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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2019 in all areas

  1. Myself and @gangelwaefre tried out some DRAW-PILING just now, and it's a fun time! It's nice to know it works. I've also bothered @PhantasmicDream and @MysticLiger about this too~ So maybe we can do more stuff like this!! This was a short practice session anyhow. If anyone else art inclined wants to join in, just bother me about it~ Gosh I sorta wish we had a dedicated 'art' channel in the discord... ENJOY!
    4 points
  2. As the title already states, i want to suggest customized starter kits (those boxes everyone starts out with) for IPC, like Vox and Plasmamen have. Those would contain instead of the small oxygen tank and breathing mask an oil can, containing 50 to 100u of oil. This would fix some problems with the IPC race in general, would take little coding (could be just these red oil containing vessels in robotics) and would only make sense from a lore perspective. Also an emergency welding tool and a cable coil could be possible, but those two, or better, are so easily acquired that it doesn't really matter. The glowsticks should just stay for the hell of it, even though they are pretty useless as fast as they expire, as well as the injectors, for those flimsy organics.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Bad Vox Spider! No! You steal the Head of securities lamp! You don't eat it! (2 minutes later) BAD VOX SPIDER! YOU DON'T EAT THE HEAD OF SECURITY! YOU STEAL HIS STUFF! STOP EATING PEOPLE VOX SPIDER! That thing was a beast, it broke out of the HoS's office and went on a rampage on the bridge.
    1 point
  5. Voxxy spider, y̵̳̙͚̥̗͇͉͓͉̭̽ǻ̷̡̨̠̙͔̺͎̅͒̎͜͠͠y̵̤͕͈̰͔̳͈͂̃ȁ̶̛̈́̽̂͠ is g̴̯̞̰̔͘ô̵ͅö̸̬͙̍̂d̶̥̮̿͘s. ERTea. One of Tea's more amusing outfits. The EMPRESS of Terror: When regular Queens of Terror aren't enough of an absolute pain. When 1 HoS isn't enough of a pain in the ass.
    1 point
  6. This suggestion was never about welding tools and cable coils in the first place, the original thought was to give every IPC a bit of oil. I just wrote it down as a side idea, a possibility. Furthermore as already stated, those two are so easily acquired, it doesn't matter if they would be added or not. In my opinion 50 to 100u of oil, or even less, are not game changing at all, as the moment an IPC really needs oil is when they can't move a finger anymore. Furthermore there is only one oil tank on the whole station and IPC don't regenerate blood in comparison to most other races. Squishes being the only exception i can think of, but how many water tanks are there, more than twenty? Oil is next to EMPs the greatest weakness to IPC, and the only way to compensate for it is to use this one tank in robotics, which blows up regularly, or to hope someone with access to chem dispensers is nice enough to make you some oil, in small quantities of course.
    1 point
  7. If Voxxy yaya and plasmeme have their own survival kits, then IPC should get their own too. I agree with this.
    1 point
  8. Personally I dislike leaving lore up to the players imagination and interpretation to rp. Its how you get snowflakes and conflicting backgrounds quick, as well as conflicting rp styles for races. It takes me out of it to not have a sure answer to a question about the lore, thus being left with "guess I'll wing it." I'd also love the lore team to come back and flesh out all the lore pages. That being said, in doing so I'm sure they'd step on some toes and encounter some roadblocks, so I doubt it will ever happen. Hell, to flesh out the lore there doesn't even need to be that much more written. Just quick snippets added/changed to explain small details.
    1 point
  9. I suggested it long ago, when emergency boxes got customized, and I got that response.
    1 point
  10. I think it was just never thought of in the first place, which is why it's not added in. IPCs are pretty much untouched when it comes to newcrit, so my straight forward guess is that it was never thought of, cause no one really expected IPCs to need it.
    1 point
  11. This is a very solid idea. The only change I would suggest is going from 15 to 10 cables, but that's an incredibly minor thing just to avoid IPCs starting with a pair of cable-cuffs, which, in all honesty, shouldn't be a problem. If anyone wants to take this up, and wants to make some emergency oil injector or emergency oil container of any kind and needs sprites, shoot me a ping on Discord.
    1 point
  12. Good idea in my opinion. Every other race gets an emergency kit, so why shouldn't IPCs? I think adding some very small cable (15 pieces) and an emergency welder are a fine addition as well, nothing too game changing, and it's all fair.
    1 point
  13. it would be pretty cool to see the lore pages get an update, and get expanded on, alot of the race backgrounds are kind of lacking.
    1 point
  14. Ah, you see, it is because I play a free online spess game. And as such, you, and everyone else here, are nerds as well. Short answer: No u
    1 point
  15. Ahoy there sailors! You know, even when I put Zeke in a setting to be more villainous... He's still beautiful I guess I can only draw sexy pretty characters. So, yes.... I drew the same pose twice, and that was only because when I was first drawing up Zeke and Jonah in it I had and after thought of I should be drawing Jenkins and Nurn'Kal doing this. But ofcourse saying this to my boo Tully, I decided why not just draw both. One of the things my boy Heretic said to me was 'It looks like Jonah and Zeke planned this, but with Jenkins and Nurn'Kal it doesn't... for a joke they told Jenkins to pose for a promotional picture and then Nurn'Kal just shows up' And ofcourse I did take the pose from something, it was in a discord server I was in and I was like I HAVE TO DRAW THIS POSE!
    1 point
  16. Wooo, a redraw! The original one was drawn up in November of 2015.
    1 point
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