, I just remembered a blue skrell with short tendrils. RiP
    1 point
  7. My first actual suggestion! Reading the recent discussion on security and their relations to crew, and the dynamics of sec-antag gameplay, I decided to have a learning take on doing a feature proposal. Idea: Have the Sec SOP include a procedure of perfoming arrests as its own tab. Presently how-to is under the respective jobs. Have this new SOP tab explicate three kinds of warrants to be issued on crew: Armed and dangerous. This person is known to pose a physical threat if apprehended. Arrest with incapaciating force allowed, aka stun cuff. No lethal force, unless needed accordingly to the Space Law. (Thought for known vamps while no KOS is given, armed thralls or cultists and such.) Arrest warrant. This person is known to have violated the space law, or it is most probable they have done so. Arrest to be perfomed as present SOP states. (Known issue of stun cuffing on meeting would be then SOP-wise restricted to the personnel with "Armed and dangerous" warrant, or arrestees attempting to attack and flee.) Search warrant. This person is to be searched or interrogated. (Have "search" interaction described better, present SOP knows it but does not state many guidelines for that.) New Criminal state designations to code: *Armed and dangerous*, *Arrest*, Search. These new warrants would have their own criminal status designations at sec records and respective icons at the Sec HUD. Beepsky will arrest A&D as base level 6 threat, while regular arrest is as-is level 5. Execution status gives base 7 level (which that PR should fix, presently it appears not to be happening.) Beepsky will read the Search status as base level 2 threat, not to be arrested, as of the person with Search is not a known criminal. Extra: A Monitor -status for personnel known to be linked in criminal activity, while no evidence to sentence them are present, to ease watching over them. Aim of this proposal, both the HUD feature and the SOP change, is to help security be better in their jobs. This ideal I've got of the recent threads (Medi's Sec suggestion thread, by foremost). The feature could serve as memory aid for the officers on which kind of treatment they should give of person tagged to the HUD (Arrest tag on a crewmember, records say search. Officer 1: Why is this person arrested, Officer 2: *mute stun cuff*, drags them to brig), and to easen referencing to the SOP on this matter (to make it more easy to learn (and remember) this kind of officer interaction). On the code feature of having new designations to appear at HUD and records, see the PR, hereby: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/11909 Comments welcome! I didn't ask anybody beforehand, if this kind of feature and SOP change is preffered - so that "no thanks" is an appreciated reply aswell! Did this for learning code contribution as my another own motive, and it did serve it already. I'll write an example of what the SOP could look like with this as soon as I got the time for it. UPDATE 31.7.19 Got more busy with work than I expected to, I'll return to this and the PR soon. Medi's Sec suggestion thread, out of which I got this idea:
    1 point
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