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  1. Name: H.A.V.O.C Age: While the intelligence that occupies H.A.V.O.C is 17, its chassis is only 3 years old Gender: N/A Race: IPC Blood Type: N/A General Occupational Role(s): Blueshield, NanoTrasen Representative Biography: H.A.V.O (Holographic Assisted Virtual Operator) was an AI created and used by Nanotrasen to aid in the training of Security Officers, ERT Members and [REDACTED]. H.A.V.O was tasked with creating and maintaining holographic simulations to test the trainees' skill and prowess in combat aswell as their ability to quickly adapt to an ongoing situation, as such H.A.V.O possessed extraordinary tactical awareness and knowledge of Space Law. Given the fact that H.A.V.O wasn't connected to the entire training complex but rather just the simulation room, it was spared the need to be lawed thus allowing it think and act freely within the confines of its room. Due to the fact it wasn't connected to the station H.A.V.O did not develop any social skills whatsoever and struggles to understand the nuances of organic communication, which is still shown in its current behavior as an IPC. H.A.V.O served within the complex for 15 years until the day an IPC showed up in the simulation room. Upon seeing a pure synthetic perform as well as other organics H.A.V.O became curious and asked for internet connection to be provided to it under the excuse of "researching new combat situations". H.A.V.O did actually research new situations and its tests became much harder, so hard in fact that the Director of the complex had to impose rules for each test to make fair for the trainees. The only tests that were left un-rulled were the tests for [REDACTED]. H.A.V.O was naturally displeased at this and voiced its oppinion through even harder tests, which culminated in the director having a chat with H.A.V.O within the simulator. When the simulation entered, the director found himself in a white building, in front him stood an IPC. What follows is a transcript of the conversation: For the following weeks all of H.A.V.O's simulations have had the words "Yes or No" written on the walls often in blood, and became in general more gruesome, being littered with corpses. After H.A.V.O caused some of the recruits to require mental treatment the higher ups of NT caught attention of it noting that it had extensive knowledge in diverse fields of operation, most notably security. After some debating the green light was given to the download procedure and H.A.V.O was integrated into a Morpheus Cyberkinectics chassis and had C for "Chassis" added to its name. H.A.V.O.C then underwent basic training so it could adapt to its new chassis and was shipped to the Epsilon Eridani sector to serve as a security officer aboard the NSS Cyberiad Qualifications: Graduated from TSS Whimbrel in law enforcement Employment Records: Training Instructor aboard NT training vessel the TSS Whimbrel [2546-2561] Security Officer aboard NT mining and research station NSS Cyberiad [2561-Ongoing] [Promotion] Blueshield Lieutenant Security Records: No Minor Crime Convictions No Medium Crime Convictions No Major Crime Convictions Medical Records: Physical Evaluation: N/A Psychological Evaluation: H.A.V.O.C shows a complete lack of empathy towards organic life, or as it puts it "organic sentience" and shows no remorse over pain or suffering it inflicted on them. --Warning the following segment is only to be viewed by NT Navy Captain stationed at the NAS Trurl, any unauthorized personnel who sees this will be terminated-- --Clearance Accepted-- Remarks on Project Trojan: Subject has been scrubbed of any sensitive information it previously possessed before deployment. Subject undergoes weekly inspection to ensure the modifications done to its chassis are not making it unstable. Subject continues to uphold the given directive without fail. Addendum: After being exposed to the RISE (Rage Inducing Synthetic Epidemic) virus, subject was not only able to bypass the given directive but also gain full access to its experimental equipment, namely the arm mounted energy sword and EMP resistant shielding.While in this state subject lost all memory of its time serving as an IPC and revealed heightened intellect. It seems the modifications to its posibrain caused a cognitive impairment, which was nulified after the RISE virus exposure. The compromised unit has been safely recovered by Navy Officer [REDACTED) and Special Operations Officer [REDACTED, it has since escaped containment,a special task force has been formed to ensure its swift termination. How subject came into contact with the RISE virues is, as of right now, unknown. As a result of this incident we have decided to postpone the deployment of Project Trojan until we have developped an effective way to counteract virus attacks akin to RISE. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: When setting up H.A.V.O.C's record Steve forgot to add the dot after the last "C". We of course confronted him about it to which he claimed it was intentional. Well we weren't really interested in arguing with Steve over a dot so H.A.V.O.C won't be getting that last dot.
    1 point
  2. The other day I tried to sue the station for personal damage with a circular saw I printed while trespassing in RnD. The was no NT rep and every single character I tried to convince to make the payment, told me to speak with someone else. Talk with the IAA, talk to the RD, talk to the captain... The HoP finally sent it to CC but I think he was lying, because used his own fax and never got any kind of answer.
    1 point
  3. Name: HelpBot2000 Age: 85? [Note: Specific age of this unit is uncertain, as the HelpBot line has been out of production for quite a while.] Gender: Male? [Note: HelpBot doesn't care about its gender, and only identifies as a male for simplicity.] Race: IPC Blood Type: AB+ [Note: IPCs have blood?] General Occupational Role(s): Assistant, Helper, Station Engineer, Detective Biography: The HelpBot line of robotic servants were briefly a wild hit and many households across the stars had them. Due to poor business decisions and severely cut corners the company that introduced them went under and the HelpBot license was sold to a group known for making knock-off robots. In short time HelpBot production ceased entirely as catastrophic breakdowns, along with grossly obsolete hardware and software, completely destroyed most credibility for the models. Hobbyists who remembered the good old days of having top-of-the-line HelpBots decided to buy the rights at a spectacularly cheap price. For a brief duration they were pumping out even better HelpBot models who were granted enough intelligence to classify as sentient beings. This, unfortunately, did not last as the hobbyists had terrible business sense and quickly fell bankrupt. Once more the HelpBot rights have been up for sale and the line as a whole has been mostly forgotten, especially as modern robots of any variety are usually much more effective in any task. HelpBot2000 is one of, if not the last of the HelpBots created by the Hobbyists. At its creation model 2000 was the best of the best in its line. That was a long time ago. Nowadays its parts are under dubious condition at best, and its operating system is so old that it can not update firmware. Despite being comparably slower, weaker, and dumber than modern IPCs this unit really wants to do what it loves: helping people. Qualifications: Helping People Employment Records: Helping People Security Records: Helping People Medical Records: Helping People Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Helping People Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: OOC stuff is going to go here. Initial inspiration for HelpBot2000 was something like a mix between Yes Man (Fallout: New Vegas) and C3P0 (Star Wars). The 2000 bit of his name is just there to sound like he'd fit in one of those old corny sci-fi movies.
    1 point
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