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  1. The goal was simple; get in, do some tele-science, have some fun, get out. NONE of that happened. Instead, Lich arrived on the shift about half-way through it. Realizing that wasn't going to be any tools waiting for him in science he ran over to the arrivals tool area to see what he could scavenge. The machine in the corner had a few wires and tools on top of it, maybe it did have something left inside? It was worth a look at least, right? Rather then finding out, Lich immediately got zapped to the degree of severe burns. It took him a few seconds to recover and briefly abandon his quest to slowly walk to medical leaving his pride behind on the floor where it died. Most of the doctors on the shift seemed like they were elsewhere when he showed up The only few doctor that were there didn't seem to even acknowledge him for the longest time, dealing with a few other members of the crew with varying degrees of injury. By the time it was Lich's turn he got quickly treated for his severe burns and sent out the door. One near death experience wasn't quite enough to call in the towel, not for Lich at least who decided to make the best of the situation and see what tools were actually in Science before attempting brave arrivals once more. Making his way over to Science he approached the door and was immediately floored again as the moment he made contact with the door he was shocked into crit from the sheer burn damage. Once again, Lich was now making his way towards medbay, a lot closer this time which made the slow walk just a tad better. During his painful walk, Lich took the time to PDA the AI, asking them to politely unshock the doors so he could get on with his day. So wrapped up in his PDA, Lich failed to notice the janitor who decided that ONE DROP OF BLOOD was far too large of a task for a mere mop- oh no. He had to bust out a cleaning grenade in the middle of the hallway just for that ONE SPOT. Needless to say, Lich was now on the floor, in a ton of pain, and questioning if he should just stay there for now. Either by willpower or stupidity, he got up and continued to hobble his way to medbay which was thankfully a much faster visit. So fast in fact that one burn patch later was close enough to tide him over, a little lingering burn damage wouldn't be too bad right? It was like, 5% or something, couldn't be an issue... Right? Lich returned to work, found some tools in Science and was getting started on making a tele-science lab in the experimenter area, something impromptu and lacking in anything more then the bare basics. However, as he was setting up the console he realized that the location was just not going to work for him and he needed probably take apart the computer and build it closer to RnD where he was next to his stock. He didn't have any eye protection when welding down the computer console but how bad could it be? Well, bad enough to make him near blind in one go, alright then. Screw tele-science! Screw Science in general! Lich threw down the metal and marched his unhappy ass back to Medical with the intention of grabbing occuline and staying put at the bar. Apparently in the brief time he was gone, everyone scraped their knees or had them ripped off entirely since medbay was packed with patients and the rest of the medical staff decided that was the best time to go take that space fishing trip they'd been meaning to go on. Lich realized that unless he helped himself, no one would. He had a screwdriver and a wirecutter, you can hack a vending machine with those right?... Right? He went around medical to the back vending machine near virology, trying to keep his hacking attempt on the down lo- First wire Lich cut was the power line and he immediately dropped dead on the floor with his tools beside him... Yeah that took about 15 minutes total...
    2 points
  2. This is a comprehensive guide for the new player who wants to start playing security without becoming too overwhelmed when starting. There are a lot of things to know in regards to positions, best practices, equipment, etc. So, for the sake of brevity, this guide will only address the core basics of most things as to stay relevant for the longest time possible. Table of Contents: 1. Security Roles and Duties 2. Security Equipment 3. Basics of Law and SOP 4. How to Arrest / Brig 5. FAQ / Understanding Advanced Concepts SECURITY ROLES AND DUTIES Security Officers The basic security officer is primarily responsible for actually patrolling, arresting, and responding to threats appropriately. They are given their authority via Space Law, Security SOP, and Legal SOP. It should be mentioned that they are far from all powerful and are held to the standards outlined in those same guidelines. As a new member of security, you should start out here and become proficient in this job prior to branching off and joining other jobs (except for Detective). Detective This is a rather interesting role within security as they are responsible for using their Forensic Analyzer (see gear section for more details) to help security figure out who committed crimes. Additionally, they are charged with launching investigations that are a breach of Space Law and may require someone to be jailed. By default the detective actually does NOT have the authority to make arrests per SOP unless it is a matter of life or death. Don't get confused, just because you work for security does not make you a security officer, as such, you should not be attempting to do their jobs. You are there to assist them and in times of dire need, only then can you expect to potentially get in on the action. NOTE: You are the only one who spawns with a .38 with rubber rounds as well as a shoulder holster. The shoulder holster accepts the .38 as well as tazers. You can holster and unholster such