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  1. “Warden - Shitsec No More” This is a guide focused specifically on the job of the warden. Certain parts may be applicable to regular Security Officers and the Head of Security when it comes to the use of consoles, processing and timers. Table of Contents: Preface - Terms Used in this Guide Chapter I - Job Outline/Your Duties Chapter II - Job Outline & SoP Chapter III - Processing & Timers Chapter IV - Your Equipment, Consoles, Armory & Storage Chapter V - Permabrig, 'Gulag' & Execution Chapter VI - Closing Notes *Divided into subsections. Preface - Terms Used in this Guide Specifically for newer players or those not experienced with shortened in game terms. Enemy of the Corporation - An Enemy of the Corporation, or EoC, is the in character way of referring to most antagonist types. These range from the Syndicate, Changelings, Vampires, Wizards and so forth. Standard Operating Procedure - Standard Operating Procedure, or SoP, is a departments operating procedure. Every department is to follow their SoP or the employee could face demotion. Brigging - Brigging is a term to describe the processing and sentencing of a prisoner. Chapter I - Job Outline/Your Duties Congratulations! You have been selected to be a Nanotrasen Corporate Security warden! Your job is as follows: Oversee the maintenance of the Station’s Brig & Armory. You are to ensure all the guns are within the armory, that evidence is kept within evidence storage, that processing remains in one piece and that all security lockers remain locked when not in use. Oversee and handle the processing of prisoners. You are responsible for the treatment, proper processing and imprisonment of all prisoners that go in and out of the Station’s Brig. Know and obey Space Law and Security SoP. You are essentially the second in command of the Security department. You are expected to have better knowledge than an officer when it comes to interpreting and understanding Space Law and Standard Operating Procedure. Links to each respective guide can be found here: Space Law & Security SoP Oversee the Perma-Brig, make sure prisoners are healthy oversee executions when required. You are responsible for the entirety of the Station’s Brig and ALL prisoners therein. This includes those in the Perma-Brig,those in either solitary confinement, and lastly, those awaiting execution. Be prepared to step up to the position of Head of Security if needed. As the second in command of the Security department you are to be prepared to step up and take over if the Head of Security is unavailable. Keep in mind you are NOT a normal Security Officer. This job specifies around processing prisoners, managing timers, overseeing the armory and making sure officers conduct legal arrests. If this feels too slow paced you may wish to try Security Officer instead. Chapter II - SoP & Space Law Section I - Space Law “I AM not THE LAW!” Space Law is not as complicated as IAA may have you believe! Nanotrasen has set up an entire law rulebook for you! It is suggested that one has their copy of Space Law open on a tab while playing. That said, review the following hypothetical. The clown throws acid peels on the ground outside of the bridge. Three people slip on said peels and receive moderate burn damage. What do you do? A. Beat the clown, steal his kick-ass shoes and shove him in the electric chair as punishment for his actions. B. Charge the clown with Workplace Hazard (200) and Assault (202) for 10-20 minutes. C. Permabrig the clown because acid peels must mean he’s an EoC. D. Charge the clown with three accounts of Battery (102) and Workplace Hazard (200) for 15-30 minutes. If you answered A - If you answered B - If you answered C - If you answered D - Section II - Security Standard Operating Procedure “SoP is not optional.” Standard Operating Procedure, no matter what the Head of Security or Captain tells you, is not optional. It is suggested that you know the ins and outs of Security Standard Operating Procedure before you play as the Warden. In rare circumstances, Central Command is the only authority capable of overriding Standard Operating Procedure. When in doubt, A-Help. Let’s try another hypothetical now that you’ve read up on SoP. Which of the following is true? A. The Warden may issue non-lethal armor and weapons from the armory at his leisure no matter the code color or situation. B. On code green the Warden may set up portable flashers and barricades in the Brig. C. On code blue the Warden may make arrests. D. On code red the Warden may hand out armory equipment to officers freely without permission. If you answered A - If you answered B - If you answered C - If you answered D - Chapter III - Processing & Timers “My timer should be 5 minutes not 35. I didn’t assault the clown, resist arrest and sabotage anything! Thanks for ruining my experience. I am get admin! ShItSeC!” Once someone is arrested they should be brought into the processing room and either processed by the officer or by the Warden. Although officers can process and brig prisoners, it is highly suggested that you take most cases yourself. Officers can typically handle a 100 level case but it is suggested the warden handle cases such as 200 levels and up. IAA will typically request your presence when arguing with an officer, you should be handling processing by default anyhow. In processing the person should be thoroughly searched; Pockets, the belt and backpack should be thoroughly inspected. When a person is suspected to be a traitor,other actions should occur - such as making sure to search their PDA and radio headset to check for a Syndicate uplink or cartridge. Evidence found linking someone to a crime is to be confiscated and placed into evidence storage with, preferably, a labeled evidence bag. You can label evidence bags with a hand labeller, which can be found in Evidence Storage. Timers are dictated by Space Law. As stated in Chapter 2 you are to know Space Law well and should consult the book if needed. If a criminal complies, surrenders or otherwise works with you, you may adjust their brig timer appropriately. If you have a Magistrate aboard the station you will have to work with them when it comes to deciding on Brigtimers. While it is your job to process, Brig and set timers it is the Magistrate’s to make sure timers are both correct (In respect to Space Law) and ‘fair’. If a person manages to rack up enough crimes to equal 60 minutes of brig timer is a five time repeat offender (for the same crime) you may proceed to place them in the Perma-Brig them. Chapter IV - Your Equipment, Consoles, Armory & Storage Section I - The Warden’s Locker “Warden! Gimme badge gimme badge gimme badge” Your locker contains most of the things you will need to start a code green shift. It contains the following: Security Belt - Equipt already with a Seclight. (I suggest placing the spare Seclight in your pocket or mount it on your taser) Spare Taser - Incase you lose yours. Warden Clothing - To look snazzy. Just don’t forget to up your suit sensors. Pepper Spray - Spray n’ pray. Only works if the target is not wearing eye or mouth protection. Stunbaton - Used to stun prisoners. Or harmbaton the Clown for fun. The latter is not suggested. Warden Mask - Operates similar to a Security gas mask but covers the entire face. Spare Security HuD - Incase you lose yours. Krav Maga Gloves - These are a HIGH RISK ITEM! Do NOT lose these! Wearing them gives you special take down, mute and ‘stop breathing’ moves as well as do more punch damage. These items should either be kept on you or within the locker at all times. Section II - The Warden’s Consoles “Warden, set some guy with a green afro to arrest. I don’t know who, I didn’t catch the name.” In the above picture you will notice that there are three consoles in the warden’s office. These consoles are as follows: Implant Management Console - This console allows you to view the implants you have placed into prisoners. If a tracking implant is used you may send an internal message to the implanted person and track their exact coordinates while on station. If a chemical implant is used this is where you can activate it. Security Records Console - This console is the same one you will find at the Security front desk. It can search and adjust Security records. This is how you would set someone to arrest. This one is a bit ‘safer’ to use as you do not have to sit at the front desk to use it. Remember to log yourself out after use. Security Cameras Console - This console allows you to use the security cameras around the station to check on remote areas. It is suggested that you monitor these if you have nothing else to do. The amount of times officers have caught someone trying to cremate a body in front of a camera is staggering. Cell Management Console - This console can remotely control the prison cells within the brig. The Warden can use this console to adjust times, release prisoners and view the reason given for the prisoners timer. Section III - The Secure Armory “Yo warden, give me a riot shotgun. So what if it’s code green?” The Secure Armory is where all of Securities’ lethal and non-lethal weapons are to be stored. Upon round start you should find a piece of paper on your desk stating what the armory should contain. This may depend upon if you have the normal armory layout or if Central Command graces you with the “experimental