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  1. The mistake you're making here is that the players aren't clients, and we aren't paid. I, personally, do not want to spend what could be hours of my time arguing with players over a note they don't agree with. Everyone seems to be vastly overestimating the use of the note system, and on top of that I'm noticing a ton of "Us vs. Them" mentality between admins and players. Admins do not log on to the server with the idea of "I'M GONNA MAKE X PLAYERS DAY REALLY SHITTY" we're here to play the game just like everyone else. Contrary to popular belief we do not give any significant amount of thought to players unless we receive direct reports that they're breaking the rules at the current moment. If you choose not to believe that and distrust us, that's on you.
    5 points
  2. Were it to become policy that warnings and the like were to become public, admins who hide notes without good reason would be dealt with. But, that doesn't matter, because after discussing this with numerous players, staff, and staff of other servers, I am absolutely against this. The current system we have is completely sufficient. Hopefully people with take the time to read what the staff have said here, and my own clarification on how disputing or reviewing notes can work, and stop spreading misinformation, or just outright bullshit. I don't think continuing this thread will be at all productive. The points have been made, discussed, and I've come to a decision here.
    2 points
  3. The goal was simple; get in, do some tele-science, have some fun, get out. NONE of that happened. Instead, Lich arrived on the shift about half-way through it. Realizing that wasn't going to be any tools waiting for him in science he ran over to the arrivals tool area to see what he could scavenge. The machine in the corner had a few wires and tools on top of it, maybe it did have something left inside? It was worth a look at least, right? Rather then finding out, Lich immediately got zapped to the degree of severe burns. It took him a few seconds to recover and briefly abandon his quest to slowly walk to medical leaving his pride behind on the floor where it died. Most of the doctors on the shift seemed like they were elsewhere when he showed up The only few doctor that were there didn't seem to even acknowledge him for the longest time, dealing with a few other members of the crew with varying degrees of injury. By the time it was Lich's turn he got quickly treated for his severe burns and sent out the door. One near death experience wasn't quite enough to call in the towel, not for Lich at least who decided to make the best of the situation and see what tools were actually in Science before attempting brave arrivals once more. Making his way over to Science he approached the door and was immediately floored again as the moment he made contact with the door he was shocked into crit from the sheer burn damage. Once again, Lich was now making his way towards medbay, a lot closer this time which made the slow walk just a tad better. During his painful walk, Lich took the time to PDA the AI, asking them to politely unshock the doors so he could get on with his day. So wrapped up in his PDA, Lich failed to notice the janitor who decided that ONE DROP OF BLOOD was far too large of a task for a mere mop- oh no. He had to bust out a cleaning grenade in the middle of the hallway just for that ONE SPOT. Needless to say, Lich was now on the floor, in a ton of pain, and questioning if he should just stay there for now. Either by willpower or stupidity, he got up and continued to hobble his way to medbay which was thankfully a much faster visit. So fast in fact that one burn patch later was close enough to tide him over, a little lingering burn damage wouldn't be too bad right? It was like, 5% or something, couldn't be an issue... Right? Lich returned to work, found some tools in Science and was getting started on making a tele-science lab in the experimenter area, something impromptu and lacking in anything more then the bare basics. However, as he was setting up the console he realized that the location was just not going to work for him and he needed probably take apart the computer and build it closer to RnD where he was next to his stock. He didn't have any eye protection when welding down the computer console but how bad could it be? Well, bad enough to make him near blind in one go, alright then. Screw tele-science! Screw Science in general! Lich threw down the metal and marched his unhappy ass back to Medical with the intention of grabbing occuline and staying put at the bar. Apparently in the brief time he was gone, everyone scraped their knees or had them ripped off entirely since medbay was packed with patients and the rest of the medical staff decided that was the best time to go take that space fishing trip they'd been meaning to go on. Lich realized that unless he helped himself, no one would. He had a screwdriver and a wirecutter, you can hack a vending machine with those right?... Right? He went around medical to the back vending machine near virology, trying to keep his hacking attempt on the down lo- First wire Lich cut was the power line and he immediately dropped dead on the floor with his tools beside him... Yeah that took about 15 minutes total...