weapons from and to your hand with the hotkey "H". Security Pod Pilot The Security Pod Pilot is given an armed space pod that is plated to give resistance against damage. The pod is armed with disabler and can be re-equipped with lethal lasers should the situation require it. Outside of piloting duties, the security pod pilot acts much like a regular security officer in that they are permitted to make arrests and patrol as they deem fit. The cost to play this role is currently 30 Karma points. Brig Physician The Brig Physician is a great role for those who enjoy medical but want a different flavor of it. The Brig Physician is in no way permitted to operate as a security officer yet they are given access to security areas as a way to help treat wounded officers and prisoners. Understand that unlike a regular doctor you have two additional requirements: 1. To be cautious with prisoners as they will want to kill you for your ID and subsequent access. 2. You have to pretty much build up Brig bay yourself to have scanners and gain the means of preforming surgery. It's unlocked for 5 Karma points. Warden The warden is labeled as a "Very Difficult" role to play and for a good reason. They are the ones primarily responsible for actually brigging, overseeing the armory and weapons distribution to security, and maintaining the integrity of security's brigs / cell systems. This job REQUIRES a strong knowledge of Space Law, Security SOP, and Legal SOP as it is the basis for how you will go about determining who gets brigged for how long and where. This includes working with short term and long term prisoners as well as knowing when people cannot be safely briged at all. Additionally, you are considered the "second in command" of Security thus you are required to have a strong understanding of not only your job but everyone's job as to effectively lead them. It is advised that you play several shifts in the fields of Security Officer and Detective prior to becoming the Warden. Head of Security The Head of Security is, as the namesake implies, the leader of security and thus the person with the highest amount of responsibilities and the highest amount of authority. You report to the Captain and Central Command but are under the magistrate's purview like everyone else when it comes to Space Law. You are also the third in line for the captain's chair if the Head of Personnel (HOP) goes missing. It is highly advised that you have no less then 20 hours minimum prior to even looking at attempting this job. Additionally, you should have spent a few shifts as both Security Officer and Warden at least prior to attempting this job. SECURITY EQUIPMENT The title of this section is also a hyperlink to the actual Security Items wiki. Rather then go line for line about what each object does, I am going to more over go over the proper use and function of items that you will typically interact with as a member of security. Bare in mind that I won't cover armor or worn equipment aside from the Security HUD as I feel they don't really warrant a lot of explanation. IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE DISABLERS, TASERS, OR STUN BATONS ON NON-HUMANOIDS ESPECIALLY AS THEY ARE IMMUNE. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO STUN, TASER, OR FLASH SPIDERS, XENOS, OR OTHER CREATURES LIKE THAT AS THEY WILL SIMPLY LAUGH AT YOU WHILE RIPPING YOUR FACE OFF. YOU ARE TO KILL THESE CREATURES ON SIGHT INSTEAD, DON'T TRY TO STUN AND ARREST THEM. Stun Baton The ultimate symbol of space justice, this device is capable of emitting a very strong shock when applied to organic humanoids that will stun them on the ground long enough for you to apply handcuffs or zip restraints. To activate the device, hold it in hand and hit Z or Y (use / activate hotkeys) to enable it, you should hear it buzz to life. Be aware of your Intent. You SHOULD be on HELP intent when using this device to bring someone into custody. If activated, it will both stun and harm someone if you are on other intents which WILL get you into trouble if you're doing it in the wrong situation. However, for situations in which you are dealing with subjects who you need to dispatch, it's a very good if not powerful tool to use against someone's head to cave it in. Times you will use it to attempt to kill persons include: Syndicate Nuclear Operatives, Wizards, Non-Organic/Non-Humanoid Antagonists such as spiders and blobs, Pirates, Ashwalkers, Syndicate Traitors with Holoparasites, Changelings, Empowered Vampires, etc. The common theme here is that you cannot arrest / contain these creatures or lack an obligation to do so. Hybrid Taser The "Hybrid" aspect of the Hybrid Taser refers to its unique function of being able to switch between Taser and Disabler mode by using the activation key (z/y). In Taser mode, the device will appear yellow along the top as shown in the picture and will fire a single, powerful stun that will instantly down most humanoids for more then enough time to advance and arrest them. The downside to this mode is that it has a very slow firing rate and takes a few seconds to charge again before the next taser round is able to be fired, thus making it a mode very reliant on your ability to aim and anticipate your targets movements. The second mode is disabler mode which will make the device appear to be blue on top instead of yellow. In this mode, the device will fire blue beams that drain the target's stamina when they make contact. Unlike the taser, it takes multiple disabler shots to take down a standard person however each successful shot will actually make the target progressively slower as their stamina is sapped. Additionally, unlike the taser you can fire the disabler rather rapidly making it a better choice for those who are unsure how well they will hit their target or if their target is very fast/mobile. Note