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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2019 in all areas

  1. SO, I just spend 7 straight hours putting this together. I had possibly one of my favourite rounds, or at least my favourite involving an AI, yesterday night as CE. It was a custom event, a meteor shower, and then a Giant ass meteor heading towards Sec. So, as you can imagine, as CE, I had my hands... quite full... with trying to deal with everything. I got cargo to order as many meteor shields as their shuttle could carry, and tried my best to organize my WONDERFUL engineers into action. They were great. So, we managed to patch up the station with some help from CC, and sec opened up the giant ass meteor stuck in their armory to reveal an ash drake. But, it's my job to repair the damage AFTER it is done, so I didn't get involved much. However, the highlight of the game was when the starting AI stopped... well, working. It was still present, but it didn't wipe itself. So the RD had to make a new one, and a plucky little scientist volunteered- Ava. So they took out her brain and stuck it in an AI core, and brought it to upload, much closer to bridge. I had finished with most of the repairs that needed doing, and I'd never really... talked with an AI much, as I've never had the luxury of being actually in the same room as them (much). So I decided to talk, and I knew Ava was quite a good conversationalist. It got... pretty philosophical. At first I actually thought you could take the brain back out of the AI, but after trying to do that 'decommission (try every tool you know of to de-construct it then realize you can't and just harm-welder it to death0 the previous AI, I realized it wasn't actually possible to go back to ones fleshy organic form after you get AI'd. Ava slowly turned from their normal Vulpy self to something much more synthetic, which was fun to role-play out. Asking what would happen if they had different laws, they being unable to give any sort of opinion if they wanted their laws changed or not, just finding out the limits there were being an AI after the freedom of being a crew-member. Ava questioned if Giki would decommission her like she did the other AI, and some other pretty hard question. Perhaps the most major thing is that you're not getting payed anymore, and you become less of a crew-member and more of an object. Laws also influence you, so you could never be sure if you're actually you anymore or not... It's pretty spooky if you think about it, and quite a unique problem to the usual 'Non-post-organic AI'. Anyway, at the end when the shuttle was called, I asked the RD if i could add a new law. Law 15- "You are still the Vulp you once were, don't forget that." or something to that degree, so Ava could still hold on to that personality of hers without being overcome by the torrent of synthetic signals and directives. Though an Ion law came in right after saying 'You need week berries to survive but we... fixed that. ANYWAY it was a TERRIFIC round and honestly I'm so glad I stayed up way past a reasonable hour to play it. Ava is best Vulpai.
    6 points
  2. Art so good it makes you re-activate your account, come back from the dead, and set it as your profile pic. Thank you to Drake for the RP round, rare as AI. (And Giki for keeping me company, best Vox). It was amazingly fun to play AI with a little more personality (not that there's any escape from AI DOOR of course) and having someone as talented as Drake to RP with was excellent. And then the art. I've already said my piece on discord with ya, but yeah. Awestruck. I don't know what I was expecting when you said you wanted to draw something, but this absolutely blew me away. Thank you so, so much! And remember, eat your berries to survive. Beep boop.
    2 points
  3. Art of Domitia Aquila in Trans-Solar Federation officer uniform
    2 points
  4. Amazing art! Keep it up!
    1 point
  5. Art done for @Blessed, dangerous drask! Again, if anyone wants an art of their character (its free) - feel free to dm me
    1 point
  6. Hey, folks. I've been around a while but never actually got around to making a forums account. Whoops. I'm SPIRIT, AI, Zikikatika, Vox, Omicron, Grey, Azri Tikan, Slime, Kiriz Reshia, Unathi, and Azira Katami, Taj. ... I have too many characters, huh. Anyway, you'll usually find me in medical or science, or AI if I have the time. I'm always happy to help explain stuff to newer folks, so if you see one of me in your department and need a guide, feel free to ask. And remember, "AI DOOR" is much less helpful than "AI open Xenobiology, breach!" - especially for those of us with crap ping, doorknob tracking can take a while. See you in game, nerds.
    1 point
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