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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2019 in all areas

  1. A take on from an old drawing i did of Jenkins braiding Nurn'Kal's hair.... I'm sure it's the only way to calm him down random dialog is random... Because I tend to come into "trends" when they're dying, here's Zeke doing the Bubble Tea Challenge because I felt like this is a think people needed. A JoJo reference.
    3 points
  2. I can sympathize as someone who has been around a while and has only 3-4 things unlocked. Unfortunately, more memey characters or oddly social characters get karma. Either way, it's a struggle but there really isnt much in the way of correcting that can be done.
    1 point
  3. A few useful tips: 1) in a box with oxygen tank and mask there is enough espace to add extra items. Good idea would be (depending on your race): splints and medications, welder and wires if you are an ipc, crowbar for power outage events. You can get very creative with it. 2) style is everything. If you are a generic looking officer with mask and helmet on green alert level, people outside of sec will less likely cooperate with you. 3) dont assume that after a couple of rounds you are a machine of justice, unstoppable and invincible. If you walk around maintenance alone looking for trouble, believe me, you will find it. A lot of people can kill you in a matter of seconds and nobody will even notice you dissapeared from crew monitor. Dont patrols dangerous places like maint with known vampires and lings or posdible cult base alone. Pair up eith another officer or two, security cyborg is even better option. 4) oh right, always set suit sensors to maximum! You can do it by rightclicking on your jumpsuit and selecting the sensor option. Even if criminals and punks can now locate you, it means nothing compared to whole security team and cyborgs being able to locate you and help. 5) lategame - as the time passes, there are more powerful tools available for you, especially at rnd. Things you really want - advanced energy gun (AEG) which is like taser, but also has third lethal option and recharges by itself over time, telescopic shield (will give you extra protection, basically like riot shield IIRC, but can be stored in your bag), magboots (so you dont get memed by breaches, also ask science guys for a "slime speed potion" , there is a chance they will give you one. Activate magboots and click with potion on them. Now any slowdown effects is removed, and you are always protected from slips and atmospheric problems (slime speed potion can be used on any other equipment like hardsuit or riot armor)). Different weapons, implants, tools and other useful stuff you can ask from rnd - there is too much to talk about, better play some science rounds to see what can be produced and how it works so you will know what to ask for. 6) bring at least two, better three pairs of cuffs with you. You never know. 7) as a detective you can use screwdriver on your revolver. Now it accepts lethal ammo from autolathe. Keep in mind - you need revolver to be empty from bullets before screwdrivering it, or it will just damage you in the process, and shooting with lethals has a chance of backfiring (instead of shooting, it will explode in your arm, it will damage you and force you to drop the gun) i do not recommend using it, if you need lethals as a detective (for example to fight wizard) better get a normal gun. But there is an option. update security records and add notes to arrested crew, dont be lazy. You can not even imagine how many times i have freely walked out of brig because officers did not communicate and did not have a full picture of my crimes. And i tell you, i was worth if not execution, then at least perma. 9) use screwdriver on stunbaton - it will drop out powercell. Ask science for a best powercell possible, and you might get infinite charge stunbaton. Or at least a stunbaton with extended capacity. Just insert new powercell in it, no need to use tools. Ultra, super, hyper capacity or bluespace powercell are what you are looking for. Charged slime core - infinite powercell. Thats all for now
    1 point
  4. Over the past few years, we've asked in some appeals for people to get a "vouch" from another server. This isn't official policy and how it works may be different from appeal to appeal. Any information in this post is a general guide, and may vary with your appeal or situation. The intent of this post is just to give some clarity to how it "usually" works and cover some FAQs. Which server(s)? We generally prefer a servers where the rules and environment are closer to ours, but this depends on the ban in question. A HRP server might be good for LRP style play and bans, for instance. In general it doesn't matter a huge amount, although it should be a relatively long-term and decent playercount server - not one your friend hosted, obviously. English-Language servers are also generally needed for ease of communication with the admins there. Lifeweb is absolutely, however, not one. How do I get a vouch? The admins on the server in question may be willing to message one of ours, or we can contact them ourselves to ask. This is generally pretty simple - we ask them if you have been a good boy or not while over there. The response is generally pretty straightforward and obvious - if you haven't been banned or run into issues there, you'll be fine. Remember being insistent or rude about it is a very bad idea. What should a vouch include? Generally all we care about is you were able to follow the rules for whatever time, without getting a bad reputation. If you played on another server in that time and have 0 notes, bans, and the admins don't even recognize your name, that's pretty much perfect (Assuming you played a decent amount of hours.). How do I get a vouch from Paradise for another server that asked me to? Just throw an ahelp in round, or a discord message. Contacting a headmin is usually best as we have easy access to directly message the station you're asking about. This whole system is stupid and you're stupid for doing it! We've found it works pretty well, and is a good solution for when we're on the fence about whether or not you'll be able to follow the rules again once unbanned. It also gives us a bit of a break from you. It's seen decent success rates, so we're likely to continue using it....but IMO some admins might overuse it a bit, and might want to tone that down. Discord message me with other questions if you have them, and I might get around to adding them here.
    0 points
  5. USE A TITLE LIKE THIS: "Banned by ADMINNAME: Ban appeal for [YOUR BYOND USERNAME HERE]" EXAMPLE: "Banned by Regens: Ban appeal for [insert ckey here]" IC NAME: The character name you used when you got banned CKEY: This is your username on BYOND DATE OF BAN: Date you were banned, shown in the ban message you get when entering the server ROUND ID: Also shown in the ban message. May not always be present. Looks like a number, e.g: 12345 DURATION OF BAN: Also shown in the ban message. E.g: "until appealed". ADMIN BYOND KEY: The admin who banned you. Please type '@' in front of their name, so it looks like this: @Kyet. If you don't know which admin banned you, ask one of us privately to look it up for you. REASON FOR BAN: The reason as to why you were banned. Shown when you connect to the server. DO NOT edit this, quote the exact ban reason shown when you connect. YOUR APPEAL: Explain why you think we should unban you. The best approach is generally to read the rules, then explain which rule you broke in your appeal, explaining why you won't do it again if unbanned. If you're truly convinced you never broke the rules in the first place, you could alternatively explain why - but that approach has a much lower chance of success. Try hard to identify which rule you broke. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXAMPLE: IC NAME: Grayman Tide BYOND KEY: Greytide16236 DATE OF BAN: 7/9/13 DURATION OF BAN: This is a permanent ban ADMIN BYOND KEY: Regens REASON FOR BAN: Insulting people YOUR APPEAL: I broke rule 1, and openly insulted another player in OOC. I am sorry I lost my temper and did this, and will not do it again.
    0 points
  6. I'd like to clarify a few things on perma bans. A lot of people seem to think perma banning is an excessive punishment. We currently have ~12,000 perma bans active, out of ~45,000 bans total (As of 26/6/21) Bans are not done to punish the players. They are to protect the server and other players. A perma ban forces the player to appeal, apologise and acknowledge their mistake before they come back to the server. This also gives us an opportunity to assess the attitude of the player and their reasons for wanting to come back. Many perma bans result in a shorter duration than a temp ban due to the appeal process. Many temp bans have been extended to perma due to the abusive and disrespectful appeals.
    0 points
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