that people will automatically start recovering from stamina damage over time if not given more damage to their stamina. Rechargers Perhaps one of the most important pieces of equipment that are actually on the station. Rechargers come in two varieties, wall mounted ones like those next to the armory entrance door, and those that are small semi-portable ones like in the picture. Rechargers accept energy based weapons such as stun batons, tasers, energy guns, laser guns, and more and apply power to them to refill the internal batteries. You will know that the charger is done charging when it starts flashing yellow. Additionally, you can move non-wall mounted ones via a wrench, note that they must be wrenched in place prior to being used. Flash Flashes are extremely effective weapons against those who lack eye protection or against machine enemies such as Cyborgs as it overloads their sensors and stuns them. Note that there are some races such as the Vulpkanin and Kidians who have very sensitive eye-sight and it is considered cruel and sometimes punishable to use them against them due to this as you will always cause eye damage when you use this device, it just hurts them more then others. To use this device, stand right next to your target with it in hand and left click on them. Pepper Spray Like flashes, stuns targets who are not wearing appropriate eye protection. Unlike flashes that can go through most eyewear, any eye/headwear tends to block this effect and as such its very situational. The advantage of using this device is that it can be used more then a flash, it can be refilled unlike a flash, and can be be devastating to groups of people. Use of this device is the same as a flash yet can be deployed while aiming at a floor rather then a specific individual. Flashbangs Small grenades that emit bright flashes of light and sound and will down targets for a short time. Note that the down time on flashbangs is actually relatively short thus it is advised that if you manage to use this against an uncooperative target you rush them immediately with a followup stun from a device like a stun-baton. Note that using flashbangs inappropriately can and will get you reprimanded or fired. To use the device, hold in hand and activate. You will automatically have thrown turned on when this happens, thus you can simply left click in the direction you wish to toss it. Handcuffs Handcuffs are an EXTREMELY important tool to understand how to use properly. Handcuffs are the reusable version of Zipcuffs, this comes with advantages and disadvantages. Handcuffs will last you the entire shift and so long as you keep up with them and don't leave them on someone or laying somewhere, they're your trusty restraint system. The downside is that they lack the ability to distinguish between good and bad guys, thus the badguy can steal handcuffs from you if you leave them on them and use them on you or other targets later. To use handcuffs, stand next to your target with handcuffs in hand and left click on them, this will start a small countdown timer and will give a rather loud sound and chat notice. Once in restraints, the subject will drop whatever they were holding in their hands and will be unable to activate things around them but can run into doors to escape. It is advised that you drag them around IMMEDIATELY by control + left clicking them. You can also restrain people to chairs, beds, and pipes by dragging a restrained persons sprite over the target, left clicking the subject-holding-dragging-and releasing the left click over the item you're wanting to restrain them to. This adds another layer of security as it is something else they have to break out of prior to breaking out of handcuffs. Subjects can Resist to break out of handcuffs and will succeed after about a minute of not moving (hotkey B) thus you can stop them by simply moving them for a brief moment or interrupting them with a stun. To remove handcuffs from someone, left click and drag their sprite to your sprite while standing close to them. This will open their inventory interface. At the bottom you will see "Handcuffed" left click that and you will start to remove them. NOTE: If you choose to restrain someone to a bed while setting up their brig cell charges via the computer outside the cell please make sure that you recover your cuffs. You can do this by having your baton activated and in hand, removing their cuffs, stunning them quickly, and recovering your cuffs prior to leaving. DO NOT LEAVE HANDCUFFS ON PEOPLE OR THEY WILL BREAK OUT OF THEM EVENTUALLY AND USE THEM ON YOU LATER. NOTE: KEEP A PAIR OF HANDCUFFS IN YOUR POCKET! The longer it takes for you to reach and grab your handcuffs the higher the chance someone gets up and beats you to death. Do NOT keep your handcuffs in your bag, belt, and especially not in a box within your bag as this takes WAY too long to reach. Zipties Function the exact same as a pair of handcuffs but are not reusable. Once they are removed from the suspect they will be "cut" and unusable again. You cannot make them re-usable so do not waste the time and effort in trying. Security HUDs These stylish glasses will act as not only protection against flashes and pepperspray (provided that you get one that have BOTH lenses) but also allows you to see people's jobs as listed on their IDs as well as their wanted status. Rather then going through what all the icons will look like for jobs, just go around the station and learn by shift + left clicking on people to examine them and their jobs. Note that if they are not wearing an ID it will show up as a black box with a question mark in the middle of it. Note that if they are not wearing an ID and disguising themselves with a mask, you will not get a notice of their wanted status. If someone is wanted there will be a giant red "W" below their job