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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone, first post on the forums. I'm making this post for feedback and discussion on the many changes I've made to Delta station to (hopefully) bring it up to working conditions for paradise. You can use Affected's webmap of Delta as a before reference https://affectedarc07.github.io/SS13WebMap/Paradise/Delta/index.html I started this project way back in December and have been working on and off on it until I now finally consider it close to finished(yay procrastination and second guessing!). All that's left now is to update my ancient folder and deconflict it. Now then to what all I've done(be ready for pictures!). First up on the major changes is that Delta's security was completely ripped out and rebuilt with high pop in mind. The number of officers has been increased from 8 to 12 and the pod pilot has been given a backup hangar to retreat to if the main hangar becomes too dangerous. The secure armory has also been expanded to provide +1 extra of each weapon and armor within to arm the extra officers when trouble hits. Other items have also been added into the armory: 3 bandoleers, 3 boxes of slug ammo, 2 boxes of rubber shot ammo, and a mech charging station. The evidence room, processing, cells, and solitary cells have all been expanded. Again with highpop in mind. Delta's permabrig has been made with the intent of holding a LOT of people and provide the prisoners with plenty of activities. Such activities are art with crayons and a floor painter, cooking with a decent kitchen(no knives or rolling pin or the like though), reading, chess, drinking soda, smoking, aquarium pet care(all vending machines in perma are free), and even play DnD. There is also a visitation room connected to the remapped Dorms to allow for roleplay while likely under the watch of a sec guard(and as a possible break in/break out point). There is now a maint area connecting to security from central primary side to allow for get aways and attacks from that angle. The IAA's office has replaced the small tool room previously there to make room for the Magistrate's office next to the court room(more on that next). The detective's office had things shuffled around to make room and the brig doc was moved over to here with a full set of ghetto surgery tools hidden away in the wall(if wanted I shall remove the tools). We're now approaching the dorms which was also ripped out and remade. The court room was significantly reduced but the magistrate has been given an office. The locker room and bathroom were remade and the dual cryo dorms were combined and expanded. Here you can also see the mime's new delta office, the dorms side of the visitation room, and the big scale mural in the brig lobby (I'm rather proud of it) And here is the rest of the Dorms, fully enhanced and remade into a nice hangout place. Like the mime, the clown has been given an office as well and the holodeck has been made horizontal. Delta now also has a pet shop, Mr Chang's, a proper arcade, and a second eastward escape pod. The dorms even has a Mule delivery spot and cargo tele beacon for when people want to order supplies for a party or some other event! Finally the last two really game impacting major changes I can think of at the moment are bringing telecoms to Delta's AI satellite and medical getting a second OR(and the psychologist getting an office). The last major change you might have noticed was that Delta has been completely repiped so that waste and distro pipes share space now! We now move on to smaller changes. The biggest of the small ones is that two new westward escape pods have been added to Delta. One is next to Engineering (alongside delta's new engineering shuttle) and the other next to science with the EXPERIMENTOR being moved to sci maint nearby(if the Experimentor rework becomes a reality I will happily map it elsewhere but for now here it stays). With these two new pods also comes an updated Recovery ship. The two pods have been given a transition area but unless prompted otherwise I plan to wait until https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/12045 gets merged before trying to update and deconflict the map. Replacing the EXPERIMENTOR chamber is Delta's new scichem room for all your meme chem testing needs. Next up is that the shared clown and mime office has been removed along with the arrivals gambling den(the slots were moved to the gambling den in engineering). In their place is a pasture for the chef, a back stage for the theater, a secret brewery, and a stowaway hideout. Home stretch folks! A boom arm for the Sol trader to dock at has been added and the little command post at arrivals has been replaced with a gift shop. Also the bathroom has been refurbished. Final picture is that the command post at escape has become the secondary tool storage. And finally many cameras were updated, disposal mailing is fixed, places were given proper areas, oil tanks were added to robotics, and other small changes. And now discuss!
