Kindan is, lore-wise, an ant-like creature. It's also the least-played creature, I THINK. How about giving them some more ant-like benefits?
- Make them able to eat ant-infested food without taking damage.
- Unathi have the tail whip/slap, give ants the ability to do an ant-sting, inducing 10 burn damge . (OR perhaps: 10 toxin damage, OR 5/10 units of lithium (see wiki for lithium effects)) Ability could possibly have a cooldown.
- Make kidan able to eat bees. Ants, and moreso fire-ants, eat a variety of small animals. Make kidan immune to beesease.
- Ant colonies operate like a hive-mind. (not sure how to explain this). Give kidan an ability similar to Grey (telepathy), but only limited from kidan-to-kidan.
Of course, these are just thoughts. I just feel like the Kidan race should get some benefits.