    2 points
  4. What a... shocking turn of events. Sounds like someone hotwired the engine.
    2 points
  5. Hi! I was thinking of making a sort of clothing pack, a medium(ish) project in which I add a bunch of community suggestion clothing ideas, either as loadouts or as general items you can get from clothing vendors/job lockers. At the moment the items I have are two new Security uniforms (smart red shirts, with a trousers/skirt variant, sprites for all races ready) a blue bow dress (will need other race compatability) and ideas for different kinds of turtlenecks (based on the tacticool but with suit sensors enabled, possibly loadout options, current colours are beige and red, but open to more colour suggestions). I'd like anyone who has an idea for outfits, uniforms, shoes or hats to give me suggestions so I can flesh out the pack and hopefully bring (even more) customisation to the playerbase. Thank you!
    1 point
  6. Imho too memery and will not benefit good rp
    1 point
  7. Kinda late to suggesting, but some more coat options would be nice. Being a vox and all, I primarily use my coat slot as an easy option for my air tank, but having some more options for style would freshen stuff up. Sadly don't have too many ideas on what kinda coat visually.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Personally I think this is a complete non-issue. People are just totally paranoid about notes and admins acting to 'get them'. Give those people access to some notes and they'll demand access to all notes. Give them access to all notes and they'll suspect admins are trashtalking them in asay/discord and demand access to that too or who knows what.
    1 point
  10. Beg pardon if this was already said, but I haven't seen it, and I felt as if this much needed to be pointed out: As someone who's been around with the Admin Staff since around early 2015, I can confirm that while we don't necessarily have a fixed policy on Notes (as we never really had fixed policy on most of anything), we've never shied away from sharing relevant Notes with the player they were written about; provided there was an actual reason to do so. This could include, but not be limited to: Ban Appeals/Admin Complaints where the exact content of a Note is relevant, usually when it describes a given event Requests for a change to a given Note should the person in question want to/prove that it is warranted Any given exceptional circumstance deemed legitimate enough after a player contacts a Head of Staff Now, this might seem extremely flexible, and to a degree, it's designed to be. Every Admin writes Notes differently and on a different tone (mine, for instance, tend to be clinical and somewhat standardized, whereas someone like Dumbumn's might be small essays with a full description of events), on different situations and with different levels of what constitutes something "noteworthy", with variation even within the same Admin depending on extraneous factors (e.g, no one's going to Note down a civilian for breaking into Security to take their guns if all of Security is dead and there's a Xenomorph/Terror Spoder infestation; remove the infestation and we very well just might). When it comes to revealing Notes, however, there's a point to be made that "secrecy for the sake of secrecy" is hardly the reason why those are hidden from players beyond the one they're relevant to (see above). Just a few off the top of my head: No one but the player in question has any actual reason to know the Notes of any other player. Like, at all. Those are Notes referring to things the Admins have found worthy enough to remember that apply only to this player. This, of course, only applies to the more radical "All Notes For Everyone" approach, but at the end of the day, it merely pushes the secrecy line one step forward, with the player now having to be the one to keep the Notes secret, unless they wish to see them go public. Additionally, this can very easily end up in a situation where a player's Notes affect the way that other people react to them, colouring their attitude and impression. This can be easily avoided by the player never revealing their Notes to anyone, which... well, see above for why all that does is gently nudge the goalposts. And how we already give people Notes if they have an actual reason to; Even with Notes being fully visible only to the relevant player, it should be noted that Notes are not an analogue to a criminal record. There's a good reason why we keep the Ban Appeals Accepted/Declined section public, because that is what ultimately ends up being a player's record. Notes, as the name implies, are often little more than footnotes kept in place to help the Admin staff make their decisions on any actual punishment/reward; On a more "selfish" perspective, as I'm sure most here are aware, SS13 has a rather active community on Reddit, which tends to veer towards the "less than civil", often with direct attacks on our server and its admin staff (and by often, read "mostly constantly over the past several years"). Considering that our Staff have been harassed, belittled, insulted and just out-and-out treated like complete shit, we can 100% see something like fully visible notes ending up giving even more ammunition to people who have been extremely vitriolic to us over far less. We'd rather not have our Admin staff think "How will this look like on the subreddit when I write it down?"; Semi-related to the above, Notes are often very, very informal, not at all like the Ban Reasons you often see on the Appeals section. While Alffd has noted on the associated PR that he doesn't think this will lead to a situation where people will want to appeal Notes, because the system would just make him outright ban instead of spending time Note'ing people down, the fact of the matter is, thousands upon thousands of Notes exist. If we allow Bans to be appealed, there's no real reason not to let Notes be appealed for the sake of fairness, and quite honestly, considering that Notes often refer to very, very specific incidents, allowing players to contest Notes would grind down Admin bureaucracy to a complete halt. Not to mention what Alffd said to begin with: it becomes easier to just ban someone than it is to potentially open up a door for a Note contention TL;DR: We already give people their exact Notes if they have an actual need for them, providing full transparency opens far more cans of worms than it solves problems
    1 point
  11. I highly encourage this if there is any problem or concern - but first of all it might be best to just chuck us a message. Often these things can be cleared up with just a quick, straightforward chat. This is especially easier if it's done when everything is fresh in memory. I'm really not interested however in showing someone all their notes for their curiosity so they can be nitpicked over. This is especially the case with notes that are incredibly subjective. Is player X "a bit too aggressive" in OOC? Were they not grieifing, but actually trolling? Does it really matter if they only hit the clown 22 times with a toolbox, rather than the 24 the note claims? We really have better things to do than have players argue all that with us. That's not however to say you can't dispute warnings, or discuss them with admins, to clarify situations or have the note rectified...but we're really not interesting in digging over things from potentially 6 years ago. I'm happy to discuss notes, bans, or just general concerns...or other video games etc...with anyone who PMs me - whether from the server or not. I can't guarantee we'll show you your notes, or show all of them, etc, but I can say I'll hear you out and try to address your concerns. I may be busy, IRL etc can be a bitch, but I'll at least try to direct you to someone who does have time to address your concerns. This will not ever happen, at all. We will not reveal sensitive information that players have trusted us with, nor will we make it known how we investigate or detect metagaming, ban evasion, etc. This is not worth discussing, because it won't happen. This is not the "end of the world", of course, but stopping ban evasion, metagaming, etc, is much more important than what is ultimately a few nitpicks over 0.1% of notes for 0.1% of players. PM an admin of your choice! Even our trialmins by now have a few dozen bans under their belt. If you have any problems with how they discuss it with you, or just want further clarification, feel free to drop me or another headmin a PM. I don't particularly mind if you come to me first either. Hell, we even have some lists around of what languages people know if you think it'd be clearer and more comfortable with another language than english - pm me or another admin to try to find someone of your language. We really don't like a peanut gallery chipping in or people getting a small snippet of it, and running wild with it. Also, ESPECIALLY if it's a recent ban, feelings may still be running a bit hot - it might be best to wait a day or two. There's a sweet spot between "too long ago to remember well" and "too recently to be objective". Yes...and no. Bwoinks and notes over accidents happen - if you welderbomb or release plasma or the singularity by accident, you might still get a note about it. This is more so we can note that you now know what not to do, and that if it repeats the next round (and another, and another...) then it's likely not an accident. This can be a very intimidating game to newcomers. How is a newbie to know that a toy lasertag gun is a toy when they just see red beams and white on their screen, or that a single hit with a hatchet isn't really that lethal? People shouldn't be afraid to be wrong sometimes, but they should learn from it (and not call the admins powertripping nazi-fags when pm'd about it.). We really do take into account the amount of time that has passed and how new you are at the time. If you ICd in OOCd and welderbombed and beat an SSD in your first 20ish hours