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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2019 in all areas

  1. So an idea I suggested a while back (Possibly being tested as an admin event first) is making a 'Supply Mission' station goal. Essentially, the station will be sent a list of items, resources, machines, mechs, and all sorts of other items that need to be collected and stored in a certain place (Likely the cargo warehouse), which will be collected and sent off station once the crew departs. This would allow multiple departments to get involved, as the requested items can vary greatly. Materials from mining, machines made by Engineering, mechs and special tools from Science, organs and medicines from Medical, certain plants from botany, food and drink from the bar and kitchen, and random misc items that anyone can pick up like vending machines. Of course, this cache of items and materials would be very tempting for anyone wishing to do traitorous activities, so security will need to keep an eye on the place. Engineering could also help by setting up cameras or redesigning the area to make it more secure. Command will need to divvy up the required items to help things run smoothly, and cargo will likely be the ones with the master list of what's needed. The whole station would need to get involved to get this goal completed, but once completed, NT will send an advance payment to the station in the form of 1000 cargo points, a large material shipment of rare ores, crates with rare or valuable items or gear, and/or special research notes for science.
    2 points
  2. I've been working on a new station goal myself. It's still very much WIP but you can find it here https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/12062 and if you have any suggestions, feel free to make them.
    1 point
  3. This is a very unpopular solution/suggestion from me, but personally whenever i wanted to try out new jobs I'm not familiar with i go to a small pop server that have similiar jobs to the one in the main server i played at just to learn from it, the benefit from small pop server since they have low amount of players they all kinda agreed anonymously to not acting harshly to other without reason, removing one of stress factor coming from in this case security job, furthermore there's less cases of problem to dealt with and generally everyone are kinda on the same side to not mess up the station too quickly, lastly on the antagonist since small pops mean small security number sometime even just 1, new player who are starting out security roles might be able to learn the pressure a lot of the jobs with simple objective in mind, to catch that antagonist without worrying about lack of coordination cause again, Low pops. So what I'm saying is, ask them if they ever had experience as security on other server, if yes taught the basic of space law in here, if not well good luck and suggest them to either read or try it out on other server first <- (very dumb idea) That's all what my retarded mind wanted to say
    1 point
  4. This helpful CC Grey gave me the parts to make a BSA as CE, so we could fight those pesky Syndicate Comms agents!... And maybe also blow a hole though the escape shuttle. A tiny. Little hole. And then gib myself next shift with the new engine delivery system. I'm a competent CE, I promise. In all honesty @necaladun's Invisi-grey is really neat, and only SLIGHTLY terrifying when re-educating a HoP with an energy sword. Maybe a bit more than slightly.
    1 point
  5. Kinda late to suggesting, but some more coat options would be nice. Being a vox and all, I primarily use my coat slot as an easy option for my air tank, but having some more options for style would freshen stuff up. Sadly don't have too many ideas on what kinda coat visually.
    1 point
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