indicator, meaning this person has a warrant for their arrest. If they have a grey X they're set for execution and if the situation calls, use lethal force against them. If they have an orange "P" they're a prisoner, and if they're outside of the brig you should probably arrest them. If they have a blue "R" they were released from jail after serving time. How do I see if someone's wanted? Can I see why someone is wanted? The answer to both is YES! Shift left click on someone to examine them, you'll see something come up that looks like this, the name of the person was removed for their protection. Notice at the bottom we see "Criminal Status, Security Records, Physical Status, and Medical records*. Criminal Status refers to their warrant status, in this case this person is set to arrest. If they were not wanted previously it would show "NONE" instead. We can edit their criminal status by left clicking that option which will bring up a screen that allows us to set their wanted status to whatever we see the need to do. Note that after setting their status you'll be prompted to type a reason, this is important to do as we'll see in the next couple of steps. Below "Criminal Status" is "Security Records". If we want to see WHY she is set to arrest, we're going to need to check there to see what's up. When we click on the "View" next to the "Security Records" option we'll get a chat notice that looks like this: Above we see details of their major and minor crimes. Under the Minor and Major Crimes and their details, officers who are sitting at a Security Records Computer can edit that information to reflect Why a subject was previously arrested. Whoever set this noted that they had an EMP kit but didn't elaborate in the details. Under that you see "NOTES" this is flavor text that can be added by the actual player of that character. As you notice we STILL don't see WHY they are set to "Arrest' so to find that let's keep digging, only option is "View Comment Log". When we hit that we get this little box: Ah ha, we can see the officer who set it, when they set it, and why they set it per the comment box they filled out at that time. In this case, they were a suspected Enemy of the Corporation, thus someone who is highly dangerous and will likely end up in perma brig. Basics of Law and SOP As previously mentioned, Sec have not one, not two, but three guidelines that govern their actions and authority. That is Space Law, Security SOP, and Legal SOP. Space law, describes the laws and conditions for various laws to have been broken on the station as well as the time and consideration aspects that come with said charge. Each part of Space Law is assigned a 3 part number such as 103 which is the code for Drug Possession. This is an extremely important number for a lot of reasons as it tells you a lot about the charge itself. The first number is a one, denoting the severity of the crime where 1 is the lowest and 5 is the absolute highest. The next two numbers denotes the Classification of that crime, as such all 03 related offenses are drug offenses where the only difference is severity. Space Law comes with a very good Quick Reference that shows this concept very well. Top of the table shows the level of the crime while the side of the table relates to the TYPE of crime, this is important to understand for a concept known as Crime Stacking which is a no-go. A person cannot be charged for something that shares the same CATEGORY of charge, regardless of the changes in SEVERITY. For example, you cannot charge someone with Petty Theft, Robbery, Theft, and Grand Theft (as they are all the same category since they share the last two numbers) at the same time, but you can charge someone for Indecent exposure, Abuse of Confiscated Equipment, and Theft (as they don't share the last two numbers). To understand more about Space Law, you NEED to read it at some point prior to playing Security as it's both impossible and impractical for me to outline all the details within it. Security SOP, like all departmental SOPs, describes the standards by which a person in a specific job is expected to respond to a change in the Alert Level of the station. These are also reflected to a degree in the "General SOP" area. It's important for you to read and understand these concepts as they are essentially the protocol you're expected to uphold based on the current alert level. This means that on code RED you are authorized to randomly search people but on code GREEN you can't even arrest someone without first speaking to them. You NEED to understand the difference in what you can and cannot do. Legal SOP is a bit special in that it described the methods and procedures for appropriately tossing someone in jail for short term, permanently, or executing them in a lawful manner. Security can, has been, and will be held responsible for illegal executions. Just because you have the power to do so doesn't mean you can kill people whenever and wherever you like. Even if someone is slotted for execution, they're due a proper execution via proper means such as the electric chair, lethal injection, or some other means. Read and understand Legal SOP as it pertains to your situation. Unlike most SOP, this one is the most strictly followed due to the gravity of what it deals with. Deviation from Legal SOP is generally seen as a one-way ticket to demotion, jail, or your own execution. How to Arrest / Brig As mentioned above, your methodology for arresting someone will largely depend on the current alert level and the nature of why they're being arrested. In this section we're going to break this down into a simplified checklist that will hopefully give you a guideline as to how to address a situation in the best manner possible. 1. Identify the wanted person. 