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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2019 in all areas

  1. First round as a Roboticist was also a malf AI round. What fun. So I couldn't really make any new borgs. I decided to have some fun though, and instead of making borgs I put robo-brains into mechs, and IPCs. One of these Robo-brains referred to me as 'Mom', and I thought that was kinda cute, so instead of putting them into a mech like their... I guess, siblings, I put them into an IRC. Being called 'Fate' they decided on the name 'Omen' which I thought was nice. They helped me out with robotics. Heh. The player said they'd make Omen their IPC character! Which made me quite proud. To the left is Fate, and left is Omen. They both have hex codes after their name that represent their colours!
    3 points
  2. And right after liznerd here goes slimenerd, Vespa for @Cheeseman
    3 points
  3. Hello everyone, my name's Biba, and this is my first time playing SS13. Saw a video about it from a youtuber called "Sseth", some or most of you probably have heard of him. I found this game interesting and I'd like to learn more about this game, and eventually get into it. Overall the game looks fun, and this place looks neat. Looking forward to learning more about this place!
    2 points
  4. Now, I understand that mining is all about fighting megafauna and not about acquiring resources for the station, but it's getting tiresome for miners to get geared up and then start patrolling maints for antags as drakes and maniacs with meathooks. It isn't their job to be security, but there are no restrictions enforced on where they can take their weapons, meaning that they essentially become a security force that answers to nobody, and I've yet to see security ever enforce restrictions on miner weaponry. So, to cut down on the miner lynch mobs roaming maint looking for people to kill, I propose that like the gateway energy gun, mining weaponry doesn't function on the station. Honestly I don't know how much coding it would take, perhaps just a z-level check as a safety switch for the stuff, but having them come onto the station geared up like gamma and start hunting for antags without even having probable cause is common and, in my opinion, unfair. TLDR: Remove mining's ability to be an unopposed lynch mob by keeping their weapons from working on station.
    1 point
  5. Hey, welcome biba!! Always great to see a new face around. Ss13 is a *bleep*ing hard game to get the hang of, but soooo rewarding when you do. Look forward to seeing you on board
    1 point
  6. Greetings! If you happen to have any questions regarding game mechanics - feel free to hit f1 and select mentorhelp! And adminhelp for other questions, like questions regarding rules.
    1 point
  7. Welcome to Paradise! Make sure to read the wiki (up at the top bar), because it contains...basically everything about the game. The forum guides aren't too bad once you've given that a look, too. Glad to see you're having fun!
    1 point
  8. Gosh, really nice work with the art! The folds, the detailing and the shading... Also the slight transparent-ness of the slimes. Honestly it's amazing! It's inspiring, yaya!
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Katie O'Claire, friendly neighbourhood atmospheric technician
    1 point
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