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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2019 in all areas

  1. Because I like to have AUs where Zeke is more threatening... maybe because I can never play antag roles very well so I just draw them... so, I one round I decided to just play around as Nurn’kal near the end of a shift and hung out at CC... where I saw a fax I didn’t see earlier and wanted to read it... but I just ended up nuzzling it. Here we have a couple of cool dudes a love round with @xProlithium where they were an officer and I was the NT Rep... there’s a lot that could be said but I don’t know how to say anything! Lol. Of of course I had to draw a sexy drawing of Zeke in the NT Rep outfit... My IPC FAERIE, was a couple of days ago when I brought him out for a round. Was a lot of fun. He like many of my other characters is a bit of a snowflake where he used to be human before but chose to be an IPC to avoid the charges he had.
    4 points
  2. It was @shatterdcoyote's birthday a... long while ago. I just finished this, so sorry it was so late. I like drawing things for people's birthdays! I wish people announced them more often! Thanks to @PhantasmicDream's wonderful reference! Such fancy clothes. ANYHOW, happy birthday! Enjoy the cake!
    4 points
  3. heeeeey, little art thing for fun. really fun
    2 points
  4. As the title already states, i want to suggest customized starter kits (those boxes everyone starts out with) for IPC, like Vox and Plasmamen have. Those would contain instead of the small oxygen tank and breathing mask an oil can, containing 50 to 100u of oil. This would fix some problems with the IPC race in general, would take little coding (could be just these red oil containing vessels in robotics) and would only make sense from a lore perspective. Also an emergency welding tool and a cable coil could be possible, but those two, or better, are so easily acquired that it doesn't really matter. The glowsticks should just stay for the hell of it, even though they are pretty useless as fast as they expire, as well as the injectors, for those flimsy organics.
    1 point
  5. All i see is HERESY Good stuff.
    1 point
  6. Who in their right mind walks around with a maxcap in hand lmfao And that's also glossing over scichem, which can easily fill a spray bottle with lube or other chemicals and go to town. Or xenobiology, for that matter. My point stands. Science has much easier access to far more deadly equipment much earlier in than mining. Regardless, I'm fine with SoP changes to miners carrying around weapons they find... but not game mechanic changes. Mining itself doesn't need a nerf in my eyes.
    1 point
  7. Please do so before he asks another question.
    1 point
  8. Lol, amazing! It's a shame that I haven't drawn more magical girls. xD
    1 point
  9. Yep, welcome to Paradise. Basically what everyone above suggested will help you get started. Don't be afraid to pop into the discord and say hello there, too! It's quite a lot more active than the forums, and peeps are always having chats there. Hope you enjoy the server and what it has to offer!
    1 point
  10. First round as a Roboticist was also a malf AI round. What fun. So I couldn't really make any new borgs. I decided to have some fun though, and instead of making borgs I put robo-brains into mechs, and IPCs. One of these Robo-brains referred to me as 'Mom', and I thought that was kinda cute, so instead of putting them into a mech like their... I guess, siblings, I put them into an IRC. Being called 'Fate' they decided on the name 'Omen' which I thought was nice. They helped me out with robotics. Heh. The player said they'd make Omen their IPC character! Which made me quite proud. To the left is Fate, and left is Omen. They both have hex codes after their name that represent their colours!
    1 point
  11. And right after liznerd here goes slimenerd, Vespa for @Cheeseman
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Damn, i was busy, finally got time to do fellow crewmember art. here is one for @CheekyCrenando, his friendly Srusu Rskuzu This time i explored some kind of "comics" style, love it
    1 point
  14. The newly wed Dee Jenkins, a real fun person to be around, who also might murder you horribly. But they've got a nice personality! (gosh I'm lazy with backgrounds :^) )
    1 point
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