2. If time permits, check why they are wanted. See above for how to do that via the Sec HUD. 3. Radio for backup/call out the location of the arrest. It's more important to do this then to rush into the arrest due to the fact that if you fail and they get the upper hand, you've got no backup coming. It's worth taking a moment to do this for your own safety. Even something as simple as "BACKUP MEDBAY" in sec comms is effective. 4. If time and situation permits, make initial contact with the person via speaking. If the person is running away, resisting, fighting back, or has killed people already you may wish to take a more aggressive approach to them. 5. If they are compliant, every attempt possible should be made to take them to security without handcuffs on unless the alert level or situation requires it. If you had to stun the person, you should be applying your handcuffs as soon as they are stunned. Proceed to then left control + left click drag them towards processing. 6. Buckle them to a chair and open their inventory. Based on the current threat and their charges, you should conduct a reasonably through search of their person to include: headset (traitors especially), PDAs (Traitors especially), pockets, bags, jackets, boxes within bags, eyewear, masks, etc. 7. Take note of any contraband items OR items that were used in a crime. Despite items such as tools being legal, if they were used in a crime such as Breaking and Entering, they are to be confiscated in the same manner as contraband. 8. Take them to their appropriate cell. We will not discuss Perma brig protocol as it is well discussed in Legal SOP. Proceed to then take the cuffed subject and buckle them to the bed and exit the room. 9. On the walls outside of the cell you will find a black screen, left click on it to open the cell computer. The first thing you enter is the TIME you plan to brig them for based on Space Law and modifiers or Magistrate direction. 10. Proceed to Activate the cell, this will prompt you for the subject's Name and what they are wanted for. If you did it correctly, they're status should automatically be shifted to "Prisoner". 11. Re-enter the cell and recover your handcuffs. If the subject is violent, consider stunning them, removing the cuffs, stunning them again, recover the cuffs, and quickly exit while they are still stunned. 12. Update the records by hand via a Security Records Terminal IF they're missing a record. FAQ / Advanced Concepts I and other mentors / Sec-Mains will try to provide answers to FAQs as we get them. Some of the biggest I will go ahead and address if I can: Q: How do I silence my boots? A: Use tape on your jackboots, you don't even have to take them off. This will immediately silence them and make it so that badguys stop knowing where you are before you even see them. Q: Can other members of the crew help Security? A: Only on specific occasions such as massive threats to the station such as Blobs, Nukies, Wizards, etc. Things such as Vampires, Traitors, and Changelings should be left to Security to Hunt. If you see someone being attacked or You are being attacked, you are always in the right for defending yourself/others you are witnessing being attacked with the amount of force necessary to FLEE. You should NOT attempt to kill the antagonist if it can be helped as that is NOT your job. Q: Can Security use confiscated items? A: The only item they are allowed to use per Space Law is the Syndicate Encryption Key to help listen for and identify other traitors. All other traitor items/gear is contraband, even to Sec. Q: Can the IAA / Magistrate Order Sec around? A: No, not really. The IAA especially have no control over security and are there as advisory roles at best. They're there to make sure they remain neutral to the entire case and approach it from the direction of fairness to SOP and Space Law, not whatever would be in the best interest of Sec, NT, or the subject involved. The Magistrate has the power and ability to overrule even the captain in matters of Space Law but ONLY space law. The magistrate CANNOT order security officers to do anything other then arrest and brig people, they cannot order the warden to open the armory nor could they order the HOS to break the law. Q: When does the armory open up? A: The armory is open, per SOP, during times when Security requires lethal solutions to their problems. Such times include: Wizards, Blobs, Xenomorphs, Empowered Vampires, Syndicate Nukies, Aggressive Traitors, etc. Q: What's the Ion Rifle for? A: The Ion rifle does component damage rather then burn/toxin/brute/suffocation damage, thus it is only good against borgs and synthetic targets. When it hits, it bursts and will disable electronics around that zone approximately 1 tile. This means that it will disable headsets, internal synthetic organs, robotic limbs, cameras, etc - So please be careful! Q: What weapons are good for what? A: Understanding your threat is important for this question. Due to their composition, blobs are inherently weak to burn damage however they have a special thing called Reflective blobs which can Bounce laser / energy based weaponry back at the source, thus using something like shotguns that are Projectile based damage are a lot SAFER option despite being a bit weaker against them. Additionally, flashbangs are extremely effective against blobs and will destroy multiple tiles of blobs if they're weakened, just an additional tip. Projectile based weaponry are also preferred against E-Sword users, such as nukies and traitors. The reasoning is that an e-sword has a 100% chance to reflect energy based weapons back to the source in the direction that they are facing but only have about a 70% chance to deflect projectiles. Thus, it's a safer alternative when you can't sneak up on your target. Against all other station threats laser weapons have a lot more advantages on top of their ability to be recharged.
