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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2019 in all areas

  1. If and when, I'm positive a ton of us will support that however we can
    2 points
  2. Some may recognize this one, due to me currently using it as my discord profile. Going to little retro in here... because why not? Originally it was going to be a beautiful sunset at a beach, but my hand slipped. Got a new drawing program sometime last month, and this was what I decided to draw in it and then after that I got a iPad Pro and another drawing program, so here's some thing's I've drawn using that
    2 points
  3. It's fluffy cuff time edit time again. Colors are nice. So is newer art depicting TRUE wardening.
    2 points
  4. You all flatter me so much. ^-^
    1 point
  5. I'm consistently amazed at your work, gosh gosh gosh, wow. Incredible. The line work, the aesthetics... You make me SWOON.
    1 point
  6. Screenshot dump time. After 4 or 5 recalls: When Paradise was down and we went to the clone server: When the Chaplain recruits you for their church:
    1 point
  7. When I find the motivation to do it.
    1 point
  8. So when are you doing a full comic?
    1 point
  9. Wow! These are incredible character studies! You're really evolving into an incredible style!
    1 point
  10. I realize that inspiration comes and goes for me: I'll have months where I do nothing but crank out sketches in rapid succession, then dry spells where I can't even put a pencil to paper without being immediately bored. Not sure how long this particular wave of inspiration is going to last, but might as well make the most of it. From a wizard round: The wizard had a belt of soulstones and was turning crew into Wights everywhere. Sadly, the chaplain--the one player role that's basically dedicated to taking down constructs--was amongst the first victims of the wizard's soul shards, so Cecilia ended up salvaging the chaplain's chainsword and holding back the wights with Sec until the crew could corner the wizard properly and kill him. While I'm glad that I managed to get a hold of the chaplain's holy weapon at such a convenient moment, I still feel sorry for the chaplain: By all rights, it should've been him in this image, not Cecilia. Also large kudos to Nina Kurilyochov the brigphys for managing to apply Styptic Powder patches in the middle of a crazy melee fight with perfect timing: Cecilia very likely would have been knocked into crit multiple times over otherwise. For every badass moment I've had as Cecilia, there have been... not-so-badass moments. For instance, a traitor named "Abducty the Meth Clown" got a special objective to get a picture of Cecilia in a ridiculous costume and fax it to the Syndicate. He greentexted. Spectacularly. I'd like to say Cecilia took it fairly well, everything considered. While this wasn't exactly her finest moment, I've come to see these moments as a sort of 'memento mori': Regular reminders that popularity does not equal robustness. With that in mind, I felt it was a good idea to take a break from sec and get some experience in other departments. Empathy is a huge part of doing well in sec, and the best way to develop that empathy is of course to understand what it feels like to play outside of sec: Meet Kirsten. Playing as her taught me that while playing in security is stressful, playing outside of security can be honestly worse for different reasons. "I'm really sorry, but I'm gonna need you to give that back before you blow us all up." First round as Kirsten went remarkably well: I was planning on trying out a few different character concepts and names before settling on a new staticname, but Kirsten's first round in science was a War Ops round. With 15 minutes of prep in Science's chemistry lab, 2 grenades, and 6 units of azide, Kirsten did more damage to the nukeops than Cecilia's ever managed during a single round as HoS. Goonchem is some terrifying shit. Anyway, enough flexing. When throwing her first grenade, Kirsten took an LMG round in the leg and got a serious limp, so I thought she'd be better off giving her second grenade away to a security officer in the hopes he'd make good use of it. Immediate regret. Still, everything turned out alright in the end. Next couple of rounds, less so. Kirsten being ignored by her coworkers in science. I've often heard it remarked that the Sec department 'community' tends to show a little more integrity than the other departments. Science's community is definitely a mixed bag. If you play a 'staticname' character, I really do recommend trying a brand new character for a round or two if you haven't done it in a while, just to see how everyone's behavior changes the moment you're someone they don't recognize. You'll find a few good eggs who still talk to you if you're lucky, but overall it makes me appreciate all the remarks from new players about how this community is hard to warm up to. Tried a bit of Gateway Exploration, and salvaged some Hybrid Turret Guns that I didn't want to leave lying around. Now, being the helpful law-abiding nonantag I was, I thought that Security might appreciate getting some new toys in the armory, and brought the salvaged Hybrid Turret Guns up to the brig. What follows is a rant, so I've put it under a spoiler: Steve. From CentComm.
    1 point
  11. Appending to this that there be some additional restrictions on things such as Golems and other "new sentience" creatures preforming security duties as there is no way to ensure that they are in anyway knowledgeable or have the level of prior knowledge to be effective. Still saying that letting newer players have access to security is dragging the entire department down. I know we're not trying to "scare them away" but at current, allowing new players who don't even know how to ctrl drag, how to recharge a baton, how to use a flashbang, how to properly and safely restrain people, or even how to assess a situation based on game knowledge. It's not that a new player is "bad" but they lack the knowledge required to actually do this job and that's something you learn with time, experience, and study. Jumping straight from assistant into sec officer is how we get so many ahelps, the stigma of of shitcurity, and such.
    1 point
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