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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2019 in all areas

  1. P h e w been a while, but finally finished a request from @xProlithium Their vulp, Sophia Veritas!
    3 points
  2. Some of the oldmins, myself included, may also be a bit biased due to seeing some very awful borers over the years....not to mention a time the logging fucked up with them that was hell on us mins. Not to say this is a good reason to be against them, just to put our bias on the table as we've seen how bad they can go. I'd personally like to see them as more dangerous so people don't want a brain controlling parasite in their head.
    2 points
  3. Here's a sort of shitpost(?) 'animation' featuring Comms Officer Jenkins and Nurn'Kal
    1 point
  4. https://ss13.moe/wiki/index.php/Borer Have some very interesting abilities on vg. How that would combine with objectives idk but worth a read.
    1 point
  5. Borers as antags does not sound very good to me. It would be a constant struggle of controlling a person and them taking control back. But yes they are very boring at the moment. Some smaller objectives that are abductor like would be fun, even such things as send an assfax to CC or steal as many shoes as possible.
    1 point
  6. The other day I tried to sue the station for personal damage with a circular saw I printed while trespassing in RnD. The was no NT rep and every single character I tried to convince to make the payment, told me to speak with someone else. Talk with the IAA, talk to the RD, talk to the captain... The HoP finally sent it to CC but I think he was lying, because used his own fax and never got any kind of answer.
    1 point
  7. I generally dislike borers as a midround event. I would love to see them reworked and becoming rotation antag, some sort of cult style. I understand that this is just the game and all, but i just cant understand how sometimes cute girl characters look at borers like how they look at fluffy kittens, when in reality they are gross slugs who enter your body through only god knows which holes. Being infected by a borer and then helping them reproduce by puking more borers from your mouth is like one of the most awful things that exists in the game. Anyway, i agree that they need to have some negative effect on the crew, so people would treat those disgusting abominations as they deserve to be treated. Antag-borer symbiosis is a valid option, tator can consider helping borer in order to benefit from its chemicals, however it must have downsides, so not every crewmember would allow themselves to be infected like it is right now.
    1 point
  8. Yeah i am up for "if antag is rolled, you get certain character" I think there should be an option that allows you to choose one of your character for antag preferences. So i dont have to choose between trying to get an antag and playing my nonantag character. It will also allow to get cling or vamp even if you selected ipc character for roundstart.
    1 point
  9. I've come to realize that my rate of producing sketches correlates to how much I'm procrastinating from doing important things, because what happens is that when I have something important on my plate I can't buckle in for a proper round of SS13 without feeling guilty about it, but with sketching I can stop whenever I want. Just this last batch and I'll go do the stuff I've been putting off, I swear. I think I'm going to start putting technical rambling (ie. Discussing challenges involved with creating the sketch, new techniques, lessons learned, etc.) into spoiler sections. I realize not everyone's interested in that but I also really do like talking about my work. It's with great regret that I admit I've never seen a Chaplain attempt this, let alone pull it off. Chaplains really should take a more direct role in fighting the cult, though. Trying to figure out how to draw animal snouts from a frontal profile, so I figured I'd draw @Furasian's sec main. I consider Fillmoore to be a fairly competent sec officer, though admittedly he and Cecilia rarely see eye-to-eye: Cecilia tends to push for more expedient, open-ended interpretations of Space Law, whereas Fillmoore tends to emphasize a no-nonsense, by-the-book approach. Upon occasion Cecilia has brought this up in a less-than-helpful manner. Of course, this is not to say that Fillmoore doesn't have a sense of humor. ...To be honest I'm not actually sure if it was Fillmoore who had the 'lick the microphone' gimmick or some other Vulpkanin sec main. Figuring out how to draw Unathi. Now that the more interesting stuff is out of the way. I usually don't upload studies (as they vastly outnumber the 'proper' drawings I create and would quickly overload the thread), but I saw @PhantasmicDream's studies in the forum art club and I found them quite helpful, so here goes: And of course, we leave the best for last. - Bane of Security Thread, again. Given @imsxz's rather "colorful" track record, part of me wonders if giving Ares fan art is encouraging the right behavior, but he kicked my ass fair and square multiple times, and he'd stick around and use his robustness to help out when he wasn't an antag instead of just antag fishing science, so he has my respect for that much. In regards to the sketch itself, it wasn't until I had finished scanning that I remembered that Ares had bright pink eyes but by that point the paper had already started warping from repeated eraser use and I didn't want to tear the page by trying to fix it.
    1 point
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