    1 point
  3. The Psionic Versioning: 1.0.0 29-07-2019 Initial idea 1.0.1 29-07-2019 Extra clarifying abilities 1.0.2 29-07-2019 Start conditions 1.0.3 30-07-2019 Psionic vs Psionic VS crew. Added "Alter perception". Changed harvest thoughts. Changed Suggestion 1.0.4 30-07-2019 Added a list of suggestions 1.0.5 31-07-2019 Changed "Disguise self", changed "Hallucinations", Added "Cloak of darkness" and "Disguise other", added slave limit to mindslave 1.0.6 2-8-2019 Changed mind project completely. Any suggestions or additions are more than welcome! Main Idea The psionic is a mentally strong humanoid monster that is capable of altering ones mind. Due to this they are very brittle physically wise and have to rely on their brains for survival. They can’t use humanoid weapons either. They look humanoid but more monstrous. Think of sectoids from Xcom or the Controller from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. They will be from the type human and thus can manipulate tools and heal themselves. To gain power they have to harvest the thoughts of sleeping humanoids. These thoughts will heal them and make them able to gain powerful new abilities. The gameplay will be stealth oriented. Seeing he’s very weak physically. There will only be a small amount of psionics on the station. They are meant to be played as a lone antag. Seeing the way they grow in power will limit other psionics. There will be 1 psionic per +- 40 people. His abilities cost focus to use, a resource he has to manage. Most abilities take time to channel, the instant cast abilities are emergency abilities. If he gets caught in a fight he’ll probably lose unless he can get out. He has thermal and dark vision to give a small advantage in maintenance. The psionic slowly regains focus passively. But he can speed it up by going into a meditative trance. This trance will leave him vulnerable as he can’t move while doing it. Until interacted with which drops the trance. Mindshielded crew have an advantage in resisting the abilities. Start conditions The psionics will start out disguised as regular crew members with jobs. They will be set on a timer till their disguise wears off. They get the ability to remove their disguise so they can use the other abilities. They will start with the following abilities unlocked: Disguise self, they will get disguise self but they can only use it to disguise back to their "original" form. After removing their disguise at the start this will start to cost focus. Harvest Thoughts Teleport with 2 charges Sleep Depending on the server pop size they will also get additional bonus thoughts to spend on unlocks of their choice. Win condition They have stage objectives. The first objective will be a simple. Get X thoughts collected. Once they have that they will get a specific target to harvest their brain from (target has to be on station on the objective creation). This target can also be another psionic, the chance of this happening will be about 25-50%. If they use harvest thoughts on that target they will instead suck the brain out. The target can be dead while doing this but if he’s alive while being sucked then the psionic will get thoughts as a reward. They can switch targets at the cost of thoughts. If the person is to hard to reach or not on the station. This person is somehow tied to a bluespace rift that the psionic can use to empower himself. The last objective will be to go to one of 3 generated areas and connect with the bluespace weaves there. This will give out a loud sound and notification to the crew. The psionic just has to activate the rift there and then defend the location till the rift is active. Then channel himself in it. After which they ascend and get all powers upgraded fully and better. They also become nearly immune. (Think of a sling ascension) Psionic vs crew The psionic will be a threat that won't be noticed to much at the start but will ramp up in danger the more power it gets. With each victim the presense of the psionic will become more clear. At this point he should have enough abilities to escape security and to blend back in with the crew to move around. The crew will be afraid to be alone and will be paranoid of their surroundings due to the psionic. The crew will have no reason to work with the psionic and getting caught will mean that they get a permanent debuff. Psionic vs psionic The psionic is a lone antag. He acquires his power from harvesting thoughts which can only be done once. It's a very power hungry creature and other psionics will just get in his way. Psionics are immune to each others mind altering powers. Yet by the use of thralls the Psionic can kill one of his rivals. If this happens he can harvest the brain of this psionic and will absorb a part of the power the other psionic had. It will also free the mindslaves the dead psionic had. Abilities (costs are not set in stone) Each ability is unlocked separately at different costs. The focus pool will be big enough for the Psionic to cast quite a bit of abilities but the passive regeneration will be slow. This way the Psionic can burst out chaos and afterwards he'll need to find a place to meditate. The maintain costs are