    4 points
  2. Name: Artificial Multitask Automaton Age: 20 Gender: None Race: Integrated Positronic Chassis. (IPC) Blood Type: Oil General Occupational Role(s): Medical Biography: Built in the 2543 in New Canaan, got their name given by an elder IPC called A.M.A., considering the newly born machine their successor. Got their technical skills downloaded directly from their parent’s memory, starting to work soon on the reparation and preservation of the chassis of the miners. Quickly, A.M.A. got pretty interested in the human physiology and, taught by the field doctor from one of the Trans-solar Federation trading ships, started to quickly acquire basic medical skills like splinting or the treatment of minor wounds. There they met one of the TSF soldiers in charge of the protection of the cargo, who got diagnosticated with the characteristic New Canaan fungus. A.M.A. using their mechanical and physiological knowledge, made a pair of synthetic lungs with plasteel and titanium that replaced the infected lungs of said soldier saving their life. Very impressed of their skills and with IPC’s rights being recognized in 2554, Nanotrasen gave them a job as a nurse in one of their hospital ships, acquiring even more experience in organic medicine and studying with the books that the TSF soldier purchased for A.M.A. in exchange, applied for a job in one of the Nanotrasen Science Stations as a doctor, obtaining said employment and being transferred to the NSS Cyberiad in 2561. Qualifications: Physiology degree, Biomechanical Maintenance degree, doctorate in xenobiological medicine. Employment Records: Hired as a nurse in the NVR Savior in the 2554, promoted to surgeon in 2561 and transfered to the NSS Cyberiad. Security Records: Several charges of insubordination, cooperative, refuses to wear proper identification. Medical Records: The posibrain and their chassis are in pristine conditions. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): 1,70m/5'7'' tall, standard IPC model, grey colour chassis, their screen appears to show a rainbow, two pairs of antennas on both sides of their head along with the NT logo impressed on their chassis. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:
    2 points
  3. Sec borgs will not be getting any buffs, more likely nerfs. They are incredibly powerful as it is. All access, immunity to chems, atmos, tazers, etc etc etc.
    2 points
  4. Autumn Aggley art by capnKitty <3 Full name: Autumn (Ophelia) Aggley Age: 26 Gender: Female Race: Human Place of birth: Norhtern Earth Height: 160cm Blood Type: B- Hair: Red Eyes: Dark green Physique: Small to average NanoTrasen relation: Very Loyal Body markings: Tattoo of a dolphin located on her lower back, a tattoo of a small pink heart on her left side tummy, and a big scar on her left wrist. She also has a few piercings, a ring through her right eyebrow, a ring through her upper left ear and a tongue piercing with a real diamond. General Occupational Role(s): Librarian Scientist - Focus on Xenobiology Research Director NanoTrasen Representative Biography: Born on earth but with a passion for space since young age; Autumn was meant to end up among the stars. She is the only daughter of Dr. Jackson Aggley, a successful Senior Commander Research Director of NanoTrasen, an honorable member of NT with tight bonds to Central Command. Autumn always wanted to follow in her fathers footsteps. She has been employed by NanoTrasen since the age of 17, but was vowed into the NanoTrasen cooperation the day she was born. She started out in the medical department but quickly changed path after seeing too many people pass away from her on the surgery table, and focused all her time to become a scientist, just like her father. She fell in love with research, and whenever she is not seen in the library or goofing around with friends, she is doing some solid research - xenobiology is perhaps what she loves to do most when it comes to science. Autumn dislike talking about her mother. Autumn Aggley is a very positive person. She puts friendships above everything and is always open for new people and to create new bonds. She has an outgoing personality but can come across as a bit bitchy if you don't know her, but she usually means well! Her attitude also sometimes make her come across as naive or self centric - this due to have always been the popular girl in most context throughout her life. Autumn is quite jealous, possesive and sometimes obsessive. Autumn is the type of person who can hang out in the bar or the library a whole shift just for the sake of conversation and gossip. She is very curious about other people, nosy, is probably a better word. Some people has described her as a devil in disguise. She's terrible at combat and dislike guns and violence greatly. She only ever use a gun if there is an immediate danger or threat to someone she love. Autumn has a PhD in literature and is very proud of her literature achievements. Shes a member of a CC qualified book club where she takes part in analyzing literature (serious book club, not a cult). Autumn loves books and is known to like literature from old earth authors and she's very passionate about poetry. She also enjoys self-care books, and has huge respect for books on the topics of love and philosophy. If you've lost Autumn and you don't get a reply, go to the library - where she often gets lost in words! Autumn is a self-claimed relationship expert and love expert and is more than happy to advice people about it. A few of her friends are Plash, Desmond, Aleister, Lus, Hector, Ordosian, Coline, David F, Alicia, Guthen, Shesi, Kitty, Toby.. among others. She also has a strong (confusing) bond with Mommy, the AI. Autumn is currently dating Aleister Burnwood, theyre so cute like oh my god. art by capnkitty art by GutTC
    1 point
  5. I can say I have never seen a mech get fastmosed. ever. plus they have built in air tanks
    1 point
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