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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2019 in all areas

  1. Greetings everyone! Recently i was thinking about karma unlocks and what else could we add to the game. While I understand that there are a lot of things which are more important and have a higher priority, i decided it would not hurt to throw in my ideas, so here they are. It was quiet a big list of ideas, however i cut the least interesting ones, because the list was too big, and left the best of what I have, and made it as short as possible. First thing that comes to mind of everyone who thinks about new karma unlocks is fluff items. I have one idea for that - Medal of loyalty. 3 verions - for 10 years, for 25 and for 50 years of service. I think it would be cool to have each one being unlockable only if you have unlocked the previous one, so, if for example they cost like 5-10-20 karma, the 50 years medal would cost total of 35 karma, that way we wont see many of them around. I also imagine that if you add somehow a medal of loyalty to a specific character, that character would have his ingame crew record automatically updated to represent the fact that this person in fact is working for NT for over 10-25-50 years already. 18 years old catgirls with 50 years of NT work experience inbound Lets not linger for a long time on fluff items and move forward to my first big idea - the karma locked borg module. Now we move to another thing - secondary jobs. And the last thing is - new karma locked job. Here are my suggestions. I hope someone (especially coders and heads) likes them. You can post your suggestions or discuss mine. P.S. Sorry for all the grammar mistakes.
    1 point
  2. My head canon for Uriel is that he has a terrible combover under that beret, as when he's not wearing a hat of some kind, and just has his headset on, it REALLLLLLY looks like a really bad midlife crisis dad combover. Got the pleasure of talking to him for an extended period and the moment i noticed it....what was seen, cannot be unseen....
    1 point
  3. Sec borgs will not be getting any buffs, more likely nerfs. They are incredibly powerful as it is. All access, immunity to chems, atmos, tazers, etc etc etc.
    1 point
  4. Absolutely not priority, can't say about necessary for the sm stuff but overall: I like a lot of the theory here, but in the end it comes down to the issue of: the fact that there's really no point to having it up too high or anything, when a main engine isn't even really needed to power the station at all. However the general idea of being able to turn an engine up to "dangerous" levels that can only be sustained with constant monitoring I really like.
    1 point
  5. Borers are in my opinion intended to be a Venom sort of thing. "You help me and I'll help you." On a HRP server like Baystation this could probably be played out better, but we aren't HRP. Giving borers harmful objectives is a bad idea. We already have problems with borers occasionally killing people for no good reason, which they shouldn't do. We don't need them to be given in-game permission to do that. If borers are to get objectives it should be something a) minor and b) non-harmful. Things like "remove all floor tiles from x area" or "steal the YouTool from Primary Tool Storage".
    1 point
  6. Yeah i am up for "if antag is rolled, you get certain character" I think there should be an option that allows you to choose one of your character for antag preferences. So i dont have to choose between trying to get an antag and playing my nonantag character. It will also allow to get cling or vamp even if you selected ipc character for roundstart.
    1 point
  7. While I'd like this, I'd also like the option to selectively choose which characters can be what antags, rather than have it be a global preference.
    1 point
  8. I dislike it, borers relation with crew is a simbiotic one and the objectives will only cause borers to get instantly valid or people to get griefed by and because of them.
    1 point
  9. Amazing! We should bring back vampire IPCs Designing Movie posters or even book covers is always a good time.
    1 point
  10. SO, I just spend 7 straight hours putting this together. I had possibly one of my favourite rounds, or at least my favourite involving an AI, yesterday night as CE. It was a custom event, a meteor shower, and then a Giant ass meteor heading towards Sec. So, as you can imagine, as CE, I had my hands... quite full... with trying to deal with everything. I got cargo to order as many meteor shields as their shuttle could carry, and tried my best to organize my WONDERFUL engineers into action. They were great. So, we managed to patch up the station with some help from CC, and sec opened up the giant ass meteor stuck in their armory to reveal an ash drake. But, it's my job to repair the damage AFTER it is done, so I didn't get involved much. However, the highlight of the game was when the starting AI stopped... well, working. It was still present, but it didn't wipe itself. So the RD had to make a new one, and a plucky little scientist volunteered- Ava. So they took out her brain and stuck it in an AI core, and brought it to upload, much closer to bridge. I had finished with most of the repairs that needed doing, and I'd never really... talked with an AI much, as I've never had the luxury of being actually in the same room as them (much). So I decided to talk, and I knew Ava was quite a good conversationalist. It got... pretty philosophical. At first I actually thought you could take the brain back out of the AI, but after trying to do that 'decommission (try every tool you know of to de-construct it then realize you can't and just harm-welder it to death0 the previous AI, I realized it wasn't actually possible to go back to ones fleshy organic form after you get AI'd. Ava slowly turned from their normal Vulpy self to something much more synthetic, which was fun to role-play out. Asking what would happen if they had different laws, they being unable to give any sort of opinion if they wanted their laws changed or not, just finding out the limits there were being an AI after the freedom of being a crew-member. Ava questioned if Giki would decommission her like she did the other AI, and some other pretty hard question. Perhaps the most major thing is that you're not getting payed anymore, and you become less of a crew-member and more of an object. Laws also influence you, so you could never be sure if you're actually you anymore or not... It's pretty spooky if you think about it, and quite a unique problem to the usual 'Non-post-organic AI'. Anyway, at the end when the shuttle was called, I asked the RD if i could add a new law. Law 15- "You are still the Vulp you once were, don't forget that." or something to that degree, so Ava could still hold on to that personality of hers without being overcome by the torrent of synthetic signals and directives. Though an Ion law came in right after saying 'You need week berries to survive but we... fixed that. ANYWAY it was a TERRIFIC round and honestly I'm so glad I stayed up way past a reasonable hour to play it. Ava is best Vulpai.