yet to be determent and the given costs are relative to one another. Harvest thoughts (melee range, channel, Upgrade makes it go faster, Cost 1) The psionic will get his powers from harvesting thoughts from sleeping victims. This takes a while to do and the psionic has to stand still for this. Afterwards the victim gets permanent brain damage and a permanent random mind related genetic defect. The victim won’t be able to get harvested again and the permanent damage will be shown when scanned by a body scanner. This ability is also used for the second stage objective and to harvest brains from other Psionics. Teleport (Self, instant, upgrade gives more charges, Cost 1 per charge) The psionic will get a limited amount of charges that he can use to quickly get out of trouble. He will teleport to a random safe spot on the station atleast X tiles away from his previous location. Without cameras or people nearby. He can regain charges by spending thoughts. Sleep (Ranged, Channel, upgrades make it go faster, Cost 2) The ability has 3 stages. The first channel will make the target get drowsy (blurry eyes, yawning). The second stage will give him stamine damage and the last stage will make him fall asleep. He’ll be asleep for 1-2 minutes. Enough time for the Psionic to harvest his thoughts or mindslave him. Force push (Cone, Instant, Upgraded will make it affect more people, Cost 2) Throw the closest target near you away from you. Will chose which target depending on position you point the ability to (middle mouse click or such). The throw will knock people down if they hit stuff just like a normal throw. Mind control (Ranged, Channel, upgrades make it last longer, Cost 2) Will give the psionic full control over the victim for a short amount of time. The psionic will stand in place and will stop the control when interacted with. The victim can talk to the psionic while this is happening. He however won’t see/hear what is happening to him as he is put to sleep himself. He is also given the message that he has lost all memories of what happened during him for the last few minutes. If the victim gets hurt enough the mindcontrol will break and will stun/hurt the psionic. Mind project (Ranged, Channel, upgrade makes it seem as if the victim is using the abilities, Cost 1) This ability will allow you to use a victims mind as your base to use abilities from for a short duration. Meaning that you will temporarily see what the target sees and will cast abilities from his location. If upgraded people surrounding him will see it as if the target is using those abilities. Hallucinations (Ranged, Channel, Upgraded will make it AOE around the target, Cost 1) Causes the target to get hallucinations. More dangerous ones than regular hallucinations. The user will get real damage from the hallucinations. If upgraded and used on yourself you will cast it as an AOE effect around you that will last a set duration. Terror (AOE, Instant, Upgraded will make the ability affect more targets, Cost 1) Makes the closest humanoid terrified of the psionic. He loses control of his character and starts to scream and run away from the psionic. If people are blocking him he’ll try to push them down. If there is no way out other than space he’ll flee into space. Invisibility (Self, Channel (maintain), Upgraded will make you move faster, Cost 2) The psionic will have to stand still for a bit and then turn invisible. They can’t use abilities while invisible and maintaining it costs focus. They also move slower than normal. This ability will cost a lot to maintain. Become ethereal (Self, Channel (maintain), Upgraded will make you move faster, Cost 1) After focusing for a bit the psionic turns into a mist form (still visible, same visible effect as the darkcloak). Using this they can go through walls. Keeping this up costs focus and you move slower. You won't be able to use abilities while in this form. But if you use one you will break concentration and get back to your normal form. If you stop the ability inside of a wall you will take damage and get pushed out to a random direction. This ability will cost a lot to maintain. Confusion (AOE, Instant, Upgraded will make it affect more targets, Cost 1) Makes the nearest creature confused. With a chance to start puking or falling down. Break mindshield (Ranged, Channel, Upgraded will make it go faster/AOE, Cost 2) Breaks a mindshield of a target after focussing on him for a while. The target will get messages saying he’s targeted. Moving out of sight will stop the channeling Mind slave (Melee, Channel, Upgraded will give the psionic a mindlink with the slaves (think hivemind idea but only in one directional, towards the slaves), Cost 3) The target will be mindslaved to the psionic. The mindslaving consists of 2 steps. The first step clears the mind of the victim and makes him sleep for longer after. It also does braindamage. The second step is to implant the loyalty into the brain of the victim. The first step takes the longest and the psionic can’t move while doing this. The process will stop when the psionic is interacted with. The target will be freed when he gets a mindshield. If the psionic dies it won't break the