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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2019 in all areas

  1. Server croaked during a blob round. This is how I used the free time: Traitor duo 'That Voice in Your Head' (Three-Point-Fourteen as an esword mime) and 'The Prankster' (Chad Wolf with Sleeping Carp+Chainsaw) square off against a gygax. I was going to word-bubble Cecilia dropping some sort of snappy one-liner from inside the gygax, but I think that'd be too arrogant: All in all Chad and Pi chose to sally out for a fight rather than endlessly evading and raiding sec for the rest of the shift, so ultimately they're the heroes in this picture. I'm not sure if it's just that Robotics is more competent these days or major crisis situations just happen more frequently, but I find that I've resorted to using mechs in more rounds during the past few months than I have in the past few years. Torque. As part of an abnormally competent and well-organized team, Security managed to take down a cult, a xeno hive, a slaughterdemon, then a second xeno hive in a single shift. Supposedly we were so impressive that CentComm announced that "The CEO of Nanotrasen" wanted to personally meet with the security team after the shift: So, since the server was down for basically the whole day, I'm throwing in a bunch of sketches I made for a Shadowrun tabletop campaign I DM'd for a couple of sessions:
    3 points
  2. As a server, we can't exactly advocate "Yeah, go play on a different server to learn how to play on this one." I am aware of the fact that we may do this for punishment reasons (although that is more over done for player 'character' specific reasons) but to do so just for a job seems to be a bit of an obtuse standard that would more often then not drive people away from the job. Really, the spirit of my complaint and suggestion is not against those players who have experience with SS13 or take the time to even read Space Law and SOP. You can be a relatively new player and at least do the latter and be moderately successful, however you're going to struggle quite a bit until you get the rest of the game mechanics and foundations down. In fact, if you take an experienced SS13 player, even from our server, who has never done Sec before and suddenly throw them into the role without doing some prior study- they're going to struggle a lot if not get in trouble. The reasoning for this is that Sec had 3 different guidelines that govern their actions and they're the most watched group because they actively take people's freedoms away. It's my opinion that truly new players, those who have little to no experience with SS13 at all, get Security positions FAR too soon. I'm not saying to give it some kinda impossible standard to obtain but having players play roles other then civilian prior to starting Sec can only help. Civilians are not held to any greater standard that Sec would be, so making them at least be cargo tech for a few rounds and have to learn WHAT an SOP is or WHAT space law is prior to enforcing it is probably a good idea in my opinion.
    2 points
  3. Name: Artificial Multitask Automaton Age: 20 Gender: None Race: Integrated Positronic Chassis. (IPC) Blood Type: Oil General Occupational Role(s): Medical Biography: Built in the 2543 in New Canaan, got their name given by an elder IPC called A.M.A., considering the newly born machine their successor. Got their technical skills downloaded directly from their parent’s memory, starting to work soon on the reparation and preservation of the chassis of the miners. Quickly, A.M.A. got pretty interested in the human physiology and, taught by the field doctor from one of the Trans-solar Federation trading ships, started to quickly acquire basic medical skills like splinting or the treatment of minor wounds. There they met one of the TSF soldiers in charge of the protection of the cargo, who got diagnosticated with the characteristic New Canaan fungus. A.M.A. using their mechanical and physiological knowledge, made a pair of synthetic lungs with plasteel and titanium that replaced the infected lungs of said soldier saving their life. Very impressed of their skills and with IPC’s rights being recognized in 2554, Nanotrasen gave them a job as a nurse in one of their hospital ships, acquiring even more experience in organic medicine and studying with the books that the TSF soldier purchased for A.M.A. in exchange, applied for a job in one of the Nanotrasen Science Stations as a doctor, obtaining said employment and being transferred to the NSS Cyberiad in 2561. Qualifications: Physiology degree, Biomechanical Maintenance degree, doctorate in xenobiological medicine. Employment Records: Hired as a nurse in the NVR Savior in the 2554, promoted to surgeon in 2561 and transfered to the NSS Cyberiad. Security Records: Several charges of insubordination, cooperative, refuses to wear proper identification. Medical Records: The posibrain and their chassis are in pristine conditions. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): 1,70m/5'7'' tall, standard IPC model, grey colour chassis, their screen appears to show a rainbow, two pairs of antennas on both sides of their head along with the NT logo impressed on their chassis. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:
    1 point
  4. Also, perhaps the stowaway should start with a forged ID with only civilian access so that way they can used maintenance doors.
    1 point
  5. As someone who learned the basics from another server, I actually will say this is decent enough advice. There's a saying that goes, "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." Low-pop servers make for excellent learning areas since most of the people playing are still learning the basic mechanics of the game, and there's less overall pressure to deliver. Systems that are considered the bare minimum for competent Security here: like knowing how to use the security records to set wanted status, knowing how to identify mindshield implants, knowing how to use tracking implants, would make you seen as a robusting God on some lowpop servers. Furthermore, less players means fewer distractions on sec's plate at any given moment. Something as simple as checking a guy's PDA for a Syndicate telestore uplink was held up as an apex of competence. Of course, Para is a unique server and not everything carries over, but I can recommend using lower-pop servers just to figure out things like how to avoid tasing your own teammates in a fight, how to avoid getting blindsided by less-intuitive game mechanics (such as anyone hiding in a locker will get a free hit if you open the locker at close range), knowing how to equip and activate internals in the event of a gas leak, that sort of thing.
    1 point
  6. Maint airlocks are ID restricted
    1 point
  7. I've been working on a new station goal myself. It's still very much WIP but you can find it here https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/12062 and if you have any suggestions, feel free to make them.
    1 point
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