    1 point
  11. Another idea that may or may not be unbalanced. This time, it's something that could very well make sense. My proposal is this, give Malf AI some way to essentially mindslave crew, it would be a moderately expensive single use ability that after a short while (similar to thralling a mindshield crewmember as a shadowling) injects the victim with a swarm of nanites that override the victims will, these nanites can be deactivated via EMP on the affected crew member, this will not destroy the nanites however, only deactivate them, the AI then needs to spend an increasing amount of power to reactivate them after a reasonable delay. This would give malf AIs access to operatives with hands, something very valuable to an army of robots without fine manipulation, as well as potentially giving them the opportunity to commit some crimes without immediately having crew scream "AI IS ROUGE GET DA IONS" now this may seem like a straight buff but the crew may be able to use this new ability to their advantage, if the AI is outed they can use an EMP on the victim to potentially send them in as a saboteur, the AI isn't notified when the nanites are deactivated so an inattentive AI may not notice that their former agent is no longer loyal and when brought into the core to help defend turns on the AI killing them and saving the station.
    1 point
  12. Honestly I wouldn't mind bumping up the security officer playtime compared to the other jobs just because it's such an abusable role, especially for greytide/power-tripping new players. If you don't have at least a basic grasp of robustness, space law, and hell even the station dynamic, then you're going to have a bad time. Hell, I don't see this being an unpopular opinion at all, it's just common sense. Now for an opinion that may very well be unpopular! I'd say this is less of a pickle than it seems. Station incompetence is a fundamental part of as to why this game is still a game. It's a disaster simulator. Yes, choosing a department and being able to master it (such as learning how to be an extremely robust Doctor or robust Engineer) is immensely satisfying for a lot of people, and there are many people that come in time and time again that learn, grow, and become valuable assets. But when there are 100+ moving, individual players, all with different ideas roles and routines, it's easy for things to fall apart and not work smoothly. You can play scientist and not be able to do anything cause the entire mining team died on Lavaland. You could be a doctor and be overwhelmed by patients and have zero chemists. It's part of the game. If everything ran smoothly every single shift there wouldn't be a point, cause when it does run smoothly it's boring (play medical with a fully competent medical staff and no antags, you'll find yourself tempted to cryo from boredom) My problem is that people sometimes get used to the status quo of a perfectly running station. You get killed by bullshit (which is normal), get mad at it, and then get even madder because a newbie doctor fails to revive you or an newbie engineer failed to cover a breach. Everyones gotten mad at this game for it's bullshit, including me, including every admin, including every veteran player that's been on the station for a year. As counter intuitive as this might sound: stop it. Let the doctor fail to revive you one time without bitching at him. Let the engineer fuck up and shock himself. Let mining die (you can't help it). Every mistake pushes people to get better. But it's important to remember that with every outburst and every yell of "worst medbay ever" may absolutely crush some poor clueless kids motivation and prevent them from reaching their full potential. Now then, Security. The biggest exception. Security (or shitcurity) isn't just hard because of the power and responsibility; doctors and engineers also have power, except in different fields. It's because it's so confrontational. When you fuck up people will without fail call you shitcurity. When you let them go they will continue calling you shitcurity. Even when you were 100% in the right and justified you will still be called shitcurity. It is without a doubt the most thankless, abused, and misunderstood job in this fucking game, and playing or maining it is honestly exhausting, emotionally draining, and sometimes straight up not fun. People walking into that job for the first time not knowing what kind of hell that job is will be absolutely crushed. Job timers are only the half of it. They should be upped for security, or a bigger and bolder warning should be put on the job so that people fully understand why not to play it. But honestly, if people truly want security to be better they're going to have to stop treating security like shit. Good security players have thick skins by default so stop intentionally trying to break them and make them feel bad. They won't lash out at you, they'll just give up on the job and leave. You're not making it worth it. Appreciate and respect them, and if you don't like what they're doing then go play the role yourself and set a good example to others instead. And also don't be afraid to have fun sometimes as a sec officer: roleplay, dick around in the bar, let them miss a couple obvious antags because the department is a mess, understand the difference between a power trip and a legitimate mistake. TL;DR: Game is fucked and chaotic, don't expect perfection from anyone. Edit: I uh, almost forgot to add my opinions on the main suggestion -Raise time for Security, other jobs are probably fine but Sec because yknow, abuse of power and also no one wants to play sec -The station fundamentally hates sec so much anyways that I don't feel like any more incentives would bring anyone back unless they were security buffs. Hey, the department changes made in the past 4 years (there's been like 2 reworks) might be enough for *myself* to start up the job again. Pardon the rant and don't be afraid to respond to me, I didn't proof read.
    1 point
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