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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/2019 in all areas

  1. You know, I think I like this style a bit more... It's pixel-ie and suits the more simple drawings that I do for this. Anyway, here's your N.N.O, Alyssia! So fluffy, but if you try and pet, you will probably be promptly dead'd.
    3 points
  2. My name is Riff/y/s. I'll answer to any of 'em really. I'm new to SS13 but I'm lovin' it so far, especially here. I'm not quite proficient with most of the jobs yet, but I'll get there. Anyway, I'll catch'ya around!
    2 points
  3. Hey! Welcome to Paradise Riff/y/s SS13 can be a pain to get used to, but soooo worth it. If you ever need help, feel free to ask anyone, whether its myself (keep an eye out for a robot named TURING), another player, or the admins. I reckon we're a good lot. Well, I am anyway
    2 points
  4. Oh yeah, I forgot to post this. Speak of the devil, this is @Spacemanspark 's ANGELICA! It was a quick ol' thing... and uh, you can probably see I've been over-using the sparke brush. I'm trying to take Dreamy's advice on backgrounds. I'm GETTING there. Maybe.
    2 points
  5. Personally, I like to group them so that I am doing all the protolathe things first, then the circuit imprinter after, and space them out into groups that I can print at a time, so less time is wasted going back and fourth. toolbox,(Combat: 1) welding tool,(Plasma: 1) Protolathe Basic Capacitor(Power: 1) Micro Manipulator(Materials: 1, Data: 1) Basic Micro-Laser(Electronics: 1) Tracking Beacon(Bluespace: 1) High-Capacity Power Cell(Power: 2) Reagent Scanner(Biotech: 1, Plasma: 2, Electronics: 2) advanced hard disk drive(Data: 2, Engineering: 2) global positioning system(Bluespace: 2, Materials: 2) Health Scanner HUD(Biotech: 2, Electronics: 3) Security HUD(Combat: 2) Holographic Sign Projector(Data: 3) Advanced Capacitor(Power: 3) Advanced Matter Bin(Materials: 3) Mining Drill(Engineering: 3) Advanced Reagent Scanner(Biotech: 3, Electronics: 4, Plasma: 3) Large Grenade(Combat: 3) cybernetic heart(Biotech: 5) cybernetic heart(Biotech: 5) Circuit Imprinter "Gygax" Weapons & Targeting Control module(Combat: 4, Data: 4) SUPERPACMAN-type Generator(Power: 4, Engineering: 4) Teleporter Console (Bluespace: 3) Quantum Pad Board(Bluespace: 4) wired network card(Data: 5) Chem Dispenser(Materials: 4, Plasma: 4)
    1 point
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