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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2019 in all areas

  1. So I made this. Not sure if it qualifies as art tho.
    7 points
  2. The newly wed Dee Jenkins, a real fun person to be around, who also might murder you horribly. But they've got a nice personality! (gosh I'm lazy with backgrounds :^) )
    4 points
  3. They look like a lovely person, but I don't trust that wrench they're holding. (Also drawing backgrounds is hard, and that's a fact)
    2 points
  4. He's the plasmeme Cyberiad deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll nerf him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent nerd, a watchful powergamer. A dark blue knight.
    2 points
  5. You wish to be flatten? *Flexes*
    2 points
  6. I know that the last time the server needs is more inexperienced people trying to steal, murder and dick around with game mechanics they know nothing about, but hear me out.(Also, I'm completely in the dark regarding whether this idea has been pitched or rejected before and how much effort it would take programming-wise) I've been having a great time playing a Geneticist lately, and part of that is having fun equipping the crew with the shit I find(for the better or for the worse) and seeing how they work with it, and it got me thinking. Most RnD players are given round goals, something to lead them to create something specific and I always thought it was kind of odd that those micro-goals were given exclusively to RnD players. I understand that there are certain skills and play-styles the RnD Department requires from the people who play it, especially in comparison to something as RNG-based as Genetics, but I feel like something should be given to other Departments, especially since some of them have a lot of freedom to experiment, arguably too much freedom. So, I've compiled a short list of some ideas I have for non-RnD members of the Station. General: Escape on the Escape Shuttle or in an Escape Pod with X credits. Escape on the Escape Shuttle or in an Escape Pod with X stolen item(s).(Would spawn at the beginning of the round, most likely something that takes up some space, maybe a tank full of plasma or some organs in a box) Engineering: [Station Engineer] Renovate and reopen X location.(Abandoned Bar, Assembly Line, Medbay Maintenance, etc.) [Mechanic] Build a Space Pod. Supply: [Miner] Obtain X amount of X resource. [CT & QM] Distribute X item(s) to X crew members.(Something Nanotrasen would want everyone station-side to have lore-wise or something slightly illegal) Medical: [Chemist] Escape on the Escape Shuttle or in an Escape Pod with X amount of X chemical.(Drugs or something would be the most reasonable thing that would need to be snuck out) [Geneticist] Find X number of non-blank traits. Service: [Clown & Mime] Have an X mech built by Robotics. [Librarian] Write a book/newspaper article. [Chaplain] Hold X funerals using the Crematorium or Mass Driver. [Botanist] Grow X amount of X plant. (Diona, Bluespace Bananas, Nettles, whatever) Now, this list is pretty basic and janky, but it serves the purpose it intends. There are plenty of goals that can be given to non-RnD roles, just for some sense of direction if the players need it. A lot of them aren't super difficult to complete, and simply require that the player in question actually does their job. Now, I'm going to delve into something I'd like to call micro-antag goals. Some of the things I listed above fall into this category, by virtue of being sketchy enough that a security bag search might raise an eyebrow or two, perhaps even warrant an arrest, but nothing game-breaking or directly harmful to other players. Essentially, the concept of a 'micro-antag goal' is to give someone items, powers and/or abilities they should not have, under the assumption that the person in question is not, in fact, a powergamer or griefer, but a player who will RP out the experience. Obviously, some things can get quite ramped up quite quickly, so I'd limit it to simple, role-based application, like giving the Clown a satchel full of Funny Voice injectors or the Bartender some drugs that they might slip into a drink. Obviously, this idea isn't super fleshed-out and I'm not sure how it could be implemented, but I'd really love to encourage having a couple more back-room deals where the result is a relatively RP-friendly, borderline illegal bit of fun that doesn't hurt anyone too badly and may or may not end up with all parties involved spending time in the Brig.
    1 point
  7. A picture that is taken moments before a disaster.
    1 point
  8. That is a Syndicate Standard Issue Combat Wrench. Thanks for the drawing of Dee!
    1 point
  9. You all flatter me so much. ^-^
    1 point
  10. So the Borer is in a bit of a tough spot at the moment. They're considered antags, but the vast majority are friendly towards the crew and are more often than not a good thing to have. I believe that borers should be a neutral, somewhat hostile entity that needs to be treated less like a pet and more like an actual potential threat to the station. Sure, there'll still be benefits to having one in your head, but the borer should be more interested in its own affairs than the host. To fix that, I believe the borer needs new objectives and/or mechanic changes. The first objective idea being Create and defend a nest till the end of the shift. This objective essentially requires a borer to find a location for a 'nest' structure, get a host there to build the nest, then have the host sit within the nest for a certain amount of time before becoming assimilated by it, causing the host to (At their choice) either be killed or turned into a borer (defaulting to kill if they don't respond soon enough), and the original borer to be ejected from the body. The nest acts as a permanent borer spawn, creating new borers about every two minutes. Once created, all other borers are informed on its location and given the objective to protect it. Unless the nest is destroyed, no other nests can be built. People infected with borers will be 'struck by sudden guilt' when attempting to harm the nest and won't be able to damage it. Essentially, the more people infected, the harder it'll be for the crew to destroy the nest. Of course, the crew can accept the one sacrificed crew member for an infinite supply of chem injector implants, but they should also consider the fact that the borers may hijack the crew if their nest is threatened. The second objective idea is Infect enough people to establish the hivemind/Infect as many individuals as possible. This objective requires the borers to infect a certain number of people (About 10, depending on server pop) in order to establish the 'Hivemind'. Borer telepathy will not be altered. Unlocking the hivemind will give the borers new powers that scale based on how many people are infected. Thinks like faster chem creation, longer stun and control duration, or a HuD to identify other infected individuals. The downside is that the increased neurological activity from the borer slowly damages the hosts brain. Now, the borer could use their chems to heal this damage, or they can wait till the host becomes brain dead, which allows them to assume permanent control. The other downsides being that, once the hivemind is established, the borer will always show up on Health HuDs, are are more vulnerable to sugar. The final idea I have, (Which should require minimal coding) is to randomly give borers simple miscellaneous objectives. No assassinations or grand thefts, but things like 'Consume a certain food' (May or may not be toxic to the host), 'Hug/knock over/punch a certain number of people', or 'Make your host wear certain clothes upon escaping the station'. They're borers. We know next to nothing about them, where they're from, nor why they may want to do all this weird stuff. These are minor things that'd give borer players more to do than just reproduce, and it'd make things interesting for the crew as people wonder why the captain is running around in the clown outfit while hugging everyone. If a lore reason is needed, it can be that the borers are 'collecting experiences and memories of a certain kind to benefit the hivemind'. This isn't gonna make all crew hate borers, but it'll be enough to actually make them disruptive to station affairs.
    1 point
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