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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2019 in all areas

  1. I realize that inspiration comes and goes for me: I'll have months where I do nothing but crank out sketches in rapid succession, then dry spells where I can't even put a pencil to paper without being immediately bored. Not sure how long this particular wave of inspiration is going to last, but might as well make the most of it. From a wizard round: The wizard had a belt of soulstones and was turning crew into Wights everywhere. Sadly, the chaplain--the one player role that's basically dedicated to taking down constructs--was amongst the first victims of the wizard's soul shards, so Cecilia ended up salvaging the chaplain's chainsword and holding back the wights with Sec until the crew could corner the wizard properly and kill him. While I'm glad that I managed to get a hold of the chaplain's holy weapon at such a convenient moment, I still feel sorry for the chaplain: By all rights, it should've been him in this image, not Cecilia. Also large kudos to Nina Kurilyochov the brigphys for managing to apply Styptic Powder patches in the middle of a crazy melee fight with perfect timing: Cecilia very likely would have been knocked into crit multiple times over otherwise. For every badass moment I've had as Cecilia, there have been... not-so-badass moments. For instance, a traitor named "Abducty the Meth Clown" got a special objective to get a picture of Cecilia in a ridiculous costume and fax it to the Syndicate. He greentexted. Spectacularly. I'd like to say Cecilia took it fairly well, everything considered. While this wasn't exactly her finest moment, I've come to see these moments as a sort of 'memento mori': Regular reminders that popularity does not equal robustness. With that in mind, I felt it was a good idea to take a break from sec and get some experience in other departments. Empathy is a huge part of doing well in sec, and the best way to develop that empathy is of course to understand what it feels like to play outside of sec: Meet Kirsten. Playing as her taught me that while playing in security is stressful, playing outside of security can be honestly worse for different reasons. "I'm really sorry, but I'm gonna need you to give that back before you blow us all up." First round as Kirsten went remarkably well: I was planning on trying out a few different character concepts and names before settling on a new staticname, but Kirsten's first round in science was a War Ops round. With 15 minutes of prep in Science's chemistry lab, 2 grenades, and 6 units of azide, Kirsten did more damage to the nukeops than Cecilia's ever managed during a single round as HoS. Goonchem is some terrifying shit. Anyway, enough flexing. When throwing her first grenade, Kirsten took an LMG round in the leg and got a serious limp, so I thought she'd be better off giving her second grenade away to a security officer in the hopes he'd make good use of it. Immediate regret. Still, everything turned out alright in the end. Next couple of rounds, less so. Kirsten being ignored by her coworkers in science. I've often heard it remarked that the Sec department 'community' tends to show a little more integrity than the other departments. Science's community is definitely a mixed bag. If you play a 'staticname' character, I really do recommend trying a brand new character for a round or two if you haven't done it in a while, just to see how everyone's behavior changes the moment you're someone they don't recognize. You'll find a few good eggs who still talk to you if you're lucky, but overall it makes me appreciate all the remarks from new players about how this community is hard to warm up to. Tried a bit of Gateway Exploration, and salvaged some Hybrid Turret Guns that I didn't want to leave lying around. Now, being the helpful law-abiding nonantag I was, I thought that Security might appreciate getting some new toys in the armory, and brought the salvaged Hybrid Turret Guns up to the brig. What follows is a rant, so I've put it under a spoiler: Steve. From CentComm.