of playing we really do not give a shit a few hundred hours of gameplay later.....assuming you have stopped. I'd like players to be able to do that for their own bans for sure. Not for other peoples however, as this I believe would lead to people being treated poorly. Warnings here really aren't anywhere near as "official" as Steam or the like, they very in severity heavily. It could be a "hey could you tone that down" to "seriously do not ever do that ever again". There really seems to be a lot of assumptions here that are incorrect, whether from misinformation, or bad-faith assumptions about the admins and how we operate. No admin app is denied simply "because of notes". Discussions are held about all candidates. For anyone to be banned rather than warned because of their notes, it's rarely one single note. There are plenty of cases of people with 10-20+ notes. If it is one single note, it's because of something directly relating to what you were just recently warned about, or it's a realllly bad offense. If you start to think of the admins in less of an "us vs them" mentality when it comes to players (of which admins also are), and more people who spend a lot of time PMing people to explain to them why you can't hit an SSD with a toolbox, that you're not to use racial abuse, ERP with Ian (yes, multiple times), etc, as well as trying to get a good RP atmosphere without a validhunting murderboning culture, then it will make a lot more sense why we do the things we do and the way we do. Yes, we make mistakes obviously, the appeals and admin complaints list many, many, of the mistakes over the years. We're human - if we're having a bad day we might be a bit harsher or grumpy or abrupt. But all in all, what bans come down to is - do we think this behavior will continue, and do we think this person makes the server a better place.
    1 point
  12. I will keep this brief. At one side, you have the administration team, who manage the server, police the rules, and keep tabs on various things. And on the other side, you have the regular players. Some things should not be divulged to regular players. In most situations, it is necessary to have notes/internal actions kept a secret, both to make sure admins can do their job without fear of immediate reprisal and to keep the integrity of the server and the staff constant. This is not to say that admins aren't reprimanded when they do something wrong, though. But if notes were made public, well, there would be a plethora of complaints/flaming/etc about notes, and this would not be beneficial for the admin team and for the players alike. If notes were made public, admins would have to walk eggshells every second they take any action in-game, because god forbid a player does not agree with a certain note or punishment. This could result in staff members 'hesitating' to take certain actions at certain points in time, because they may feel like they do not have enough justification for a certain action, in case a player sees the note made of it. (The action in question can be a ban, or a note for deeper investigation, etc). This, in turn (the 'hesitating to take action' part), could lead to moderation that is too soft, and it will only make experiences worse for the admins and players. Less moderation/staff actions = more rulebreaking = more negative experiences for players = decrease in server reputation = bad. This is crude, I know, but you get the gist of it. I know this is 'just a game', but think of it this way: Let's say the police/intelligence agency made their 'intel' public, that would be a VERY bad idea, for multiple reasons. So would the idea of making notes public. The thing is, if you don't do anything wrong, you have nothing to be afraid of. And even *if* you have a note or two, it doesn't automatically put you on a black list or whatever. Hell, even I have notes. (I put Sarin in pizzas around when I just started playing and I got one ban because I said a slur when I just started here) Do I mind the notes? No, why should I? I just play the game, stick to the rules, and enjoy the time I spend on the server. And if you really, *really* must know something about notes/an action taken against you, you can always PM a head of staff for more info, in private.
    1 point
  13. Qur! The warbling Skrell that makes me love the fact we have a sound for that emote every time I encounter them. GOOD STUFF. She's adorable.
    1 point
  14. I found it dead. Help never came. P.S whoever did this is a god and my hero
    1 point
  15. So I am CE, shift's going well, no crazy things happening, cap suddenly say on command comms he's gonna ass fax CC. AI tries to convince him not to, but it’s too late. I ask for demotion, NT rep gets the paperwork done, while people fix cap’s pieces. Not sure how the vote went, but he got demoted. I was confused why a until then reasonable cap had decided to ass fax, but someone send an explanation on Discord.
    1 point
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