mindslave. Only when another psionic harvests the brain of the mind controlling psionic. You will have a limit of mindslaves you can have (1 per 3 harvested thoughts?) Increased concentration (Self, Passive, Upgraded will increase passive regen, Cost 1) The psionic gets a bigger focus pool to use. Suggestion (Ranged, Channel, Upgraded will speed up the channelling, Cost 2) Implant a chosen idea/objective (chosen from a preset list) into the brain of a victim. The victim has a chance to notice that he’s being influenced. The longer the psionic focusses on the victim the longer the suggestion stays. Each step will increase the duration with 1 minute. Each step having the chance that he will notice. After you cancel the current step progress you will implant the suggestion in to the brain of the victim. This is an objective that he has to achieve. After the duration he’ll lose his memories of what happened during the suggestion. Same idea as the chaplains staff Disguise self (Self, Channel (maintain), upgraded makes the illusion look real upon examine, Cost 1) Makes you appear as a chosen crewmember. On examination you will appear off without the upgrade just like a morph. You will have to target the target first. So he has to be in sight. This takes a bit to do. Then after you can disguise yourself as him after a short channel. This ability won't cost much to maintain. You can use most abilities while disguised. Illusion (Ranged, Channel (maintain), Upgraded will make the illusion real, Cost 2) Make a structure or effect appear for nearby viewers. Costs time to prepare and then is usable after a short channel. The upgrade will allow an additional channelling afterwards which takes a bit longer but will make the illusion become real. You can drop the effect by using the ability again. This ability will cost an average amount to maintain Alter perception(Ranged, Channel, Upgraded will make it AOE around the target, cost 1) Blinds and makes the target deaf to the real world after focusing for a bit. Will make the target stammer as well. While deaf and blind the person will hear and see things that are not there. As if he's somewhere completely else. Floors will turn into ash floors, other people will turn into weird beings etc. The psionic will be invisible in this perceived world. Summon visions (Self, Channel (maintain), Upgraded will summon another monster, Cost 4) Summons a monster that is player controlled. This monster is loyal to you and will disappear after a while. This ability will cost a lot to maintain Cloak of darkness (Self (AOE), Channel (duration), Upgraded will kill all light sources, Cost 1) After a short channel you will shroud yourself in darkness for a set time. Turning nearby lights off. If upgraded it will destroy the light sources if possible after you stand in the area for a bit. You will also become slightly transparent. Like the cloak of darkness from vampires. Disguise other (Ranged, Channel (duration), Upgraded will change the target voice, Cost 2) After a channel you will change the target of choice in a clone of your real form for a short duration. Unless upgraded the target can still talk in his normal voice. When upgraded it'll make the target sound like you. Suggestions The "Suggestion" abillity will implant a preset idea into the persons mind. These ideas are meant to not cause harm and are meant to single out targets or draw attention away from the psionic. You have a surprise for a coworker. Lure one into this room. Make sure he's alone since the suprise is only for that person! This room is to crowded. Make the other people leave to let you focus again. You have something to show security. Ensure they come to this room right now! You have something you don't want security to find. Make sure they will be on the other side of the station! You are done with the system! Make sure no security member enters this room, ensure you do this without harm since you are protesting peacefully. You need some time alone. The nearest maintenance looks like a fitting place to take a small break. You need some time alone so don't bring others. More to come later. Suggestions are welcome! The idea is a bit similair to the Assimilation on TG (removed since 25th of July) https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Assimilation
    1 point
  4. Written some lore at @farie82's request. The second draft needs further tweaking, but is as follows:
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Is this too much attitude in one drawing?
    1 point
  7. current sketches of sprites
    1 point
  8. An actual black skirt. The one we have is a red skirt with a black jacket, and the closest one that isn't something like the blueshield's jumpskirt, is to use the purple plaid one with a black hoodie over it.
    1 point
  9. A white t-shirt with a slime blob on the front.
    1 point
  10. Would be more than happy to run tests of this live to tweak it and get feedback from players etc when it's ready for it too. Hell, be excited too. New antag types are always fun - and more tests of it means people can evolve a meta around it faster.
    1 point
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