armory” which contains different weapons. By default it’ll contain the following: Three Laser Guns - Lethal mode is the only mode on these. Three Energy Guns - These can switch between lethal and disable. They can also mount a Seclight. Three Spare Tasers - These do not include the extra found in your locker. They can also mount a Seclight. Three Riot Shotguns - These come pre-loaded with rubber bullet non-lethal shells. Used during riots to suppress and disable protesters. Three Boxes of Buckshot - These are lethal rounds for the riot shotgun. Only to be issued on code red to shotgun users. More effective the closer you are to your target. One Box of Tranquilizer Darts - These are non-lethal rounds for the riot shotgun. They put a target to sleep while dealing minimal damage. Two Boxes of Beanbag Slug Shells - These shells operate similar to rubber bullets but fire a single slug projectile. These are identical to what the Bartender uses to keep the peace. Bulletproof Armor & Helmets - Located beneath the ion rifle and ablative vest is a single rack containing helmets and chest pieces. These are better than normal armor for officers. Riot Armor, Helmets & Shields - The riot armor and helmets are some of the best armor Security has access to. However it is notably bulky. The riot shield is able to deflect around 50% of physical attacks such as bullets or stabs that comes towards the wearer. The Riot shield can be worn on the back, but it does not provide protection when worn that way. Ion Rifle - The ion rifle is extremely useful at taking down borgs, mechs, AI’s, IPC’s and other beings that are susceptible to electromagnetic pulses. BE CAREFUL if an officer takes this! The last thing you need is a shitsec officer thinking this is a normal rifle. Ablative Vest - This vest is similar to armor but protects the wearer better from energy related projectiles. This is an IMPORTANT ITEM so make sure it stays secured! Section IV - The Armory/Storage “Sorry, Warden. I broke into your office for a free chem implant. But hey, I have meth now!” The armory is directly above the wardens office and directly to the left of the secure armory. This is where extra non-weapon security equipment is stored as well as the Warden’s implants, portable flashers and deployable barriers. Your equipment in here is as follows: Spare Boxes of Flashbangs - Very helpful for security officers incase the vendor in the front runs out. Sectech Vending Machine - This machine can be found next to the security lockers beneath the secure armory. Sec lights, zip ties and so forth are found in these. Helpful to use this one if the other runs out of items in it. One can also hack these machines for security hailers. Biohazard Locker - Used incase of a virus outbreak or handling materials that could infect someone. This suit is nearly worthless. Bomb Suit Locker - Allows the wearer to survive explosions. Typically should be used when defusing bombs aboard the station. Deployable Barriers - These can be used to block off areas of interest, such as hacked open doors.r They can also make choke points to aid Security incase of a Brig raid. Now in grenade form! Deployable Flashers - These can be set up around the brig with a wrench to blind those who do not wear sunglasses or security HuDs. However these will stun security borgs! Tracker Implants - Tracking implants are found within the tracker implanter box. Inside should be a set of tracking implants in their case and an implanter. Chemical Implants - Chemical implants are found within the chemical implanter box. Inside should be a set of implants in their case, an implant viewer and implanter. Mindshield Implants - Mindshield implants are found within the Mindshield implant lockbox. Any officer can unlock the box. Inside should be a set of Mindshield implants and an implanter. You’ll need to unlock the box before the contents can be accessed. Mechanics Toolbox - The mechanics toolbox is nothing special but contains useful tools. A wrench can set up deployable flashers. A screwdriver can adjust one’s security mask setting and a welder can aid in welding the Brig’s many vents. Chapter V - Perma-Brig, ‘Gulag’ & Execution Section I - Perma-Brig & Preparation Following Space Law any containable EoC’s as well as anyone who has committed an exceptional or capital crime should be processed, search and prepared for transfer to the Perma-Brig. The Permabrig is more isolated than most of the station but that does not mean you can ignore it. Escape attempts may occur. To prevent escape, one should follow the proper process for permabrigging. Search Syndicate EoC’s for implants. Brigging an EoC with an EMP or storage implant can be potentially hazardous to yourself