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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2019 in all areas

  1. heeeeey, little art thing for fun. really fun
    2 points
  2. It was @shatterdcoyote's birthday a... long while ago. I just finished this, so sorry it was so late. I like drawing things for people's birthdays! I wish people announced them more often! Thanks to @PhantasmicDream's wonderful reference! Such fancy clothes. ANYHOW, happy birthday! Enjoy the cake!
    2 points
  3. Hello all, hoping to make this a fun thread with fun examples of paperwork. Played as HOP and had a guy give me this brilliantly filled out form for replacement of ID: S-23 Form: Replacement ID card for lost or damaged ID card request Name/Aliases: Ozzy Baker Current Job: Virologist Was the card lost or damaged?: You better believe it was How was the card lost or damaged?: THEN FUCKING SPACE NEIGHBORS STOLE IT AND MY ORGANS. What can be done to avoid this occurring again?: If Viro wasn't a loney job, and if the monkeys could have saved me. Get better monkeys so they can be my god damn bodyguards. What, if any, executive action needs to be taken?: KILL THE SPACE NEIGHBORS
    1 point
  4. Ah, you see, it is because I play a free online spess game. And as such, you, and everyone else here, are nerds as well. Short answer: No u
    1 point
  5. Science can and does do way worse with much less effort. Scichem and toxins alone is horrific in the right hands. If people are hunting for antagonists before any are known, admin help it. We'll deal with it.
    1 point
  6. I just decided to view the forums a bit for once,and I just discovered people were making a lot of character art here,it looks good,really good -coming from a cavemen that can only draw advanced stickmans-
    1 point
  7. Wow! You and dream did such a good job! I'm astounded and impressed, you've both got such a neat style. I love these three.
    1 point
  8. Art done for @Blessed, dangerous drask! Again, if anyone wants an art of their character (its free) - feel free to dm me
    1 point
  9. A little piece of art done for @Mochi (psst Mochi, if you want a hires version - dm me) Also, if anyone wants an art of their character - dont hesitate to send me a mesage
    1 point
  10. So, 20 minutes into the shift, fastmos throws a floor tile at me and breaks a bone. I go into surgery, as one would. I wake up and the surgeon proudly proclaims that he IMPROVED my hands. By replacing them with monkey arms. I demand my own hands back, as this wasn't even a hand operation, and he refuses. So I text Internal affairs and the CMO. The surgeon still refuses, but now claims that I actually consented to this operation. I deny that and the surgeon gets fired. So far, normal medical misshap, one might think. Except this is where things really start. The CMO puts my old hands back. Except by now, they have rotted. I die during surgery, still unconscious, from massive infection. She tries to drag my body to the defib to bring me back, except at that moment, WORMHOLES open and my body falls through and to engineering. Eventually, someone discovery my rotting body. I'm brought to medbay and cloned. Except something goes wrong during the cloning process. I wake up naked, brain damaged and... blind. No worries, says the CMO, just some oculine. The oculine doesn't help. Must be genetic then! Nope, resetting my genes does nothing either. Wait, where my eyes always a dark red? No, they used to be blue... Turns out, I was cloned without eyes. So I'm brought to surgery, where monkey's eyes are removed. Except... the monkey's eyes can't be put into my sockets. Because, even though I don't have eyse, there is no room for eyes in my eyes. Turns out that's the wrong way to do that surgery. Second time, the surgeon slips and breaks my skull. Also, I'm losing a lot of blood. The shuttle is called.Finally, third attempt, the new eyes go in. Skull still broken, I'm dragged out and into the tubes. Back for another surgery. This time without anesthetic, so the surgeon slips four times. Blood loss is adding up again, so I'm now dizzy and getting brain damage. But the shuttle is here now, so enough surgery for today. Total time spent on this odyssey of surgery: over 90 minutes. For a tile to the chest. This may have been the most SS13 shift of all shifts ever.
    1 point
  11. Once upon a time... A long time ago... In a discord channel far far away.... There was a conversation about a strange individual roaming station.. he wears all green, a wrestling mask and is known by the name of El Luchador. Some said he could kill a slaughter demon with his bare Hands... A true hero. Well, there he is
    1 point
  12. Hey, havnt seen you for a long time guys! Today i got an idea to draw some ss13 art, but... well i didnt want to draw anything boring like a normal station crew or something, and that led me to a concept of mech. While i was thinking about new mech, i remembered Space Ninja and it's Spider Clan that was probably removed from paradise, and i decided to give it a try to draw Spider Clan mech, which has giant blade in one hand, another hand is normal one, and of course some invisibility stuff. And person can probably never enter this mech like normal ones, only MMI or some simillar Spider Clan device can fit in.
    1 point
  13. Well, i think i am done, this is my first finished picture i drew without using line sketch. i hope you like it!
    1 point
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