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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2019 in all areas

  1. I've actually used it to create a replica to transplant a brain into. Rather than remove or rework ahelp it. Trolling with stable mutagen is definitely something we crack down on.
    2 points
  2. https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/pull/23440 Easily my favorite feature on TG is the ability for crew to ride on cyborgs. I want to try and port this feature myself, but considering it was added to TG over 2 years ago, it begged the question as to if this was already attempted. I'm making this post to gauge staff and player feelings on the subject. If people don't like it, or it can't/won't be approved for balance or for being too LRP or whatever the case is, I'd like to know before trying to port this feature. Thank you for your time!
    1 point
  3. @Cazdon You just want an emaggable greytide borg right? I think the idea is ok, but make it an upgrade and maybe module-related mediborg/greytide borg.
    1 point
  4. Porting components require a certain amount of skills. I don't believe anyone's attempted porting it over. I personally don't mind having the rideable component. I've always dreamed of riding on a horse and running down traitors with my couched spear.
    1 point
  5. I think it should at least be an upgrade
    1 point
  6. Some variables of casual button down shirts that can either be buttoned or unbuttoned. Sleeve up or down. I'm a real fan of these.
    1 point
  7. Into a plasma fire while unprotected, sure.
    1 point
  8. I don't mind this, I think it could be quite useful and interesting, in contrast.
    1 point
  9. Were it to become policy that warnings and the like were to become public, admins who hide notes without good reason would be dealt with. But, that doesn't matter, because after discussing this with numerous players, staff, and staff of other servers, I am absolutely against this. The current system we have is completely sufficient. Hopefully people with take the time to read what the staff have said here, and my own clarification on how disputing or reviewing notes can work, and stop spreading misinformation, or just outright bullshit. I don't think continuing this thread will be at all productive. The points have been made, discussed, and I've come to a decision here.
    1 point
  10. A little piece of art done for @Mochi (psst Mochi, if you want a hires version - dm me) Also, if anyone wants an art of their character - dont hesitate to send me a mesage
    1 point
  11. Here's my response from the Git, since Necaladun has asked we not discuss anything but code there: "Boy oh boy, I do not understand the reactions here. It baffles me how admins can say things like "If this is merged, I'll just make all my notes private!". You've just made the case for transparency on your own; if you're intending to hide your notes, I dread to think what they might contain. I say this as someone who has administrated for a variety of games at a variety of levels for years. I know everyone says "I was a headmin on this one server so I know my stuff" but I do system administration for a living and have done for some time; hiding responses from your clients is unprofessional and breeds an atmosphere of doubt ("If you've nothing to hide, you've nothing to fear" - I hate that particular concept, but some people tend to think that way). That said, private notes would exist purely to ensure admins have a way of communicating concerns about behaviour of a player privately (metagaming/comming, toxicity etc) and the player shouldn't even know they exist. They can ask if there's a secret note and the admin response will always be "I cannot tell you." This is literally how regular notes work now, so people would be no more likely to ask about private notes than they would about current notes. In the event of admins abusing the private notes system, headmins intervene and slap the admin on the wrist. If an admin is incapable/uninterested in writing notes that are appropriate for public viewing, they should not be an admin, period. Other servers work like this, so it's not like there isn't already precedent for using a public notes system and they seem to do just fine (except for Oracle - F). Irrespective of the decision made on this matter, admins shouldn't be showing their asses by announcing they'd flout the system; that makes you all look bad by association." To admins saying things like "Player gets warning, wants to know the contents of the note", you tell them no, like you do right now for all notes. Although they shouldn't even know you've left a hidden message, so that point ought to be moot.
    0 points
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