    4 points
  2. A few useful tips: 1) in a box with oxygen tank and mask there is enough espace to add extra items. Good idea would be (depending on your race): splints and medications, welder and wires if you are an ipc, crowbar for power outage events. You can get very creative with it. 2) style is everything. If you are a generic looking officer with mask and helmet on green alert level, people outside of sec will less likely cooperate with you. 3) dont assume that after a couple of rounds you are a machine of justice, unstoppable and invincible. If you walk around maintenance alone looking for trouble, believe me, you will find it. A lot of people can kill you in a matter of seconds and nobody will even notice you dissapeared from crew monitor. Dont patrols dangerous places like maint with known vampires and lings or posdible cult base alone. Pair up eith another officer or two, security cyborg is even better option. 4) oh right, always set suit sensors to maximum! You can do it by rightclicking on your jumpsuit and selecting the sensor option. Even if criminals and punks can now locate you, it means nothing compared to whole security team and cyborgs being able to locate you and help. 5) lategame - as the time passes, there are more powerful tools available for you, especially at rnd. Things you really want - advanced energy gun (AEG) which is like taser, but also has third lethal option and recharges by itself over time, telescopic shield (will give you extra protection, basically like riot shield IIRC, but can be stored in your bag), magboots (so you dont get memed by breaches, also ask science guys for a "slime speed potion" , there is a chance they will give you one. Activate magboots and click with potion on them. Now any slowdown effects is removed, and you are always protected from slips and atmospheric problems (slime speed potion can be used on any other equipment like hardsuit or riot armor)). Different weapons, implants, tools and other useful stuff you can ask from rnd - there is too much to talk about, better play some science rounds to see what can be produced and how it works so you will know what to ask for. 6) bring at least two, better three pairs of cuffs with you. You never know. 7) as a detective you can use screwdriver on your revolver. Now it accepts lethal ammo from autolathe. Keep in mind - you need revolver to be empty from bullets before screwdrivering it, or it will just damage you in the process, and shooting with lethals has a chance of backfiring (instead of shooting, it will explode in your arm, it will damage you and force you to drop the gun) i do not recommend using it, if you need lethals as a detective (for example to fight wizard) better get a normal gun. But there is an option. update security records and add notes to arrested crew, dont be lazy. You can not even imagine how many times i have freely walked out of brig because officers did not communicate and did not have a full picture of my crimes. And i tell you, i was worth if not execution, then at least perma. 9) use screwdriver on stunbaton - it will drop out powercell. Ask science for a best powercell possible, and you might get infinite charge stunbaton. Or at least a stunbaton with extended capacity. Just insert new powercell in it, no need to use tools. Ultra, super, hyper capacity or bluespace powercell are what you are looking for. Charged slime core - infinite powercell. Thats all for now
    2 points
  3. I think one thing that would help keep rounds interesting for people who play a lot of engineering (such as myself) would be additional station goals, while the three we have are quite enjoyable they tend to get repetitive after you've done each two or 3 times. As such adding a few extra goals could be interesting. Some suggestions for goals which could be implemented using existing mechanics would be: Constructing a supermatter/thermoelectric engine, and adding it to the grid. A going green goal where the singulo and tesla being built causes the goal to fail. Would give engineering the task of upgrading solars in order to meet demand or using a tertiary engine source like the turbine. Renovate mining station, adding an autolathe, protolathe, cloning bay and cryotube. Renovate con site, have X rooms with a breathable atmosphere, charged apc, fire alarm, intercom, camera, etc. Could also add goals of having a functioning set of lathes, cloning pods, ai, etc, on the site. Anyone who has any other suggestions feel free to add them to the thread. Also worth mentioning these are entirely engineering focused goals, it would be nice to see other departments getting goals such as cargo, botany and specific science departments like xenobio and toxins.
    1 point
  4. Quite a good guide! I think it is definitely helpful for newer people to get into security. Perhaps it would be an idea to add a section explaining tracker implants/mindshield implants as they appear on the HUD and what they mean! Especially as in certain antag rounds having that knowledge that another Sec officer is no longer mind shielded could be the difference between stopping it and being beaten to death/converted in maintenance by a sec member
    1 point
  5. Today, I discovered a bug in our Patreon integration system. The bug affects about 6 patrons who registered their forum accounts between May 6th and today, and caused them to not get all the patreon perks for their relevant Patreon tier. Thank you to @JamesShekelstein for helping me chase down this bug. All of the affected accounts have now been fixed, and now get all of their relevant patreon perks in-game automatically. You don't need to do anything to benefit from the fix. In addition, should any of these 6 contact me on Discord within the next week, I'll issue refunds for their June, July and August patreon donations. As a reminder to all other active patrons, here are the steps needed to claim your Patreon perks in-game: Register a forum account Activate your forum account by clicking the link in chat in-game Associate your forum and patreon accounts using: https://nanotrasen.se/forum/index.php?app=patreonintegration&module=system&controller=patreonconnect Assuming you have done all of these, you should get your perks in-game automatically within about an hour. If you don't, contact me on Discord and I will help troubleshoot your case. The new patron who did this today was the reason that I ultimately discovered the bug and fixed all affected accounts.
    1 point
  6. It's not so easy to just replace it with something special - you have to come up with an idea and then enable whatever is needed to spawn it, all the while looking for the everpresent greytide etc, and hoping it isn't a nukeops round or something that'll end too soon. It's a lot of effort for just one round. If coded in it means a long lasting change to multiple rounds.
    1 point
  7. Edit: my spelling sucks, mainly fixing grammar and typos
    1 point
  8. Here's a sort of shitpost(?) 'animation' featuring Comms Officer Jenkins and Nurn'Kal
    1 point
  9. I'll have you know that this is comedy at its finest.
    1 point
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