and the Station at large. As such, implants should be searched for and removed as soon as possible. This can be done via Organ Manipulation surgery on the chest. Surgery can be performed by the Brig Physician or a Medical Doctor. When handling an EoC in general medical, it is advised you consult the Chief Medical Officer, or bring another Officer along with. See to a termination of the prisoner’s ID. It is suggested to do this while the prisoner is undergoing surgery. It is the HoP’s job to terminate ID’s so do not be afraid to ask him on security coms, PDA or in person. Sometimes it is best to task an officer to do this for you if you are under severe pressure, or you can’t be bothered. Dress the prisoner in proper clothing and confiscate their headset/PDA. If you have not already confiscated the prisoner’s headset and PDA do so while dressing them in prison clothing. The prisoner should be given a new headset from the locker. You may give the prisoner a new PDA but do NOT return them their old PDA. Only the original PDA modified and issued by the Syndicate round start is capable of containing a radio-uplink. Implant the prisoner with a tracking implant. This should be done so one may passively track the prisoner in case of escape attempt, or alternatively of parole. Chemical implants are suggested for Vampires or particularly rowdy prisoners. Lock the door to the perma cell. Perma cells are where the beds are located in the Perma-Brig. You should press the button on the wall to lock the door to prevent other perma prisoners from ambushing you with any shenanigans. If you feel you may not be able to handle this yourself ask your fellow officers or the AI to watch you while you place a new prisoner into Perma. Undo the cuffs and stun as per usual brigging. Make sure you do not leave any materials or items in the cell with the prisoner. Remember, ALL perma prisoners are to be evacuated to the escape shuttle at the end of the shift. Take proper precautions to make sure you are able to cuff them and haul them to the shuttle. It is highly recommended to have officers assist you in this to avoid escapes. Ensure that Perma prisoners are buckle-cuffed to the shuttle chairs in the security section, lest they escape while you handle the general evacuation. All prisoners who escape the permabrig are immediately flagged as ‘Kill on Sight’. Be sure to update their records to reflect proper crimes whenever possible. If re-apprehended it is suggested that you ask the Magistrate’s permission before executing an escaped prisoner once recaptured. You should do all in your power to re-capture Perma Prisoners. Lethal force may be used at your discretion. For those who do not know how to use *chemical implants, here is an easy step by step. Take the chemical implant in its case out of the box. Hold the chemical/substance you wish to load the implant with in your other hand. Pour the liquid into the chemical implant. Take the implanter out of the box. Use the implanter on the chemical implanter to take it out of its case, thus loading the implanter. Use the implanter on the prisoner. *Vampires should receive holy water chemical implants while a Syndicate member should receive an ether implant. Or liquid ants. Section II - ‘Gulag’ The ‘Gulag’/Labor camp can be utilized for either prisoners deserving perma or as a sentence to those with major crimes but not having any perma-able offenses. For those without a perma-able offense, use the prisoners prison ID on the console located in the labor shuttle bay. Adjust the points to be proportionate to the punishment. The console should do the conversion of minutes to points for you. For those who are an EoC or have committed either an exceptional or capital crime proceed with permabrigging as normal. After having the prisoner checked for implants, dressed and injected with a tracker/chem implant - transport them onto the shuttle. The prisoner may be left unattended at the labor camp but it is typically recommended that the Warden keeps an eye on them via the security camera console. Gulaging someone has the benefit of making a prisoner mine valuable resources for the station. However there is a danger of leaving a possibly violent prisoner down on lavaland, even if he is isolated from the general miners via a lava chasm. Section III - Execution All executions should be done in accordance SoP as well as Space Law. To execute a prisoner you MUST have either the Magistrate’s approval or the Captain’s approval if the Magistrate is not present. Neither you or the Head of Security have the right to order an execution. The steps of a proper execution are as follows. Terminate the prisoner’s station ID. If this is not done the execution