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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2019 in all areas

  1. Vespa. One heck of a squish! Pretty goopy.
    4 points
  2. I WILL BE THE BAD GUY AND JUST PUT IT OUT THERE: We really need to up the time it takes to play Security even at a basic level. Very often, I am seeing extremely new people get excited about being in security but by the end of the shift they're so blown out that they're either quitting earlier or not coming back if they somehow managed to survive that nonsense. With that in mind, it's also extremely frustrating to the rest of security who are contesting with antagonists that require a high level of cooperation from security to effectively handle the threat without becoming food / additional access for the bad guy in the process. Now I am not trying to say that security should only be for elitists nor am I implying in the least bit that I have a perfect track-record of being a security officer despite many hours in the roles and roles around it. Now, given that, why do we think its a good idea if people who are super new are being hip tossed into a role that they are not mechanically ready for in anyway shape or form? Few ways to potentially handle this: Require several hours in all job fields (except silicon, command, and special for obvious reasons) OR a total number of hours slightly higher then the sum of those hours in the various fields. Example: +3-+5 hrs per field OR +20hrs total. Require an increased number of overall hours of general playtime (non-ghost) that will hopefully have players get exposed to enough outside of security to allow them to go into it more experienced. Due to this sorta move you kinda need to compensate security for the increased requirements. This is due to the fact that as you raise the requirements, people will likely be less inclined to want to reach those requirements. Consider adding new cosmetic options for security. Consider giving sec Combat Gloves rather then Black Gloves. Consider giving sec Additional Access at round start. Small additions that feel like they're enough of a perk to want to strive to that degree without being gamebreaking.
    1 point
  3. August 10: Spartan and Shattaredcoyote/Dragonslayer932 are now On Leave from the staff team. August 13: Alffd has retired from the staff team. @Norwest @xProlithium @MysticLiger @Dovixx and @Abydos have been promoted to Game Admin.
    1 point
  4. Hi! I was thinking of making a sort of clothing pack, a medium(ish) project in which I add a bunch of community suggestion clothing ideas, either as loadouts or as general items you can get from clothing vendors/job lockers. At the moment the items I have are two new Security uniforms (smart red shirts, with a trousers/skirt variant, sprites for all races ready) a blue bow dress (will need other race compatability) and ideas for different kinds of turtlenecks (based on the tacticool but with suit sensors enabled, possibly loadout options, current colours are beige and red, but open to more colour suggestions). I'd like anyone who has an idea for outfits, uniforms, shoes or hats to give me suggestions so I can flesh out the pack and hopefully bring (even more) customisation to the playerbase. Thank you!
    1 point
  5. Its pretty simple (at least in concept I dont know about coding it), every department gets a certain amount of cash every five minutes. Civilians get $5, Service get $7.5, Supply get $9, Legal gets $9 Medical get $11, Engineering gets $13, Research gets $15, Security get $17.5, and command gets $20. They can be balanced but basically its higher importance = more cash per interval (5 minutes). I think this would be easier then having to risk wasting all your money on a slot machine.
    1 point
  6. Kindan is, lore-wise, an ant-like creature. It's also the least-played creature, I THINK. How about giving them some more ant-like benefits? - Make them able to eat ant-infested food without taking damage. - Unathi have the tail whip/slap, give ants the ability to do an ant-sting, inducing 10 burn damge . (OR perhaps: 10 toxin damage, OR 5/10 units of lithium (see wiki for lithium effects)) Ability could possibly have a cooldown. - Make kidan able to eat bees. Ants, and moreso fire-ants, eat a variety of small animals. Make kidan immune to beesease. - Ant colonies operate like a hive-mind. (not sure how to explain this). Give kidan an ability similar to Grey (telepathy), but only limited from kidan-to-kidan. Of course, these are just thoughts. I just feel like the Kidan race should get some benefits. Thoughts?
    1 point
  7. He is the worst enemy of any lazy cook or bartender and he's prepared to report even the smallest of health code violations! Enter: Health Inspector! His areas of access would be Bar, kitchen (and maybe botany not sure about that one). His job description? Enforce some basic hygienic standards. No food lying all over the floor and those blood stains on the kitchen floor better be cleaned up soon. Also the person you call for checking food left in random hallways for drugs. Job specific traitor item would be a box of hyper active mouses that he can let loose to let them eat the entire kitchens storage (Or a lot of wires) Now regarding any comparisons with the internal affairs agent, I think the health inspector job would be different enough to not overlap. Especially because the internal affairs agent is busy enough arguing with the heads about proper hiring/demotion procedures that he really doesn't have the time to check on food related service roles all the time. I know the idea is still in its early stages so I would love some feedback on how to turn this into a paradise worthy job.
    1 point
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