is considered UNLAWFUL and can result in murder or manslaughter charges. The prisoner is to be dressed in proper prison clothing. All non-prison clothing should be kept in the prisoner gear lockers located outside of the perma hallway. Authorization to carry out the execution must be given by the magistrate. If the Magistrate is unavailable, the judgement falls upon the Captain. If the Captain is also unavailable, Central Command must be faxed for authorization. The Prisoner is to be set to execute with their crimes clearly labeled. The authorizing official's name should be recorded on the security record under ‘notes’. Right before execution the prisoner is to be allowed to say their final words. It comes down to the decision of the Magistrate, Head of Security or Warden how those words will be heard. Typically the prisoner should either be given a headset to record his last words to the crew or, if fearing unrest from crew, simply record their last words via a recording device. It is suggested to have a medical personnel or the brig doctor on site to verify the prisoner’s death. This is not mandatory, but highly recommended. The prisoner may request a Chaplain to be present. The Head of Security has final say if they wish to allow this or not. It is suggested that the Chaplain is summoned if the prisoner requests so. Standard Execution Methods: Electric Chair - The electric chair is the most common form of execution. Simply place the cuffed prisoner into the chair and activate the receiver found on the table. Lethal Injection - Lethal injection is a common form of execution. The prisoner is to be buckled into the electric chair or bed located in the execution chamber. The locker in the corner contains syringes full of lethal fluids. Needless to say this execution method is not possible for IPCs. Firing Squad - Firing squad is considered one of the most common forms of execution next to the electric chair. Buckle the prisoner into the chair. After they state their last words any security wishing to perform the execution may open fire with any lethal ranged weapon. Asphyxiation, Gas/Space - Asphyxiation is another rare yet standard form of execution. The prisoner is to be placed into the electric chair, the air valve turned off to the room and the blast doors opened. Once the prisoner dies from asphyxiation one is to close the blast doors, reopen the valve and allow the room to repressurize and vent. This method is not available on Box Station as there are no blast doors. You may also asphyxiate a prisoner by injecting non-breathable gases into the room via a Canister Port. There should be one placed obviously next to the air-switch in each station’s respective execution chamber. Prisoner Request - The prisoner may request other forms of execution. It is up to the magistrate if this is acceptable or not. Some examples include: execution via harm baton, execution via mass driver while in a casket, execution via force-fed mint, execution via beheading, etc. The prisoner is not entitled to decide his execution method. Execution Alternative, Exile - Exile is an alternative to execution and requires either the Magistrate, Captain, Head of Security or Warden to approve of. To exile a prisoner you are you bring him to the gateway room, inject them with exile implants found within the room inside the exile implant locker. Once implanted he is to be prepared with food, a breathing mask, an oxygen or other breathing tank and an emergency auto-injector. Afterward they are to be shoved into the Gateway. This implant should successfully prevent the prisoner from returning to the station via gateway. Congratulations! You’ve made it through till the end! Feel free to leave feedback and correct this guide if it was wrong in any way!
    2 points
  2. Oh yeah, I forgot to post this. Speak of the devil, this is @Spacemanspark 's ANGELICA! It was a quick ol' thing... and uh, you can probably see I've been over-using the sparke brush. I'm trying to take Dreamy's advice on backgrounds. I'm GETTING there. Maybe.
    2 points
  3. Spoilers in the forums now display like this: The change is that you can now read them - no more light text on a light background. Credit @Rebel0 for the extensive spoiler use that made me first notice this issue, and @xProlithium for poking me enough that I fixed it.
    2 points
  4. Here we have Zeke, who had a stressful shift and needs to unwind. He probably has a lot of bubble baths...
    1 point
  5. Thanks for the very nice guide! I'd just add the locations of soaps and space cleaner and tell folks that keeping brig clean is wardens job.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
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